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Death of Retail. No future for the High Street and the Mall?

Is the retail games model in its death throws?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the retail games model in its death throws?

    • I agree the future is digital download!
    • No the future is DVD consoles, Retail games outlets will never die!
    • On line consoles is the way to go!
    • The future is one game to rule them all!
    • It will all be replaced by some thing we have not seen yet!

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@Bigdawg I understand Steam & Steamworks and I still stick to my views, they were in comparison to buying off the shelf and just a CDkey and away you go.

BTW the comment of did you work for them was only a joke, you have your reasons like all users of all ways of purchasing, we I suppose bat for different teams in that sense, and its good to have both for the thread with points, makes a good read.

I don't think there is enough competition in the digital download marketplace yet for PC games.

You still have to pay up to double what you pay for buying the disc.

Good point, its needs a good shakeup before we solidify into a narrow path even before we hit that future we speak of.

Edited by mrcash2009

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I just feel ripped off if I don't get a disk, book and case and for me anyways it would be way faster to go to a store and buy a game than wait like 4 days to download it.

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Hi all

In the light of what is happening with game I thought it worth bumping this thread and examining our past predictions that the high street retail of games off disc based technology is dieing.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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Yep the high street is dead because it's full of shops with limited stock and I can never find what I really want and end up ordering it online. The other side of it is actually getting there. Parking is very expensive, public transport costs are similar and services less and less frequent. Why spend £10 on travel and 5 hours walking around when I can get what I want in 20mins online?

I buy most shoes and clothing online, white goods, electrical and most other stuff apart from food. But even that is beginning to change as us keen amateur chefs can't find speciality ingredients on the high street these days.

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Digital is the future. A painful future for me at least :( at my download speeds games like Arma 3 will take 12 hours to download.

It would be cool if BIS included a miniature Apache helicopter that I could print with my 3D printer. :D

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Digital Distribution will ruin me.

I don't have a very good internet. and I live in a spot where ADSL wont reach. So my choice is 28.8k or Satellite Broadband (What i am using) but I only get 3gb downloads a month between midday and midnight and 12gb between midnight and midday.

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Agreed. Splitting people according to their internet connection can't be allowed to catch on. The one major advantage of consoles, that they all run games equally quickly due to their equal hardware will be rendered worthless when it goes online.

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I love digital distribution. A 24/7 online shop and no need to get a coat and get out in the cold ;)

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Exactly. Add no bad localizations, no retarded local DRM (yes, I mean you, 1C Company!), no need to put in DVD (yes, I'm THAT lazy), games you'd never see in retail store (Golden Axe, hell yeah!). Plus ocassional -75% specials, when you can buy a good game for less than you would pay for a crate of beer.

Download time hardly matters. I can set download before going to work, and game is ready for me once I'm back. And that only the first time, since as hoarder by nature I keep backup data of my ALL games in external HDD. Proved usefull more than a few times.

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Hi all

To those who live in out of the way places with no broadband, blame your politicians and the business, in particular satelite and terestrial broadcast providers and old fashioned telcos that lobby for laws to prevent you having broadband and freeing you from the from their clutches, in particular thos poor sods in Australia. Old fashioned Telcos lobby for laws to prevent you having broadband because digital exchanges mean any one can offer you telephone and broadband services, which means an open market and those old telcos monopolies get busted. Satelite and terestrial broadcasters want to prevent the rise of internet based TV distribution which destroys their monopoly on TV, Film and Music distribution. Why else do you think Murdoch and his ilk do all in their power to prevent it?

I used to work for a Satelite broadcast and broadand company. On the Day the UK governement made it compulsory for all exchanges in the UK to be converted to digital my Job there disapeared. BT had spent nearly two decades trying to prevent the change to Digital exchanges, when the digital exchanges came broadband speeds shot through the roof, and the number of companies offering Telephone services dito and the price of telephone and broadband dropped like a stone.

In Africa they have better broadband than you do in the wilds of Australia via 3G and in the near future via 4G.

I would be willing to bet that quietly in the background, Murdoch and his ilk are busy trying to control or prevent the implimentation of 3G and 4G networks, perhaps subtle media campaigns to put down Mobile usage, perhaps via odd clauses in the laws and planning regulations to prevent too many new phone masts being errected, or laws to reduce their signal power and range, or laws preventing Mobile phones from offering broadband at competetive rates.

Kind Regards walker

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Of course it's nothing to do with the huge distances in Australia and the economics of running infrastructure hundreds of miles for a few dozen houses. Where's the return on your investment? :rolleyes:

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Hi all

In reply to Pelham

As I said weak Politicians without the courage to take on monopolistic businesses like Murdoch's.

The UK Government made it a requirement that all exchanges were made digital, they had a period in which to roll it out but either they did it or they lost the license contract to run parts of the national infrastructure. By the way digital exchanges are actually cheaper to run.

Politicians need to realise that when they are negotiating for annual national infrastructure licenses that they have the whip hand and the elected duty to apply the whip to the contractor to provide the best service they can get from them. If they cannot provide the service employ some one who can. If Australian network provider businesses cannot provide a 21st century broadband service then sack them and replace them.

Kind Regards walker

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Edited by PELHAM

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