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Kerbal Space Program ....the final frontier......

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Thanks. The game is really cool and challenging to get a succesful launch, orbit, and re-entry.

But I'm loving it!

Thanks for the addons as well. ^^

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Hey cool! KSP!

/me is dev :D


LOL I should have know, your name at your forum looks so familiar yet I can't quite put why is that possible:D

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Hey cool! KSP!

/me is dev :D


Well done! It's a very fun game!

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Hey cool! KSP!

/me is dev :D


Yeah, I saw your name on KSP forums, it looked familiar. :)

Great little game you got there...hey, wait a minute!

What are you doing here playing Arma?? :butbut:

You should be developing KSP! :D:p:p We want more! :bounce3:


I tried Sunday punch addon, good stuff, the fun never ends.


I could play this all night, every night.

Too bad I have to work in the morning. :mad: :D :p

Edited by Kernriver

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So in all this space engine talk, I read this mentioned once, tried it, and got hooked like it was heroin.

The 1.4 update is out, I'm downloading it right now, but it adds persistence, landing legs, all sorts of stuff so you can start actually making a space program. Anyway, I love it, maybe you do, maybe you've never heard of it:



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Please search before posting a new thread. Thank you.



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Okay, my bad, this thread is almost a year old and I started a new one :P

There's a new update! It's still fun, if anything much more so, and you should all try it. Also, maybe we could get the thread's name changed to reflect what it's about since there's a paid release? :)

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