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Programmer’s Notepad scheme for SQF/SQS?

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Wonder if anyone are using Programmer’s Notepad (freeware) for editing and have made a color syntax scheme for SQF/SQS?



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That's spooky! I switched to pn2 last week and wad wondering the same.

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PN2 is great and handles many other languages as well so it's nice to have one "unified" editor instead of ten. It has lots of options and can be easily be set up with external tools, plugins etc. I use it mainly for MCU dev.

I recommend anyone into scripting/programming to take a look at it since it's very capable (but not overwhelming as some others commercial ones).

Would be great to find a color syntax scheme for SQF/SQS else I guess we have to make one ;)


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Because I'm old and decrepit, sometimes I like to print my scripts out and my previous editor didn't allow me to change the print font and size. PN2 does, but I do miss the word highlighting.

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Interesting little thing. With a quick look it seems like a truly dedicated person shouldn't have too much of a hard time fixing it up to support SQF :)

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I'd start with letting it highlight by cpp/hpp highlighting, that should already highlight important things.

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PN looks nice. Unfortunately the search and replace is not well integrated either.

My advice:

Go for N++ or EPP.

Or one of the SQF IDEs in development by the community.

PS: The thread might be better it the tools forum.

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Interesting little thing. With a quick look it seems like a truly dedicated person shouldn't have too much of a hard time fixing it up to support SQF :)

Probably not to hard but had a quick look at the scheme and it does require a bit reading to setup unless you know how-to. Not much time here coming week but at least I got all commands collected today if anyone wanna give it a shot...

URL for info about schemes http://pnotepad.org/docs/howto/add_support_for_your_language and other languages example here (at bottom) http://www.pnotepad.org/add-ons/

