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Subcomponent damage for fixed wing aircraft

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Any plans for this?

Cant really understand why devs left this out when OA was released.

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Subcomponent damage has long been desired for all vehicles. That said, fixed wing aircraft are my least favourite vehicle in ArmA2 so I should say that all other vehicles require it more :)

Fixed wing aircraft, invariably, when hit just crash under almost all conditions so subcomponent damage is less required in these particular aircraft IMO. However, the principle of subcomponent damage for vehicles remains a good proposal.

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Subcomponent damage has long been desired for all vehicles. That said, fixed wing aircraft are my least favourite vehicle in ArmA2 so I should say that all other vehicles require it more :)

Fixed wing aircraft, invariably, when hit just crash under almost all conditions so subcomponent damage is less required in these particular aircraft IMO. However, the principle of subcomponent damage for vehicles remains a good proposal.

Aircraft inded are the one that need componet dammed THE MOST in this game. Planes have no damage model at all. Planes do simply explode when hitpoints are gone. Helicopters in game have much more Components that can fail. Planes need at least Engine failure to be somwhat equal again. right now you can fly and fight in a plane the same way no matter if is has 1% or 100% health.

Planes need AT LEAST the same componets as Helikopters have




Control (like tailrotor failure in Helicopters)

Until then planes in ArmA are like shielded spacecraft in space shooters ,especially when considers that flare are to effective and planes can go on without failures after beeing hit by 2 Stingers or one Sidewinder or even a Tunguska hit.

A Tunguska hit in any real sim is a total instant total failure resulting in a fireball or a burning wreck falling out of the sky, not so in ArmA.

Edited by Beagle

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I indeed would love to see these in game. Not expecting il2 damage models but engine/targeting instruments failures and so on would be great!

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Some sort of damage system would be nice but I doubt that we will see more players using planes ingame. The islands/maps in A2OA are imho too small for modern air combat with fixed wing aircraft eg F-35, Su-34.

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