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I want to create a mission that can not be saved

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Hi everyone, I think the ARMA 2 is an excellent game, is the best in combat simulators, but I found something that could improve the game even more, the issue is as follows:

when playing on easy difficulty levels or intermediate, the game becomes very easy and boring, the only level "realistic" is the expert, since the values ​​are more complicated, then the game becomes very interesting, but there is a problem: can be saved only once.

however, this is not realistic, because the game's missions and the campaign are not made for this, because when you begin a mission the player begins with a few units (4, 10 etc) against a whole army, and crazy play so, because in real life a colonel will not send

about 8 vs 30 or 50 soldiers, is not real, he would send about 20 or 40, or a little less or more, but in the game there is no such approximate balance of forces, which requires playing easier levels, even if the game is set at an intermediate level for example: regular and sets the values ​​of AI to maximum (to try to enjoy the realism), the game boils down to this: save the game, you get killed, you load it again you keep playing, you saved, you keep playing, you get killed, reload, save, get killed, reload, save, kill you, loads, etc until you finish the mission and becomes routine. Therefore the ideal would be a mission where the player has an identical number of forces to the enemy, but without being able to save the game (as in real life).

Because of this I am creating a mission that has the approximate balance, but how I can put a script into the mission so it can not be saved, but is played at a level easy? ie I want to create a mission that can not be saved even in the options menu put it on easy level. In this way the mission is going to be very exciting, the person playing is not going to limit to save and load the mission because it will force to focus more on the game (it would be like in real life) But while the balance of forces will allow him to overcome, I thank you in advance

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Put this into your init.sqf:

[url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSaving"]enableSaving[/url] [false, false];

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oh, works perfect, thank you very much!

but I have a question

on my first try I wrote:

//begin init.sqf

//Mission parameters

execVM "briefing.sqf";

execVM "start.sqf";

{_x setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]; _x allowFleeing 0} forEach allUnits;

if(true) exitWith {};

enableSaving [false, false];

and did not work, but the second time i wrote:

//begin init.sqf

//Mission parameters

enableSaving [false, false];

execVM "briefing.sqf";

execVM "start.sqf";

{_x setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]; _x allowFleeing 0} forEach allUnits;

if(true) exitWith {};

and and it worked perfectly, why?

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Its because you placed

if(true) exitWith {}; 

You do not need to use this.

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To expand on what Cobra said, in your first example you placed

if (true) exit with {};

before another another statement. This means the script will exit BEFORE any statements after this are executed.

Also, as Cobra said, a SQF file will exit normally at the end anyway, so you do not need this statement. You would only use this if for some reason you wanted to exit the script somewhere in the middle and there are probably more elegant ways of doing this anyway (using a 'while' loop for instance).

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already proved, I found the following very interesting too:

enableSaving false; // Saving disabled and make autosave.

enableSaving true; // Saving enabled without autosave.

enableSaving [false, false]; // Saving disabled without autosave.

enableSaving [false, true]; // Saving disabled and make autosave.

enableSaving [true, false]; // Saving enabled without autosave.

enableSaving [true, true]; // Saving enabled without autosave.

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What if I want to save only once during the mission?

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