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co30 Hohei Evolution 2 - the Evolution must go on!

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In the Takistan versions there is two roles which can HALO but not in the Chernarus versions, can you add them in the next version pls.

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In the Takistan versions there is two roles which can HALO but not in the Chernarus versions, can you add them in the next version pls.

Realy?! I had forgotten it aagain to actualize the classes... my mistake.

Can you create a ticket for this on dev-heaven?


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Admin spectating is not working but all the other admin functions are like lock AHQ and kick. It says it is only for admin when I am logged in.

Edited by Dirty Haz

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Revive isn't working for me in 2.06. I can see the revive action, but pressing it does nothing. This is without ACE.

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Admin spectating is not working but all the other admin functions are like lock AHQ and kick. It says it is only for admin when I am logged in.

Fixed! thx for report.

Revive isn't working for me in 2.06. I can see the revive action, but pressing it does nothing. This is without ACE.

Other players told me revive works fine. Maybee a serious-one-time-mistery-bug? :rolleyes:

Problem with missing classnames for HALO in some versions are fixed too.

If i can collect enough feedback to this and it's realy a EVO problem i will release a hotfix version.


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-Psycho-;2102333']Fixed! thx for report.

Other players told me revive works fine. Maybee a serious-one-time-mistery-bug? :rolleyes:

Problem with missing classnames for HALO in some versions are fixed too.

If i can collect enough feedback to this and it's realy a EVO problem i will release a hotfix version.


Should I redownload it or will the admin spectating bug fix be in next version? I also found another bug with the ranking where I was colonel and my game crashed but after I joined my rank was private until I took down the tower then it was back.

Edited by Dirty Haz

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Good invention - rank will be saved in next version after a reconnect.

All changes are after release of next version or hotfix avalible.

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Can you make a hotfix pls?

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This may be related to the HALO classnames bug. When on RED Evo CO Takistan you spawn as en engineer if you choose spetsnaz.

There is still no Metis or M79 ammo in Red CO Chernarus.

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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I had that but I thought it was supposed to be like that. I found a bug with the officer where when you capture him you do not need to take him back to POW camp to get the points. When you capture him it also says soldier any. The marker for the officer sometimes does not update and when you get near him you can not capture him as he will not keep still, maybe make the officer stand still in the town and when he is captured then let him flee?

Edited by Dirty Haz

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Please add a parameter to disable the teamkill punishment system. I really dislike being sent to "prison" for 60 seconds for being shot down in a helicopter with friendlies aboard.

Here's a short video elaborating on some discovered bugs. If this helps the author fix them I'll upload more videos of bugs. Much easier for me then creating a ticket on DevHeaven trying to explain the bug.


Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Please add a parameter to disable the teamkill punishment system. I really dislike being sent to "prison" for 60 seconds for being shot down in a helicopter with friendlies aboard.

Here's a short video elaborating on some discovered bugs. If this helps the author fix them I'll upload more videos of bugs. Much easier for me then creating a ticket on DevHeaven trying to explain the bug.

I can not reproduce any of these bugs on Chernarus Red CO but I hear a sound mod in the video so maybe that is the problem. I would try it without any mods.

Edited by Dirty Haz

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Please add a parameter to disable the teamkill punishment system. I really dislike being sent to "prison" for 60 seconds for being shot down in a helicopter with friendlies aboard.

Here's a short video elaborating on some discovered bugs. If this helps the author fix them I'll upload more videos of bugs. Much easier for me then creating a ticket on DevHeaven trying to explain the bug.

I can not reproduce any of these bugs on Chernarus Red CO but I hear a sound mod in the video so maybe that is the problem. I would try it without any mods.

I can confirm it's not mod related. Tried vanilla and the soundmod indeed had no impact. Still persists in vanilla.

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Is this on OA standalone or CO ?

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I have tested several times but can not reproduce it, I used the AT Specialist (Metis) slot-role when testing so try that but I doubt it will change anything.

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Try as an Engineer. I should add Takistan has a Metis with ammo, yet Chernarus does not.

Have you tested the saving equipment bug found in my video?

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I have just tested again and I can reproduce the missing Metis ammo but not the save loadout bug. I have created a ticket over at Dev-Heaven.

Edited by Dirty Haz

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Yes and I can not reproduce it but I will try as Engineer.

