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Real reasons for war in Lybia

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But you are living there, aren't you ?

Yeah, but I don't isolate myself from English people, I learnt the language, respect the culture, religion, traditions and their views. Anyway, I don't plan to stay forever. Although England has been a nice home to me for the last few years soon I will leave back to my country.

But I see people here that are living here permanently for 50 years and they show absolutely no interest in respecting the country or even make an effort to learn the language. It’s quite sad to be honest when you ask a man who has been here for 50 years where France is and he replies "Me doesn't know" :sad:

EDIT: If Turks respected Europe like that I would have no problem with them coming here for a while or permanently.

EDIT 2: And I'm not saying that only the Turks do this, plenty of Eastern Europeans act in the same way, I'm not telling them to suddenly strip off their national identity and become British, but they can learn the language, a bit about the history and traditions instead of being so damn arrogant like if the god mother gave birth to them all.

Edited by -Martin-

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something big is coming..... The propaganda machine is going into overdrive.

Mass rapes odered by ghadafi. Containers full of viagra for troops to do it.

Just another variation on the belgian babies tossed onto bayonets in ww1 and the kuawaiti babies tossed from incubators stories.

P.s. If you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, call your dictator

:D :D :D

---------- Post added at 05:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

Yeah, but I don't isolate myself from English people...cut

there still people in serbia which is a muslim slav that support turkey and not his own country when there is a football match. same thing goes in croatia for what i know. i mean.... come on....

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