A2:OA 1.59+

abs accTime acos action actionKeys actionKeysImages actionKeysNames actionKeysNamesArray activateAddons activateKey addAction addBackpack addBackpackCargo addBackpackCargoGlobal addCamShake addEditorObject addEventHandler addGroupIcon addLiveStats addMagazine addMagazineCargo addMagazineCargoGlobal addMagazinePool addMagazineTurret addMenu addMenuItem addMPEventHandler addPublicVariableEventHandler addRating addResources addScore addSwitchableUnit addTeamMember addVehicle addWaypoint addWeapon addWeaponCargo addWeaponCargoGlobal addWeaponPool agent agents aimedAtTarget airportSide AISFinishHeal alive allDead allGroups allMissionObjects allow3DMode allowDamage allowDammage allowFileOperations allowFleeing allowGetIn allUnits ammo and animate animationPhase animationState armoryPoints asin assert assignAsCargo assignAsCommander assignAsDriver assignAsGunner assignedCargo assignedCommander assignedDriver assignedGunner assignedTarget assignedTeam assignedVehicle assignedVehicleRole assignTeam assignToAirport atan atan2 atg attachedObject attachObject attachTo attackEnabled backpackSpaceFor behaviour benchmark boundingBox boundingCenter breakOut breakTo buildingExit buildingPos buttonAction buttonSetAction cadetMode camCommand camCommit camCommitPrepared camCommitted camConstuctionSetParams camCreate camDestroy cameraEffect cameraEffectEnableHUD cameraInterest cameraOn cameraView campaignConfigFile camPreload camPreloaded camPrepareBank camPrepareDir camPrepareDive camPrepareFocus camPrepareFov camPrepareFovRange camPreparePos camPrepareRelPos camPrepareTarget camSetBank camSetDir camSetDive camSetFocus camSetFov camSetFovRange camSetPos camSetRelPos camSetTarget camTarget camUseNVG canFire canMove canStand canUnloadInCombat captive captiveNum case catch ceil cheatsEnabled checkAIFeature civilian clearBackpackCargoGlobal clearGroupIcons clearMagazineCargo clearMagazineCargoGlobal clearMagazinePool clearOverlay clearRadio clearVehicleInit clearWeaponCargo clearWeaponCargoGlobal clearWeaponPool closeDialog closeDisplay closeOverlay collapseObjectTree combatMode commandChat commander commandFire commandFollow commandFSM commandGetOut commandingMenu commandMove commandRadio commandStop commandTarget commandWatch comment commitOverlay compile completedFSM composeText configFile configName controlNull copyFromClipboard copyToClipboard copyWaypoints cos count countEnemy countFriendly countSide countType countUnknown createAgent createCenter createDialog createDiaryLink createDiaryRecord createDiarySubject createDisplay createGearDialog createGroup createGuardedPoint createLocation createMarker createMarkerLocal createMenu createMine createMissionDisplay createSimpleTask createSoundSource createTask createTeam createTrigger createUnit createUnit array createVehicle createVehicle array createVehicleLocal crew ctrlActivate ctrlAddEventHandler ctrlAutoScrollDelay ctrlAutoScrollRewind ctrlAutoScrollSpeed ctrlCommit ctrlCommitted ctrlEnable ctrlEnabled ctrlFade ctrlMapAnimAdd ctrlMapAnimClear ctrlMapAnimCommit ctrlMapAnimDone ctrlMapCursor ctrlMapMouseOver ctrlMapScale ctrlMapScreenToWorld ctrlMapWorldToScreen ctrlParent ctrlPosition ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers ctrlRemoveEventHandler ctrlScale ctrlSetActiveColor ctrlSetAutoScrollDelay ctrlSetAutoScrollRewind ctrlSetAutoScrollSpeed ctrlSetBackgroundColor ctrlSetEventHandler ctrlSetFade ctrlSetFocus ctrlSetFont ctrlSetFontH1 ctrlSetFontH1B ctrlSetFontH2 ctrlSetFontH2B ctrlSetFontH3 ctrlSetFontH3B ctrlSetFontH4 ctrlSetFontH4B ctrlSetFontH5 ctrlSetFontH5B ctrlSetFontH6 ctrlSetFontH6B ctrlSetFontHeight ctrlSetFontHeightH1 ctrlSetFontHeightH2 ctrlSetFontHeightH3 ctrlSetFontHeightH4 ctrlSetFontHeightH5 ctrlSetFontHeightH6 ctrlSetFontP height ctrlSetFontP name ctrlSetFontPB ctrlSetForegroundColor ctrlSetPosition ctrlSetScale ctrlSetStructuredText ctrlSetText ctrlSetTextColor ctrlSetTooltip ctrlSetTooltipColorBox ctrlSetTooltipColorShade ctrlSetTooltipColorText