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GAM Player Mute

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GAM Player Mute


by Gamma

Original Concept by Suchy_


This addon allows the player to mute his own in-game voice.

Main purpose is to use along with Speech Recognition Software, to prevent you from listening your commands after you have issued them yourself which would be redundant and sometimes even disrupting.

Commands are issued faster also since AI does not wait for the characters playback to follow the issued order.


Adds four new Voices:

  • Only Text (Partial Mute) << Recommended
  • Only Text (Full Mute)
  • No Voice/Text (Partial Mute)
  • No Voice/Text (Full Mute)

Partial > Only verbal commands existent in the Complex Menu 0-9 will be muted

Full > Every radio command a character might say will be muted

Only Text > You still get the chat text feedback (useful to confirm correct command was issued)

No Voice/Text > No chat text will be shown at all


Just select the Voice (mute mode) in your Player's Profile.

If you start Arma not loading the addon, but leaving your profile unchanged, Arma gracefully falls to default voice, with no side effects.


  • Arma 2: Combined Operations


  • Version compatible with Arma 2: Combined Operations
  • Currently only normal characters are affected, if the player is set as a Special Character (Miles/Cooper/etc from "Razor Team" or Raynolds/Asano/etc from PMC) voice will still be heard
  • Optional signature files included for multiplayer

(Some bugs might turn up, if you bump into one just post your finding.

This and other suggestions are very welcome.

Still Release Candidate I am collecting all the stuff to include in the Final)



GAM_PlayerMute_v1.0RC.zip (Armaholic - thanks Foxhound)

Use along with free WSRM (Windows Speech Recognition Macros - Vista/Win7 only) and the following custom macro:


Edited by gammadust

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Nice work matey, Aholic informed.

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Just to stress that Suchy_ originates the method to implement it. I just built it from there adding some features along the way.

Hope you guys enjoy it :)

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Hey mate, you got those custom macros then ?

to get you going, you can check this, unfortunately these are PT keyboard dependent, where character "\" should be "~" for an english keyboard, open up included files (in notepad) and replace those chars. Check this other thread where you can find more info. I am in the process of updating them to english and include instructions along with it.

Cheers Foxhound! :cheers:

Edited by gammadust

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Indeed Suchy did some nice work like this too, great, thanks for someone else pick up this idea, very welcomed :)

EDIT ... removed my post, didn't read the OFP right, so you chaps cant mute DLC's either then, I was in contact with Suchy and same problem ... damn!

You dont mention BAF ... but I assume its all DLC's that fail to mute. I realy wonder just how that can be overcome ....

Edited by mrcash2009

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Could this explain?...

"Currently only normal characters are affected, if the player is set as a Special Character (Miles/Cooper/etc from "Razor Team" or Raynolds/Asano/etc from PMC) voice will still be heard"

Basic testing, I did, shows that the following Editor placed groups do mute:

Side: BLUFOR /Independent

Faction: BAF / PMC

Type: Infantry (desert) / (MTP)

Name: Section / Fireteam / VIP Bodyguard

Note: I only have BAF/PMC (lite), this could explain an exception to what I am saying.

Just tested some randomly and all Player units are affected. Voice used: "Only Text (Partial Mute)", further testing might be prudent.

Indeed the Special Characters are a bugger. PvPScene actually put me on the right track and I found a way around it but I do have to change the unit config, resulting in an inelegant solution. Makes it permanent to character, even ignoring the chosen voice in your Player Profile.

I suspect that is so because these units have a special initialization:

class FR_Miles: FR_Base
 identityTypes[] = {"Miles"}; // this is the normal identity, crossreferences with CfgIdentities class and RadioProtocol used
 class EventHandlers: EventHandlers
  init = "(_this select 0) setidentity ""Miles""";
  HandleIdentity = "true";
 // these appear to be a requirement for missions/campaign handling

The inelegant workaround:

class CfgIdentities
class Miles
 name = "Miles";
 face = "Default";
 glasses = "BlackSun";
 speaker = "Male02EN_A2"; //This is the name of the voice, and I can set this one up to get the intended result, but is not dynamic
 pitch = 1.0;

Edited by gammadust

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I actually finally got around to testing (I have BAF / PMC) still need to test PMC but in the missions I have that use BAF and were not muted with Suchy's version, they are muted :bounce3:

Such a basic thing, but with voice comms which I use its a pain to wait for repeating, for me BAF was the only stumbling block, looks like you have it sorted, great work, thanks for this :)

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Very happy to hear that! :)

I tried to be careful when copying and altering for the diferent voice mute modes involved.

Could not totally vouch for BAF/PMC since I don't have them, but there was a good chance of no trouble. Hopefully there won't be much bugs, such as some missing sentences (BAF/PMC specific sentences if they exist only in the full DLC for ex.) not being muted or whatever.

You'll end up my beta testers if you post your findings, which are welcome and will, as possible, be corrected for the final version.

Edited by gammadust

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I will do my best mate, I haven't had much time to realy have a good crack at the sim for a time, but I will post anything that I find as I find ... if I find :)

BTW for the record I cant realy play without voice activation any-more, I do have situations where talking out loud is stupid :) So keys only, but man, after getting used to things its very hard to go back. I think its been over 2 years I have been using voice recognition, bundling a stack of orders into one sentence is a dream.

Using the phrase "Evasive Danger" resulting in having entire team switch to danger and line formation forced to crouch right away while never moving eyes to keyboard and letting go of the mouse ... luvely.

Edited by mrcash2009

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It had occured to me to macro some consecutive behaviours in but never happen to try it... mostly because I am still getting the hang of what AI does exacly after each order. And that also seams to change with the updates.

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Enjoying this - not having me repeating orders is great !

Having macros would be even better ;)

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This, looks exactly like what i'm looking for, i think.

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Looks like I'm a bit late for the party, didn't have much time for playing though.

Thanks for the great job, I have a few days free, so I'll definitely give it a try.

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