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Hostage A319 v1.0 Release

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Hostage A319 v1.0 Release.

The first version of the Hostage A319 has been released. Ive had a few people beta test it there feedback is good so i think its good enough to release at this stage. So im releasing this now untill i get the tools & game installed again as ive just updated to Windows 7.

Useful tips for Mission Makers

Use this setpos 4 to make players stand inside - (this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 4]; )

To force the AI to stand up - (this setunitpos "up"; )

To force the AI to Crouch - (this setunitpos "middle"; )

To force the AI to laydown - (this setunitpos "down"; )

Force ai not to manouver to attack. Ai will shoot from where they are. - (this enableattack false; )

Will order unit to halt. Use on all group members. - (dostop this)

Changes in Update 1.0

Fixed: No texture was showing on underside of Stairs.

Fixed: Position of Stairs, moved closer to the A319.

Fixed: Flickering metal pattern on top of steps.

Fixed: Part of Model/Gear was showing through wings.

Thanks to the following

ANZACSAS Steve & Xtrobot2000 for Pre-Release Testing.

RobertHammer for help with supershader rvmats.

http://konyo.webs.com/Photos/Release%20Photos/Hostage%20Release%201.bmp > 100kb

http://konyo.webs.com/Photos/Release%20Photos/Hostage%20Release%202.bmp > 100kb



Edited by konyo
Please watch max picture filesize

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That's farkin' awesome.

A gold medal to the first person to get the R6: Black Thorn mission converted into Utes, or similar.

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Where is it located under? Can't find it ingame.

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very nice :) now not only hastage missions are going to be fun we now have a starting point for a lone wolf spy / sf / recon mission

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Where is it located under? Can't find it ingame.

Its located under : Empty > Objects > Hostage A319.

Thanks for the feedback so far, Glad you all like this project :)

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I like it. It reminds me of Rogue Spear. Do you plan on modeling a bigger airplane such as a 747? More detail, access to cockpit and cargo?

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Excellent mod matey, remninds me of rogue speak so very much.as above :). Many thanks

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Great idea! It's a buggy piece, though. Would be worth to work on it (cockpit interiors, etc.).

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the biggest problem is the enemy troops walking out on your assault team through the walls and killing the poor airport security officers :p

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It can be a bit buggy at times (that's more because of the behaviour of the AI than a fault with the mod) but none the less it's really good fun :D

Congrats on such an original addon

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Thanks for all the feedback, glad you are all enjoying the addon.

Do you plan on modeling a bigger airplane such as a 747? More detail, access to cockpit and cargo?

Dont have plans for a 747 as of yet, but might possibly in future. Will need to start adding more detail inside now i got my BI Tools working again before i start on a 747 :)

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