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M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

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I have a question:

On some islands the FCS won't work. I always get the message that there is no solution. I tried different targets (grids), I checked that the Howitzer is on a flat surface without any slope. I tried different distances and so on.

For example: Map is Celle2

Howitzer on 67901383 (south of the village of "Klein Hehlen") facing towards NE, deployed spades.

Target is 68662022 Altitude 51 (Hermannsburg)

I get "No solution for this target" all the time on this map. There are several others.

Is there a way to manually calculate a fire solution? Or is this just a bug in Arma/the map/whatever?

Thx for the answer.

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The map was not gridded properly. The map maker has to fix this.

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Yes, it is of course the problem of other addon makers that your addon does not work. :rolleyes:

Since you like to demand "proper configs" from map makers, how does it sound if I demand proper exception-handling from your addon? Hm?

Just my $0.02 on this issue.

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Yes, it is of course the problem of other addon makers that your addon does not work. :rolleyes:

Since you like to demand "proper configs" from map makers, how does it sound if I demand proper exception-handling from your addon? Hm?

Just my $0.02 on this issue.

We didnt demand anything. We didnt say "conform to our addon".But if the island is not done according to consistent vanilla specifications as it should be, how is that our problem? Why should we conform to buggy addons?

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I'm sorry, where are those specifications and rules to mapmaking written? You seem to know an awful lot about map making and it's standards - In case I missed that, please post a link.

Regarding the

We didnt say "conform to our addon".

These two posts convey exactly that message:

Link 1

Please, PLEASE, be vocal to the map makers about this. These are errors in their map!

Their errors, not ours (yours).

Link 2

Its a pretty simple thing to fix, I am not sure why they put all that effort into the maps and then leave them almost entirely broken otherwise with literally 10 lines of config missing or wrong...

This one calls terrains "almost entirely broken" because of coordinates not working with your scripts. Which is so wrong I don't even know where to begin with.

Why should we conform to buggy addons?

Indeed, why should island makers?

This post may or may not come across in a aggressive. I'm indeed a bit pissed off:

You're basically calling many terrains - that took a serious amount of time to make - useless and completely broken, because they do not comply to arbitrary standards you seem to have created.

In my opinion you either deal with the different coordinates, or just not support maps that do not work with your script. It's up to you. I won't be cross in either case, but please stop calling other's addons useless because of limitations of either the provided engine commands or limitations of your own work.

Edited by Mondkalb
Added another direct quote.

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CBA (which the grid to position function is from) was written against the default grid setups in A2 and then OA. We consider the vanilla map grid systems to be "standard".

Your grids are not that bad, most of my complaints come from people who do not set up their grids at all and you get the odd bugs where 4 digit grids turn into 2 digit grids at max zoom instead of 6 digit grids.

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The computer works with 8 digit grid refs on Chernarus, right? We had the gun overshooting by 300m, everything triple-checked.

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I remember having that issue, but I don't remember what caused it. I think maybe it was related to the grid on Chernarus, which uses (unless modded) southings instead of northings. I suggest looking back in the thread, I'm pretty sure it's been covered already.

Is the target-impact line not only always 300m, but always in the same direction?

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Yeah I have had problems on chenarus the Barrel just will not lay on to the target and will not hit what im firing at works on some other maps just not chernarus.

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I've concluded that only the 6-digit format works on Chernarus.

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Hi, i like this mod, but i have a small problem.

i want to use the M898 SADARM Round to eleminate some Vehicles. I know the function of the default Domination SADARM. But when i try to eleminate some Vehicles with the M109 SADARM, i miss the Vehicles, no impact on the Target. So what is the best way to get the best Solution. I know that the SADARM has a Time-Fuze but i was try to hit the target with different Settings but no SADARM hits.

Example Target TOF and TTI = 78.7

i was try to set the Timer on 77.8, 78, 78.5, 78.7 but no SADARM was found his way in the Target. I would be habby to get a Information how to use the SADARM right.

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The sadarm round will travel on a ballistic path passing around 1km above the target. When the timer runs out, it ejects two submunitions that fall by parachute - a small parachute until some 200m above the ground or so, and for minimum a 400m fall. (AFAIR) Then it will deploy a bigger, yellow parachute, and start searching for a target.

I'm going to assume you're on Takistan. Takistan is very windy. This means that the submunitions are blown off target as they dangle in their parachutes. (A real problem with the real sadarm.) I've occasionally had them fly as far away as they were above ground.

One tip is to adjust down by perhaps 400m. This means they don't have as far to fall. In earlier versions you could adjust it all the way down to 100m above ground, which would instantly destroy anything below the rather accurate release position. (Somebody apparently set a 0 time fuze while firing high angle.)

Another is to get out for a bit, find wind strength and direction, and adjust accordingly. (Keep in mind it varies.)

The third way is to have an observer spot the parachute (adjust mission) and tell you where it's flying - and landing.

Yet another way is to use a similar round, like the BONUS - if that ever gets added.

Edited by MaHuJa

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Downloading now. :)

Thanks! I actually just got back from Turkey, including a week in Istanbul!

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Very cool mod, thanks for the mod. I have a problem. trying to install a mod in warfarev2 070LiteCO chernarus , Paladin comes without shells, in what could be the problem?

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Very cool mod, thanks for the mod. I have a problem. trying to install a mod in warfarev2 070LiteCO chernarus , Paladin comes without shells, in what could be the problem?

Is it removing the cargo from the gun? The rounds are stored in the vehicle cargo, not the "magazines" the game uses.

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Is it removing the cargo from the gun? The rounds are stored in the vehicle cargo, not the "magazines" the game uses.

Cargo empty. With the use of Arma 2 Script Executer - script appears transport. Paladin with full ammo - the commander and gunner.


Edited by podval

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Someone else in the thread - recently even - had the same problem, though I think it may have been with another set of scripts.

Basically, you need to either

a) find whatever is removing its cargo (most likely by clearmagazinecargo) , and make an exception for the paladin

b) after it removes the cargo, have the scripts add a new set.

B also allows customizing what loadout they have - for example not using cluster shells (DPICM).

The resident programmer (aka scripter) will have to take the choice of how to best hook into it to give him the least trouble maintaining it in the future.

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Are we likely to see this updated to be compatible with the new ACE artillery system?

As in, interaction key to carry rounds and load, and other features.

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The 155mm shells work as magazines - you can find them in your personal gear screen, they take 8 slots and 50+ kg. Put them into the vehicle's cargo, and you're done. The whole prepare/carry/load routine from there is basically abstracted in the gunners UI.

Nou is behind both the ace m119 and basically everything script/functionality/usage related in this mod. But until we get 155mm static/towed howitzers (like the m777) where the ace arty prepare/carry/load makes sense, and we'd want shells to be interchangable, I don't think so.

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Oh okay, just feels weird in a battery to have the M119's with real objects (10 times more immersive IMO) and Paladin with magazines. But okay.

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Beg my pardon, but is this still destined to turn up in ACE, or has that been changed?

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How the heck do you use it? No guide :/ The gun doesn't even turn of anything for me but it'll shoot straight lol

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