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Turn Bis Fnc dirIndicator on and off

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Anyone know how to turn it off when needed, calling it is the easy bit, but I am trying to use it as a kind of track down and kill a few guys, but once the indicator is pointing the way to one guy, I want to be able to turn it off when the guys killed, then start it again tracking someone else.

Any ideas on how to turn the function off ?

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This might be a longshot, but to hide it try:

17 cutRsc ["DEFAULT", "PLAIN", 2];

If that does not work then we may try something more complicated.

To start it again just re-call the function. Let me know if the above works. Good luck!

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Yeah I knew to start it again was to call the function again, but the problem seemed that the indicator went mad once you called the function again, flashing madly.

I got it working in the end, I don't think I was giving it enough time to sort it's self out.

I ended up deleting the trigger that activated the first dir_Indicator fnc, then delete the first target it was tracking, that then starts the indicator to flash a bit madly, leaving it a few seconds, then activating a new trigger to call the function again, tracking the new target, and after a few seconds the indicator stops flashing and now tracks the new target.

So sortred :)

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Well here's another way to do it without any odd flashing.

Simpley set it to track an object ie baseball.

Name it ball and in the init put ball attachto[target,[0,0,0]];ball hideobject true

Then when you want to change the target just put this in a trigger or script.

ball attachto[target2,[0,0,0]];

That way your only calling it once so it shouldn't cause a problem.

Edited by F2k Sel

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That sounds a very good way of doing it F2k Sel, thanks, will give that a go :)

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I have found a way to turn it on and off now.

save the code as kill_bis_fnc_dirIndicator.sqf

// To use bis_fnc_dirIndicator place in a  units init
// dirIndicator = [player,bill,[0.706,0.0745,0.0196,1]] call bis_fnc_dirIndicator;
// to terminate bis_fnc_dirIndicator use the following in a trigger or script.
// null=[dirIndicator]execvm "kill_bis_fnc_dirIndicator.sqf"

visibleMap = true; // fades it out just as if you open the map
sleep 1;
terminate (_this select 0);// stops the program from running
sleep 1;
visibleMap = false; // restets visiblemap so it can be used as normal

Edited by F2k Sel

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I have found a way to turn it on and off now.

save the code as kill_bis_fnc_dirIndicator.sqf

// To use bis_fnc_dirIndicator place in a  units init
// dirIndicator = [player,bill,[0.706,0.0745,0.0196,1]] call bis_fnc_dirIndicator;
// to terminate bis_fnc_dirIndicator use the following in a trigger or script.
// null=[dirIndicator]execvm "kill_bis_fnc_dirIndicator.sqf"

visibleMap = true; // fades it out just as if you open the map
sleep 1;
terminate (_this select 0);// stops the program from running
sleep 1;
visibleMap = false; // restets visiblemap so it can be used as normal

If you use this code, indicator will stop hiding when opening map.

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If you use this code, indicator will stop hiding when opening map.

Gravedigging a 3 year old thread that was originally 'closed' (more or less) is against the forum rules (§10) and you can end up getting infractions for it.

Just so you know.

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I've taken the liberty of;

Adding a killswitch (on the client set a variable called indicatorrun to false)

Replaced a deprecated function call with it's newer script counterpart.

Added a distance indicator. (at  20m or more, the indicator is green, less than 20, it's mauve)


code in spoiler


	Author: Karel Moricky and Tankbuster

	Direction indicator (similar to one CWC-era military game)

	_this select 0: OBJECT - Center
	_this select 1: OBJECT - Related object

_this spawn {
	_center = _this select 0;
	_obj = _this select 1;

	_color = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {[0.424,0.651,0.247,1];};
	_size = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0.1045752};
	_fadeIn = 0;
	_fadeOut = 0.8;
	_delay = 0.5;
	_delayFade = _delay;
	indicatorrun = true;

	("bis_fnc_dirIndicator" call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutrsc ["RscMissionScreen","plain"];
	waituntil {!isnull (uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen")};
	uinamespace setvariable ["BIS_RscMissionScreen_dirIndicator",uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen"];

	//--- Definitions
	#define IND_DISPLAY	(uinamespace getvariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen_dirIndicator")
	#define IND_CONTROL	1200

