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I think I placed 2 first aid tents in junkers-station also.

PS: @stk2008: Yep this one from armaholic (full package) and the coop-mission!

@wolfstrike: good idea

Edited by Sled88

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Hi folks,

if you are interessted in playing Apocalypse in COOP, we will start a coop-evening. Some screens from the last one...




you only need hamachi and arma2 v1.10 incl. Conspiracies Apocalypse and update 1.01 with the mpmission-file pbo

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Version 1.02 released!


- 4 new missions

- 1 new quests

- added US-weapons

- new island available

- 4 new sectors

- fixed some problems

- added more vehicles

- added more weaponcrates in the gameworld







Edited by Sled88

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yep here a little trailer where you can see the new sectors and the huge enemy-count on that additonal island!

PS: This will be the last update so far for Apocalypse!

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Still waiting for some player for today... We will start at 17:00 hours (GMT+1) So in nearly 3 hours! =) Using Version 1.02 up to 6 players. :) C'mon^^

Visit our forums here:


and just post that you are the man for this. I will send you the needed passwords and connection-infos via PM.

Edited by Sled88

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I'm getting an error report.

Here's what it's saying:


'AddedTankMovementOrderDirectionMarkers_Visuals_C_PvPscene' requires addon 'CAData'

I've downloaded/installed the Conspiracies Full Addon Pack (I'm pretty sure that I updated it to v. 1.01, but could someone please confirm for me where they found v. 1.01 to ensure that I got the right download installed?), and then installed v. 1.02.

The CA.pbo should go where exactly? I'm just making sure that I didn't do something silly with the install.

Thanks in advance!

---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ----------

Never mind. I figured out that I had it all installed correctly, and that the file that was keeping me from getting past the "camera" error was the dfs.3rdperson one. After I deleted it all of my problems went away.

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Great campaign! And thanks for the updates in verson 1.02 - especially the little dune buggy. I have played the first couple of missions in all versions. Hopefully, there won't be another update anytime soon, so that I can finally discover something new ;).

There are a few missions where someone is missing a loved one and the player has to look for this person. I was surprised that these missions end successfully as soon as you approach the person. I would expect you should escort the people to safety. (I am not asking for this to be fixed, it is just a comment.) In the mission where someone needs a truck, the player has to find the vehicle and drive it to the place where it is needed. Then you have to return to the place where you parked your own vehicle. This is time-consuming but plausible.

Maybe a minor bug: I approached a farmer who agreed to supply food and gave me a rifle. Too bad, that I already carried an SVD but I could not refuse his offer. Now I could see the SVD on my back in third person view, but when I tried to aim, my sight was aligned between the barrel and the scope - obviously right for the farmer's Enfield rifle but wrong for the SVD. I drove back to the starting village and dropped the gun into the crate. It turned out that I had carried both guns, the SVD and the Lee Enfield.

Probably an ArmA bug, but very annoying: I attacked a raider base with a group of six AI comrades. When the mission was completed (Pity, we had to destroy the tanks. I would have preferred to steal them, but orders are orders.) I thought, my AIs would like to rearm at the raiders' crates. It was very tedious to tell each guy to walk up to the right crate and stock up. When I was happy with everyone's loadout, they simply wouldn't leave the base. I had opened the gate wide for them and told them to feel safe, copy my stance, form a compact column, follow me, told them idividually and as a group to walk to a place just outside the camp, etc. A few of them stood there, looking at me, some were constantly lying down and getting up, others wandered aimlessly around the base, ignoring my futile attempts at showing some leadership. They stongly reminded me of the contestants in Monty Python's Upper Class Twit of the Year. All this took so long, that two raider patrols interrupted the simple task of just leaving the base and had to be taken care of. If teamswitch had been enabled, I could have helped everyone to better weapons and see them safely through the gate much quicker. If I didn't feel responsible for the personnel under my command I'd just leave them behind and continue on my own, but wouldn't it be cruel to leave a bunch of imbeciles at the mercy of the angry raiders?

Anyway, I really like this campaign and I will also try the COOP mode. Thank you for sharing, Sled88.

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Good feedback! More plz! =)

PS: Maybe we will see in coop next time. :)

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Is this still the same island ?

And would you show me your melee attack script please ?

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By the way you got any tips to make it run smoothly as i am getting a lot of very jumpy game-play.

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Short report:

- implemented eating-module

- implemented resting-module

- implemented sleeping-module

- implemented backpack-module

- implemented Melee-module (CQC)

- 50% gameworld ready...

- still working on additional anomalies

- working on more weapons (thompson and another one finished)


- finished firesucker & venomsucker

- finished rad-cloud-anomaly

and one picture:


more screenies here:


Edited by Sled88

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I think you should stop adding more and more weapon addons.

Most of them are not balanced agains each other anyway.

ArmA2 CO has more then enough weapons, you dont need 5+ weapon addons that add al kind of useless stuff. ;)

Men, if you had spend all the time you needed to place all those objects on all those islands in the editor with creating your own CONSPIRACIES island...now that would be great !!

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I already thought of creating an island, my english is not that good I presume to understand all the examples and manuals how to do...

PS: I have no OA =/

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There are some german island creators for sure, they maybe will be able to help you to get started.

I know how much time it takes to place objects with the 2D editor, it cant be much more work to just learn how to build a island... :p

Ah, and you shoul really buy OA.

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OK little update!

Working enemies:

- government units

- wild dogs

- burning dogs

- radiated zombies

- zombies

- burning zombies

- venomsuckers

- firesuckers

- bloodsuckers

working anomalies:

- fire-anomaly

- rad-cloud-anomaly

- gravity anomaly (reworked)

- particular anomaly

- smoke anomaly

- explosion-anomaly

We also finally got working emissions...

You will have to hide in buildings to stay alive... Otherwise you will die.

Gameplay vids very soon!!!! I hope you enjoy this news^^

Edited by Sled88

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Here we got one teaser!

And a very short gameplay vid without comments or something...

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