ctrlShow ctrlShown ctrlText ctrlType ctrlVisible currentCommand currentMagazine currentMuzzle currentTask currentTasks currentVisionMode currentWaypoint currentWeapon currentWeaponMode currentZeroing cursorTarget cutFadeOut cutObj cutRsc cutText damage date dateToNumber daytime debugFSM debugLog default deg deleteCenter deleteCollection deleteEditorObject deleteGroup deleteIdentity deleteLocation deleteMarker deleteMarkerLocal deleteResources deleteStatus deleteTeam deleteVehicle deleteWaypoint detach diag fps diag fpsmin diag frameno diag log diag tickTime dialog diarySubjectExists difficultyEnabled direction directSay disableAI disableConversation disableSerialization disableTIEquipment disableUserInput displayAddEventHandler displayCtrl displayNull displayRemoveAllEventHandlers displayRemoveEventHandler displaySetEventHandler dissolveTeam distance distributionRegion do doFire doFollow doFSM doGetOut doMove doStop doTarget doWatch drawArrow drawEllipse drawIcon drawLine drawLink drawLocation drawRectangle driver drop east echo editObject editorSetEventHandler effectiveCommander else emptyPositions enableAI enableAIFeature enableAttack enableCamShake enableEndDialog enableEngineArtillery enableEnvironment enableGunLights enableIRLasers enableRadio enableReload enableSaving enableSentences enableSimulation enableTeamSwitch endLoadingScreen endMission engineOn estimatedEndServerTime estimatedTimeLeft evalObjectArgument exec execEditorScript execFSM execVM exit exitWith exp expectedDestination faction fadeMusic fadeRadio fadeSound fadeSpeech failMission false fillWeaponsFromPool find findCover findDisplay findEditorObject findEmptyPosition findEmptyPositionReady findNearestEnemy finishMissionInit finite fire fireAtTarget flag flagOwner fleeing floor flyInHeight fog fogForecast for forceEnd forceMap forceSpeed forceWalk forEach forEachMember forEachMemberAgent forEachMemberTeam format formation formationDirection formationLeader formationMembers formationPosition formationTask formatText formLeader from fromEditor fuel gearSlotData getArray getBackpackCargo getDammage getDir getEditorCamera getEditorMode getEditorObjectScope getElevationOffset getFriend getFSMVariable getGroupIcon getGroupIconParams getGroupIcons getHideFrom getMagazineCargo getMarkerColor getMarkerPos getMarkerSize getMarkerType getNumber getObjectArgument getObjectChildren getObjectProxy getPlayerUID getPos getPosASL getPosATL getResolution getSpeed getTerrainHeightASL getText getVariable getWeaponCargo getWPPos glanceAt globalChat globalRadio goto group groupChat groupIconSelectable groupIconsVisible groupRadio groupSelectedUnits groupSelectUnit grpNull gunner halt handsHit hasWeapon hcAllGroups hcGroupParams hcLeader hcRemoveAllGroups hcRemoveGroup hcSelected hcSelectGroup hcSetGroup hcShowBar hcShownBar hideBody hideObject hint hintC hintC array hintC structuredText hintCadet hintSilent hostMission htmlLoad if image importAllGroups importance in inflame inflamed inGameUISetEventHandler inheritsFrom initAmbientLife inputAction insertEditorObject intersect isAgent isArray isAutoHoverOn isClass isDedicated isEngineOn isFlatEmpty isForcedWalk isFormationLeader isHidden isKeyActive isKindOf isManualFire isMarkedForCollection isMultiplayer isNil isNull isNumber isOnRoad isPlayer isRealTime isServer isShowing3DIcons isText isWalking items join joinAs joinAsSilent joinSilent kbAddDatabase kbAddDatabaseTargets kbAddTopic kbHasTopic kbReact kbRemoveTopic kbTell kbWasSaid keyImage keyName knowsAbout land landAt landResult laserTarget lbAdd lbClear lbColor lbCurSel lbData lbDelete lbIsSelected lbPicture lbSelection lbSetColor lbSetCurSel lbSetData lbSetPicture lbSetSelected lbSetValue lbSize lbSort lbSortByValue lbText lbValue leader leaveVehicle lifeState lightAttachObject lightDetachObject lightIsOn limitSpeed lineBreak list listObjects ln lnbAddArray lnbAddColumn lnbAddRow lnbClear lnbColor lnbCurSelRow lnbData lnbDeleteColumn lnbDeleteRow lnbGetColumnsPosition lnbPicture