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Wild West: Cowboys, Indians, Prospectors...

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Been thinking about creating a Wild West addon.

I think it would be pretty cool to have a Wild West theme with:


Horses, Horse drawn carriages, Pack mules, Carts


Lawmen, Outlaws, Cowboys, Union Army, Prospectors, Civilians, Indians..


Muskets, Rifles, Revolvers, wheeled cannons, TNT

Many, many scenario possibilities.

What do you think?

Edited by wyskass

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This is a request and should be posted in correct area. There is a dedicated thread for this. This is for modeling questions. Please have a mod move this or lock and when you get a chance read the forum rules before posting to help you get to the right post and information you need in the future.

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I accept your point.

This is not a request though, since I'm not asking someone to do this. I posted in modeling specifically to get some feedback related to making models of these things.

I figured the location would be clue enough but to clarify more:

-Is this a viable model idea? It has to have interest first.

-What unique difficulties in modeling horses and carts exist?

-Any thoughts on how this would have to be executed.

This is a modelling question and post, which necessarily starts with a question of viability and interest.

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It's an animation idea as much as it's a modelling idea, so if unless you're picturing cowboys duckwalking with their carbine's close to their chin and their arms tucked in like rainbow six, there's nothing you can really do. Animators are rare. I can animate but I really need better tools than the ones provided in O2 if I'm going to just sit down and do it for a larf. So, for someone with no animation experience it's really too much to ask.

If you want to create some cowboy units, though, the more the merrier ^_^

Edited by Max Power

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Been thinking about creating a Wild West addon.

Where does this sound like an addon request?

He clearly said that he is thinking about creating an addon. And this is exactly what this forum is about. ;)

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making horses is possible. I was thinking about it myself for some time. I would have preferred BIS to have released some sample for the animals present in A2/OA - the cow for instance, together with their bone structure, so i can base it on that one - most likely not gonna happen

There are no tools for animations besides o2 and some maya plug for characters. Even so, it could be possible if a lot more information would be available (it is BIS who needs to make it available).

In short, yes it possible, and would be cool to have. the extent to what one like yourself can take this sort of project before he hits a wall (and you will hit a wall eventually) depends on his skills, and tools available to him (seems maya could be one of the desired for A2 anims - you can import easier from there).

Creating the content (the modeling part) it should be the last of concerns.

Edited by PuFu

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yeah...i know :rolleyes:...my point exactly :)

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Where does this sound like an addon request?

He clearly said that he is thinking about creating an addon. And this is exactly what this forum is about. ;)

Easy there. Just following whay was told to me by a moderator when I posted along time ago about making a glasses/mask/hat addon and was told it was still a request and had it locked and told to post in request section. If the rules have changed about posting I must have missed it.

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That horse is excellent and could use a little more cleanup but it does animate it's stride decently. The enormous stream of urine is hilarious.

It shows at least that it's possible and been done.

As to the point of walking, good point. Not sure if having wild west characters walk like modern soldiers with muskets would be bad or not. Might not fit in exactly.

I've been playing around with 3ds Max bit didn't get into animations with it yet. I'm a software guy not so much a modeling expert but I have made some models before.

It seems vehicle animations and model would be the most different with horses pulling things.

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Pulling stuff is not a big deal because of the atachto command. You can have it pull anything. It is also possible to have it built into the addon.

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