You are using 2.06 full right? May be a stupid question, but in 2.05 the gear saving worked fine.

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Just updated my post.

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"Please add a parameter to disable the teamkill punishment system. I really dislike being sent to "prison" for 60 seconds for being shot down in a helicopter with friendlies aboard."

What specify place in the helicopter when that happens? (pilot, gunner, ....)

I want to release a hotfix version next week. Collect all this stupid minor bugs until next weekend and they are history.


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-Psycho-;2102674']"Please add a parameter to disable the teamkill punishment system. I really dislike being sent to "prison" for 60 seconds for being shot down in a helicopter with friendlies aboard."

What specify place in the helicopter when that happens? (pilot' date=' gunner, ....)

I want to release a hotfix version next week. Collect all this stupid minor bugs until next weekend and they are history.



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@Psycho - great version of Evolution this! Loving the ACE version especially!

I noticed that the mission was kicking out lots of 'Unknown attribute height' and 'Unknown attribute width' errors when looking at the MHQ and AHQ flagpoles. I noticed a small mistake in the HTML used to display it in i_client.sqf;

[format ["<t color='%1' size='1.5'>%2</t>",EVO_grey,_head1 + "<br/><img image='pictures\mhq.paa' [color=#ff0000][b]width='350' height='190' [/b][/color]/>"],_pos1,14,0.5] spawn credits_3d; //old: bis_fnc_3Dcredits
[format ["<t color='%1' size='1.5'>%2</t>",EVO_grey,_head2 + "<br/><img image='pictures\airhq.paa' [color=#ff0000][b]width='350' height='190' [/b][/color]/>"],_pos2,14,0.5] spawn credits_3d;

You can't specify a width and height here when using the image command. You can specify a size though. If you just remove the width and height parameters then it looks fine and doesn't spam the report file!

On another note, could you tell me what the following does in i_common.sqf? I am afraid my German is not so good and Google translate failed me!

//alle fahrzeuge die NICHT in den evo-spawn fallen sollen - also nicht an ort und stelle repariert werden müssen
EVO_spawn_vecs = [
//alle fahrzeuge die KOMPLETT aus dem evo system fallen sollen, also ohne respawn oder ein eigenes respawnsystem enutzen
//for example, medivacs used as mobile spawn or lift choppers, transport choppers...
EVO_own_spawn_system_vecs = ["Mi17_medevac_CDF","Mi17_medevac_RU","LAV25_HQ","BTR90_HQ",

Does the first array contain vehicles that will not respawn if destroyed and the second contain vehicles that will respawn if destroyed?

As I said I like this version of Evo and it runs very well indeed - my not very good dedi server never dipped below 30fps running this for over 24 hours! Some of the code in there is outstanding! Nice one!

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Thank you for input Jedra!

Since alpha status i'm pissed off by this error message and i dont know where it came from. This change will be included in hotfix next week.

To your question:

The Hohei Evo use 5 different vehicle respawn systems.

These both arrays define alle vehicles that must be excluded from the biggest one. The biggest and evo typical respawn system is the vehicle instant spawn system. (vehicle spawn in field, but damaged)

The second one is for all vehicles that included in the 1st array. (EVO_spawn_vecs) All vehicle in this array will respawn in the base after they are destroyed or stand around unused outside the base for some time. This is for all vehicles that are unarmed and usfefull for transport but without a strategic use.

The other array is only a helper-array to exclude these vehicles from the 1st respawn system but they are not included in the 2nd respawn system. These are all vehicles with extra-special-respawn conditions. For example the MHQ/AHQ has a counted respawn system. the number of respawns reach a defined maximum they will no longer respawn. (it's a lobby setting) And the 4th system is for transport and lift choppers. They use a variable respawn delay system.

The last group (5th system) is for all attack choppers and jets. These are defined on a total different place...

You can see it is not realy clear structured. This difficulty structur is grown up while development over the last eleven month. My destination is to clear these definitions up in a extra setup file. So other player can symply modify this settings.

But it will take another month of work and has no particularly high priority.

Sorry for my bad english at this late hour. :Oo:


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Thanks for your reply Psycho - your English is far, far better than my German at any hour!! I am actually putting together a version on Isla Duala (and when the new Lingor is out, that too) for my private server - I had figured out everything except those arrays. Anyway, when I have merged in your hot fixes you can have them if you are interested.

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