lnbSetColor lnbsetColumnsPos lnbSetCurSelRow lnbSetData lnbSetPicture lnbSetText lnbSetValue lnbSize lnbText lnbValue loadFile loadGame loadIdentity loadOverlay loadStatus local localize locationNull locationPosition lock lockCargo lockDriver locked lockedCargo lockedDriver lockedTurret lockTurret lockWp log lookAt lookAtPos magazines magazinesTurret mapAnimAdd mapAnimClear mapAnimCommit mapAnimDone mapCenterOnCamera mapGridPosition markerAlpha markerBrush markerColor markerDir markerPos markerShape markerSize markerText markerType max members min missionConfigFile missionName missionNamespace missionStart mod modelToWorld morale move moveInCargo moveInCommander moveInDriver moveInGunner moveInTurret moveObjectToEnd moveOut moveTime moveTo moveToCompleted moveToFailed musicVolume name name location nearEntities nearestBuilding nearestLocation nearestLocations nearestLocationWithDubbing nearestObject nearestObjects nearObjects nearObjectsReady nearRoads nearTargets needReload newOverlay nextMenuItemIndex nextWeatherChange nil nMenuItems not NumberToDate objNull objStatus onBriefingGroup onBriefingNotes onBriefingPlan onBriefingTeamSwitch onCommandModeChanged onDoubleClick onGroupIconClick onGroupIconOverEnter onGroupIconOverLeave onHCGroupSelectionChanged onMapSingleClick onPlayerConnected onPlayerDisconnected onPreloadFinished onPreloadStarted onShowNewObject onTeamSwitch openDSInterface openMap or orderGetIn overcast overcastForecast owner parseNumber parseText parsingNamespace pi pickWeaponPool playableUnits playAction playActionNow player playerRespawnTime playerSide playersNumber playGesture playMission playMove playMoveNow playMusic playScriptedMission playSound position positionCameraToWorld posScreenToWorld posWorldToScreen ppEffectAdjust ppEffectCommit ppEffectCommitted ppEffectCreate ppEffectDestroy ppEffectEnable precision preloadCamera preloadObject preloadSound preloadTitleObj preloadTitleRsc preprocessFile preprocessFileLineNumbers primaryWeapon priority private processDiaryLink processInitCommands progressLoadingScreen progressPosition progressSetPosition publicVariable putWeaponPool queryMagazinePool queryWeaponPool rad radioVolume rain random rank rankId rating rectangular registeredTasks registerTask reload reloadEnabled remoteControl removeAction removeAllEventHandlers removeAllItems removeAllMPEventHandlers removeAllWeapons removeBackpack removeDrawIcon removeDrawLinks removeEventHandler removeGroupIcon removeMagazine removeMagazines removeMagazinesTurret removeMagazineTurret removeMenuItem removeMPEventHandler removeSimpleTask removeSwitchableUnit removeTeamMember removeWeapon requiredVersion resetCamShake resistance resize resources respawnVehicle restartEditorCamera reveal reversedMouseY roadsConnectedTo round runInitScript safeZoneH safeZoneW safeZoneWAbs safeZoneX safeZoneXAbs safeZoneY saveGame saveIdentity saveOverlay saveStatus saveVar savingEnabled say say2D say3D scopeName score scoreSide screenToWorld scriptDone scriptName scudState secondaryWeapon select selectBestPlaces selectDiarySubject selectedEditorObjects selectEditorObject selectionPosition selectLeader selectNoPlayer selectPlayer selectWeapon sendSimpleCommand sendTask sendTaskResult sendUDPMessage serverCommand serverCommandAvailable serverTime set setAccTime setAirportSide setAmmoCargo setAperture setArmoryPoints setAttributes setBehaviour setCameraInterest setCamShakeDefParams setCamShakeParams setCamUseTi setCaptive setCombatMode setCurrentTask setCurrentWaypoint setDamage setDammage setDate setDestination setDir setDirection setDrawIcon setDropInterval setEditorMode setEditorObjectScope setEffectCondition setFace setFaceAnimation setFlagOwner setFlagSide setFlagTexture setFog setFormation setFormationTask setFormDir setFriend setFromEditor setFSMVariable setFuel setFuelCargo setGroupIcon setGroupIconParams setGroupIconsSelectable setGroupIconsVisible setGroupId setHideBehind setHit setIdentity setImportance setLeader setLightAmbient