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Need upload space for my OFP Sound replacement mod (20mb+).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from GFX707 on 6:23 am on Dec. 12, 2001

It only seems to extract using winrar

Wouldn't bother though, it screws up some things in OFP anyway like walls not falling over when you shoot them plus tanks can drive right through them

Personally I think that guy Jim's soundpack was better anyway, although any replacement sounds are appreciated

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When you are using an illegal copy of OFP, unexpected results may be possible with any addon that was made on the basis of a legal copy wink.gif.

For the walls not falling in, it for sure has absolutely nothing to do with the soundmod, but a bug with HW T&L that is content of Flashpoint since it´s initial release.

When using normal 3D mode buildings/ walls etc collapse as they should.

As i don´t modified ANYTHING other than sounds for the vehicles except missile velocitys, it´s quite strange you are experiencing this, especially as wall/Building parameters are not stored in the config.bin afaik......

I, nor 4 other people were able to recreate what you experienced.

As you don´t wrote which vehicle can go through walls, nor the place where it happened, there is no way testing your specific situation to recreate it.


- Either you have messed around with the open config.cpp that came with the package, or did other hacking attempts.

- You don´t own Flashpoint for a longer time period, since the HW T&L Bug, or temporary clipping problems are new to you.

- You own an illegal copy of OFP

- You didn´t follow the installation instructions.

In either way, one thing is for sure and guaranteed , none of your issues are in relation to the soundmod if you own an legal copy of OFP and did follow the installation instructions, if this shouldn´t be the case it´s your problem not mine smile.gif.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Unl33t on 9:51 am on Dec. 12, 2001

Best possible is the best qaulity and the best overall sounding weapons.....


So if unrealstic sounds make the gameplay more exiting than realistic ones, I would perfer unrealistic sounds.

If however, the realistic sounds are made to sound better than unrealistic ones, I would love that even more.

(Edited by Unl33t at 7:54 pm on Dec. 12, 2001)

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Well, it´s personal taste. It´s very hard to recreate a realistic weapon sounds on the computer, such as they are normally heard from the firers position. Most people simply do a search on the web and take the next best M16 soundsample, don´t make an effort to do backround research on it.

In addition, it very much depends on your system setup how a sound actually sounds.....when you are playing on cheap Desktop boxes and an integrated mobo soundcard, the results won´t be very satisfying anyway. You have to know that i have a very small homestudio, because audio is my hobby. Along a Hardware 5 1/2 " synthesizer for the comp, i have studio boxes costing around 170$ each. The sounds were done in Sound Forge 4, with extensive filter use to eliminate background and white noise.

I am trying to do realistic sounds of excellent quality (although 22050/ 16bit mono restricts me a bit here), if  you don´t want realistic sounds (because that´s how the weapons you mentioned earlier really do sound M60/PK), Jim´s soundpack would be probably the better choice.

The trick is not to make any sounds, but authentic  sounds, so that you can actually sort the sound to the real life weapon.

Thats why i still am searching for an AK-74 sound, or video.

(Edited by Satchel at 12:01 pm on Dec. 12, 2001)

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i like realism, make em as real as possible, just cos it sounds unattractive to you, doesnt mean we should make it a dog bark or something.

satchel, send me an e-mail, and ill give you it. he might not want it to be plastered all over, i dunno, but ill give it to you in private.

personally, i think that jim's sounds for small arms are too quiet and have too much treble in them, plus the AK and PK sound the same, and that isnt great. his bmp engine sound is good though.

yeah, im sure the mod has no adverse effect on the non-audio aspects...

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hey satchell, ive noticed that when you fire the mg in a tank, you can hear casing drops when you fire. "hmm" i think, quite a nice effect, however, you can hear them on the outside too, which is a bit stupid.

also, arent the shell casings tied to one big ribbon, so they dont scatter all over the place? so you wouldnt really hear them drop, as theyd be nicely tied together.

this is on the russian tanks, but the m1a1 also seems to have the same kind of sound.

hey, also, when youre inside the tank, there is almost no sound at all. is this a universal thing, when you lowered the sound inside the plane cockpits, it did it for all vehicles?

because it sounds really not great, and when you turn out, you still have the quiet sound. however, the outside tank sound is very nice. you ca hear the tracks and everything.

(Edited by Brass at 5:07 pm on Dec. 12, 2001)

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