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What about fire control systems for tanks?

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Dunno what you think, but I am quite sick of tank gunnery in the vanilla systems. I don't think BIS can get away with manual "rangefinding" and tracking this time, not with 2020s weapons:D

But as the fire control systems for Black Eagle-ish tanks are pretty much unknown, I reckon it's not easy to properly implement tank battles.

What do you expect to see in the new game?

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Yo can already have a better FCS by playing in expert mode and right click on target....called "automode". works properly only without 3rd perspective because with 3rd enabled the right click trows you to to exterior camera.

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Yo can already have a better FCS by playing in expert mode and right click on target....called "automode". works properly only without 3rd perspective because with 3rd enabled the right click trows you to to exterior camera.

Oh, I see. Haven't played ArmA 2, and I'm not quite sure of the functionalities that you described. But that doesn't sound like a realistic system to me. Actually, i had NWD's tank FCS mod for ArmA 1 in mind... but that mod didn't seem to have been passed on to ArmA 2.

Anyway, it's probably too much to expect this sort of detail---- they haven't got it in VBS 2, why would they spend the money to implement such a feature that could potentially drive customers away in ArmA?

Edited by Wen

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Oh, I see. Haven't played ArmA 2, and I'm not quite sure of the functionalities that you described. But that doesn't sound like a realistic system to me. Actually, i had NWD's tank FCS mod for ArmA 1 in mind... but that mod didn't seem to have been passed on to ArmA 2.

Anyway, it's probably too much to expect this sort of detail---- they haven't got it in VBS 2, why would they spend the money to implement such a feature that could potentially drive customers away in ArmA?

While I don't know what tank you are gunning but, the Abrams has an excellent fire control system. As in it's vary accurate and calculates where to fire very fast. I would recommend you do some research on that.

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All they need to do is copy ACE's FCS, its perfect/simple/realistic and intuitive in every way. It is a no brainer.

BIS's FCS in Arrow Head is a bit ropey. I don't know if its my controls but a lot of the time I lock a target it unlocks itself a second later. If I lock the same target again it stays locked...pick a new one and it unlocks again, until re-locked. Could be another bug..who knows.

Also the range setting in the tanks is ridiculous in OA.

M1 = Ranges to 2000m - in increments of 200m (annoying)

M2A3 = Ranges to 1000m - in increments of 100m (not far enough)

Warrior = Ranges to 2400m - increments of 100m from 100 to 800 - then 300m Increments from 800 to 2400..(what?)

Stryker MGS - has no manual range setting, but can still auto range using lock...what's that about?

They should all be 100m increments at most and I don't know where they get their info on maximum range, they should all go out to 3000m. (2500 for a games sake)

Another down side to BIS's "lock to get auto range" is server lag. When you Lock a warping vehicle to try to range it, the Computed rounds always..always miss. With the ACE method this can't happen beacuse you never need to Lock. You just use the Wheel button and fire a laser at it which auto adjusts the gun to the right range....what could be more easy? Their deflection method is similarly easy. With BIS's you have to use lock again...so forget it.

PLEASE just copy ACE's FCS. Don't try to make your own.....why reinvent the wheel (badly) when some one has already done the hard work???

Edited by -=seany=-

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The Only thing I really missed in ACE2 from NWD was the air-burst mode for M830A1, which is very useful against infantry/helicopters.

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I would definatly want things to be as realistic as possible, at least on the hardest difficulty setting, so I can try to learn some new things but not be FORCED to if they were too hard for me to grasp, but ultimatly yeah, TAB-Lock should go, though I can't say I have any new ideas as to what it would be replaced with, even on the easiest of settings.

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Just give us the ability to script user controlled, adjustable speed animations to the turret and gun elevation and the community will handle the rest. :p

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Oopsie seems I'm a bit behind of everything.... :)

Never knew they made all these improvements in ArmA2, I surely have to buy a copy sometime soon then

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Considering the speed of the projectile ( 2,5km-sec, aka +150% more than a Sabot round) and the flatness of the traveling "arch". I am not sure you would really need a advanced targeting computer for targets withing average Arma 2 armor contacts when using the Opfor rail gun tank.

Personally though, I hope that they add a 200mm turret version of the Easter tank. Its kinda unfair to fight a rail gun vs a standard gun in PvP.

Arma 3 pic. Mid left. Rail gun shot?

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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PLEASE just copy ACE's FCS. Don't try to make your own.....why reinvent the wheel (badly) when some one has already done the hard work???

Don't get me wrong, we're flattered, but let's not forget all the blood/sweat/tears the team has put into these things. Wouldn't be fair if BIS would make money with our code would it? :P

Copying the general idea obviously is fine :)

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By copy I mean duplicate the idea, yes. And would you really spite the entire community if they asked for the code ? :D But obviously they are talented enough to accomplish the same end result and mechanics by writing/coding it in their own way. I have to say if I was a modder I would be pretty stoked to have my worked use officially in game, especially when I am not making any money from it anyway.

You have to admit their version of the FCS at the moment is pretty bad compared to what you guys have done.


Actually, I was just thinking, what the heck would an FCS be able to do 12 years from now anyway? I guess it would be almost arcade from a military sims point of view. The gun operator probably just points and clicks arcade style. Also, with bullets that can change their direction after leaving the barrel becoming more of a reality, who is to say the gunner (or even just the commander, no gunner or loader needed) wouldn't just designate a target, fire in the general direction and let the ammo do the work. Same could be said for GPS guided tank main gun rounds. The further we get into the future, the less sim like things there is for us simmers to do in future sim games heh heh.

But then again not every tank in Arma3 will be ultra modern/high tech so we will still need contemporary FCS.

Edited by -=seany=-

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How about a different approach maybe the devs should get Steelbeasts and a real tank gunner and base it closer to the real thing.:cool:

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Yea, there really isn't much stopping Arma from at least having the same caliber of FCS/control as SB PE, or at least giving us the tools to let us have them.

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