setLightBrightness setLightColor setMarkerAlpha setMarkerAlphaLocal setMarkerBrush setMarkerBrushLocal setMarkerColor setMarkerColorLocal setMarkerDir setMarkerDirLocal setMarkerPos setMarkerPosLocal setMarkerShape setMarkerShapeLocal setMarkerSize setMarkerSizeLocal setMarkerText setMarkerTextLocal setMarkerType setMarkerTypeLocal setMimic setMousePosition setMusicEffect setName setObjectArguments setObjectProxy setObjectTexture setOvercast setParticleCircle setParticleParams setParticleRandom setPlayable setPlayerRespawnTime setPos setPosASL setPosASL2 setPosATL setPosition setRadioMsg setRain setRank setRectangular setRepairCargo setSide setSimpleTaskDescription setSimpleTaskDestination setSimpleTaskTarget setSize setSkill setSkill array setSoundEffect setSpeedMode setTargetAge setTaskResult setTaskState setTerrainGrid setText setTitleEffect setTriggerActivation setTriggerArea setTriggerStatements setTriggerText setTriggerTimeout setTriggerType setType setUnconscious setUnitAbility setUnitPos setUnitPosWeak setUnitRank setVariable setVectorDir setVectorDirAndUp setVectorUp setVehicleAmmo setVehicleArmor setVehicleId setVehicleInit setVehicleLock setVehiclePosition setVehicleTiPars setVehicleVarName setVelocity setVelocityTransformation setViewDistance setVisibleIfTreeCollapsed setWaypointBehaviour setWaypointCombatMode setWaypointCompletionRadius setWaypointDescription setWaypointFormation setWaypointHousePosition setWaypointPosition setWaypointScript setWaypointSpeed setWaypointStatements setWaypointTimeout setWaypointType setWaypointVisible setWeaponState setWind setWPPos show3DIcons showCinemaBorder showCommandingMenu showCompass showGPS showHUD showLegend showMap shownCompass showNewEditorObject shownGPS shownMap shownPad shownRadio shownWarrant shownWatch showPad showRadio showSubtitles showWarrant showWatch showWaypoint side sideChat sideEnemy sideFriendly sideLogic sideRadio sideUnknown simpleTasks simulationEnabled sin size sizeOf skill skipTime sleep sliderPosition sliderRange sliderSetPosition sliderSetRange sliderSetSpeed sliderSpeed someAmmo soundVolume spawn speed speedMode sqrt startLoadingScreen step stop stopped str supportInfo suppressFor surfaceIsWater surfaceType switch switchableUnits switchAction switchCamera switchGesture switchLight switchMove synchronizedObjects synchronizeObjectsAdd synchronizeObjectsRemove synchronizeTrigger synchronizeWaypoint tan targetsAggregate targetsQuery taskChildren taskCompleted taskDescription taskDestination taskHint taskNull taskParent taskResult taskState teamMember teamMemberNull teamName teams teamSwitch teamSwitchEnabled teamType terminate text textLog textLogFormat tg then throw time titleCut titleFadeOut titleObj titleRsc titleText to toArray toLower toString toUpper triggerActivated triggerActivation triggerArea triggerAttachedVehicle triggerAttachObject triggerAttachVehicle triggerStatements triggerText triggerTimeout triggerType true try turretUnit type typeName typeOf uiNamespace uisleep unassignTeam unassignVehicle unitBackpack unitPos unitReady unitsBelowHeight units unlockAchievement unregisterTask updateDrawIcon updateMenuItem updateObjectTree useAudioTimeForMoves vectorDir vectorUp vehicle vehicleChat vehicleRadio vehicles vehicleVarName velocity verifySignature viewDistance visibleMap waitUntil waypointAttachedObject waypointAttachedVehicle waypointAttachObject waypointAttachVehicle waypointBehaviour waypointCombatMode waypointCompletionRadius waypointDescription waypointFormation waypointHousePosition waypointPosition waypoints waypointScript waypointShow waypointSpeed waypointStatements waypointTimeout waypointType waypointVisible weaponDirection weapons weaponState weaponsTurret west WFSideText while wind with worldName worldToModel worldToScreen


Edited by KeyCat

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Yeah I used notepad++ for now but something that actually understands SQF could be very nice.

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