	#define IND_W		(_size)
	#define IND_H		(IND_W * 4/3)
	#define IND_COEF	(1.1)

	#define IND_1	(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + 1))	//--- Left
	#define IND_2	(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + 2))	//--- Top
	#define IND_3	(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + 3))	//--- Right
	#define IND_4	(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + 4))	//--- Bottom

	//--- Init
	_pos = [
		(safezoneX + safezoneW / 2) - ((IND_W) * IND_COEF)/2,
		(safezoneY + safezoneH) - (IND_H) * IND_COEF,

	IND_1 ctrlsetposition _pos;
	IND_2 ctrlsetposition _pos;
	IND_3 ctrlsetposition _pos;
	IND_4 ctrlsetposition _pos;

	IND_1 ctrlsettextcolor _color;
	IND_2 ctrlsettextcolor _color;
	IND_3 ctrlsettextcolor _color;
	IND_4 ctrlsettextcolor _color;

	IND_1 ctrlsetfade _fadeOut;
	IND_2 ctrlsetfade _fadeOut;
	IND_3 ctrlsetfade _fadeOut;
	IND_4 ctrlsetfade _fadeOut;

	IND_1 ctrlcommit 0;
	IND_2 ctrlcommit 0;
	IND_3 ctrlcommit 0;
	IND_4 ctrlcommit 0;

	IND_1 ctrlsettext "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\rsctitles\dirindicator\dir_270_ca.paa";
	IND_2 ctrlsettext "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\rsctitles\dirindicator\dir_000_ca.paa";
	IND_3 ctrlsettext "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\rsctitles\dirindicator\dir_090_ca.paa";
	IND_4 ctrlsettext "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\rsctitles\dirindicator\dir_180_ca.paa";

	//--- Display again after load
	_this spawn {scriptName "fn_diIndicator.sqf: Load restart";
		_load = [] spawn {scriptName "fn_diIndicator.sqf: Load detection";
			waituntil {false};
		waituntil {scriptdone _load || isnull IND_DISPLAY};
		_this spawn bis_fnc_dirIndicator;

	while {alive _center && !isnull IND_DISPLAY and indicatorrun} do {
		if (visiblemap) then {
			for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {
				(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + _i)) ctrlsetfade 1;
				(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + _i)) ctrlcommit _delayFade;

		} else {
			_centerPos = position vehicle _center;
			_objPos = switch (typename _obj) do {
				case (typename {}): {call _obj};
				case (typename ""): {missionnamespace getvariable _obj};
				case (typename objnull): {position vehicle _obj};
				default {_obj}
			_dirTo = if (_centerPos distance _objPos > 0 && _objPos distance [0,0,0] > 0) then {
				_dirTo = (vehicle _center) getRelDir _objPos;
				_dirTo = round (((_dirTo + 180) % 360) / 90);
				if (_dirTo <= 0 || _dirTo >= 4) then {_dirTo = 4;};
			} else {

			for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {
				_fadeCurrent = ctrlfade (IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + _i));
				_fade = if (_dirTo == _i && _dirTo >= 0) then {
					if (typename _obj == typename objnull) then {
						//--- When unconsious, blink
						if (lifestate _obj == "UNCONSCIOUS") then {
							if (_fadeCurrent == _fadeIn) then {_fadeOut} else {_fadeIn};
						} else {
					} else {
				} else {
				if (_fadeCurrent != _fade) then {
					(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + _i)) ctrlsetfade _fade;
					(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + _i)) ctrlcommit _delayFade;
				if ((_objPos distance2D _centerPos ) < 20) then
						(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + _i)) ctrlsettextcolor [0.4,0.4,0.6,1];
					} else
						(IND_DISPLAY displayctrl (IND_CONTROL + _i)) ctrlsettextcolor _color;

		sleep _delay;

	IND_1 ctrlsetfade 1;
	IND_2 ctrlsetfade 1;
	IND_3 ctrlsetfade 1;
	IND_4 ctrlsetfade 1;

	IND_1 ctrlcommit 0.5;
	IND_2 ctrlcommit 0.5;
	IND_3 ctrlcommit 0.5;
	IND_4 ctrlcommit 0.5;






From my mission; The Prowler is called Forward



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