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Will ArmA 2/3 ever meet OnLive?

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At last, some of the supporters of this ridiculous project seem to be pulling out.

BT and HTC are walking away with their fingers burned. This is the beginning of the end.

Let's hear no more of it.


I am not so sure that they walked away - it's more like an exceedingly dodgy way of transferring assets to a new company whilst shafting your investors. It will be a wary man indeed that invests in the new company. I hope they did not shaft any publishers in the process because that will make it very hard indeed for them. Shoddy.

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It's just WebTV all over again like I said in an earlier post.

The guy behind both of them [steve Perlman] supposably has a history of this kind of thing.

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Indeed. He does seem to have a back catalogue of unsuccessful products.

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That's nasty. The people at the bottom get shafted even worse here.

Let's hope people stop bankrolling the Perlman chap's ridiculous airy fairy projects.

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This was planned for a long time, Somebody at Onlive have been conducting a sock puppet campaign on forums for over the last year at least.

Sell as many Onlive units and games a possible before pulling the plug and waiting for another company to come along and buy them out

the way he did with WebTV. Steve Perlman will pocket a lot of money and move on to the next neat looking but doomed toy.

People were warned not to buy anything from Onlive but oh no, it's the future of gaming... overpriced, laggy, 720p games you don't actually own

and can't even play unless you keep paying.

I'm betting the majority of the employees are too young to remember WebTV and didn't bother doing a background check on Perlman before investing in Onlive.

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Steve Perlman will pocket a lot of money and move on to the next neat looking but doomed toy.


He's left the company. There's no mention of a golden handshake, but you can safely bet there was one. Even more galling for the blue collar people who got binned in the project and got nothing.

The more I read about Onlive and Perlman, the less I like the fellow. He's a serial muppet, ruining a lot of peoples careers and work life. The sooner he retires, the better.

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He's left the company. There's no mention of a golden handshake, but you can safely bet there was one. Even more galling for the blue collar people who got binned in the project and got nothing.

The more I read about Onlive and Perlman, the less I like the fellow. He's a serial muppet, ruining a lot of peoples careers and work life. The sooner he retires, the better.

I would not buy a used car from him, that's for sure. I cannot believe that anyone would invest in this or any of his future ventures again. I guess onlive will limp on for a bit longer though!

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