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Community feedback - improvments for Arma3

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A proper realistic way to destroy armour, not just using a hitpoint system.

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How about customizable formations, that could be saved and changed on the fly. It would also be nice to be able to decide where in the formation you could place your heavy guns, AT, support units, and etc on the fly. I'd also like to see some formations geared towards Infantry CQB/Urban, other than delta and stag col. Anything to be able to stream line the commander view would be good as well.

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Make weapons with attachments modular! We don't need 100 different weapons!

That is to say, pick a gun, pick you attachments To that gun. Not 10 of the same with variations. They are modular in real life, so why can't they be here?

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Sound that travels at the speed of sound. I want to see the explosion in the distance, then hear it several seconds later. I want to see the A10 rounds explode all around the enemy at my front, then hear the ripping of the cannon a second later as the jet flys overhead.

A2 already does that...

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is true, the farther the distance of an explosion the longer the sound takes to reach you, try it.

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Just get the AI to climb fences instead of just staring at them. 

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