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nordin dk

Episode ii spoiler thread

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Yeah I saw it on Saturday...this movie did what other movies haven't done ina long time....actually gave me goosebumps....most notably when Yoda was opennin' a can of whoopass!

I love how this movie shows the beginning of EVERYTHING from the first trilogy. Boba Fett, Uncle Owen/Aunt Veru, his beginning downfall, Palpatine "teaching" Anakin, the storm troopers, EVERYTHING....

I really like how with all the Clone equipment clearly leads up to the Empire equipment with a clear progression of design. When the Imperial March started and it showed the army....with units that were the predecessors of the Star Destroyers, AT-ATs, Troopers....very very nice.

The point that it changed from light-hearted (a la TPM) to "the shit is goin' down" was clearly marked for me when "Dual of the Fates" kicked in....

Per usual the sound was amazing (even if he did re-use his beloved pod sounds). And I agree...the seismic charges made my hair stand up....swear my heartbeat was altered....

Lucas did it right this time....

Can't wait till the next one....its gotta be good....

"The Clone Wars have begun sir."....sweet

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Antichrist @ May 20 2002,13:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Don't u get it people? It was all the part of the plot and the story! That is why they selected the guy who can't act for shit to play Anakin! And all the scenes with him are also pretty bad for the same reason!! You suppose to hate him!!! Really really hate him!! That's the whole point!!! But I totally lovbed him!!! And now I completely understand why he chosen to join the dark side! I would've done exactly the same!! And I would've killed Obi Wan way before Episode 4!!

Damn!!! I totally loved that movie!!!<span id='postcolor'>

Oh yeah...in case you didn't notice....

I'll give Anakin acting props....if you watch him he has all the mannerisms that Darth has......from the head looks to the way he turns...complete with cape flow....very nice

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ May 19 2002,22:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Let me see...

Palpatine/DarthSidious/The Emperor ordered the construction of the clone army.

He then needs to create an enemy in order for him to be granted permission to use his army.

This enemy is the Federation, which is being lured (by Palpatine's accomplice Dooku) into believing that they need independence from the republic.

Palpatine knows that in order for him to use that army, the senate has to grant him supreme powers, and that has to be suggested by someone other that himself.

So he arranges for the assasination (or attempted) or Amidala, knowing that Jar-Jar will be stupid enough to suggest this in the abscense of Amidala.

Final consequence: Palpatine becomes a warlord, a supreme ruler of the republic, he crowns himself emperor.

At some point, he lures Anakin to his side, by convincing him that this is the only way.

Did I get it right, let's see...<span id='postcolor'>

Dunno if he "lures" him....in this movie you can already see the two have a....ummm...realationship. Clearly Papatine is already makin' him his apprentice and turning him....even if Anakin doesn't know it....

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Oh yeah...my thoughts on Boba Fett

I never understood the "cult" following that he has....sure he looks cool, adn I'm sure he can kick ass....the problem is....he doesn't in any of the first three movies....

He has a few line in ESB..mainly consisting of "He's no good to me dead" and then has NO lines in RoTJ and gets eaten by some gay ass sand creature!

For a character that has so much potential it seems a COMPLETE waste...

Now...enter Ep.2...we see his "birth", his beginning and the reason he hunts Jedi. His Dad does more in this movie then Boba does in TWO. Jengo does something else that Boba didn't do....KICK ASS. Smack Obi Wan around and call him Susan. Sure he gets it in the end but at least he wasn't eating by some sand worm.

Which leaves me with the fervent hope that in Ep.3 Boba is gonna finally do what I've been waiting for....kick some serious ass.


If Boba has a jetpack (as shown in RoTJ)...why didn't he jet out of the creature...they say you will be SLOWLY digested...and he's got armor on...and dont' tell me that little smack of Han's busted his jet pack!

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Oh yeah.....speaking of questions....

Why didn't Darth know to look for Luke with his "step-brother"....I think that would have been one of the first places I looked...especially since he apparently met them.

And why didn't Darth sense Leia was his offspring considering the amount of time they spent together in Ep.4? At the very least he should have sensed the Force in her. Maybe he was distracted being busy bein' a bad ass....

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Gonna see if I can fill this entire page myself biggrin.gif


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Last post....


Dumbass....as far as political ploys go that was a pretty weak one. And of course he fell for it....damn foo'...

Just another reason to hate him....

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Palpatine: "But who will have the courage to make such a proposal. If only ambadassador Amidala was here..."

Cue Jar Jar's thoughtful looks...

lol @Akira for making 7 posts in a row. Nice spammin' smile.gif

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The biggest arguement I have is the way that Jengo dies. When he fights Obi-Wan in space and on the ground, he fights the way a merc would fight - with everything he has, and fighting to win. When he gets cut down by Mace - all he does is stand there like a deer in the headlights. You would think that a merc would realize that he was in a losing position, and GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE.....

I do like the way that he portrayed the Jedi....not invincible, just very VERY good at what they do - and some better at it than others.

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Oh yeah, and screw all of the critics that gave Spiderman a better grade. Just another run-of-the-mill teenage erection.

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"Lucas did it right this time...."

No he didn't.

"I never understood the "cult" following that he has....sure he looks cool, adn I'm sure he can kick ass....the problem is....he doesn't in any of the first three movies...."

Ever seen anyone with such a casual attitude towards Darth Vader? No? That alone tells what a badass he is.

"If Boba has a jetpack (as shown in RoTJ)...why didn't he jet out of the creature...they say you will be SLOWLY digested...and he's got armor on...and dont' tell me that little smack of Han's busted his jet pack!"

Just because we didnt see it, doesnt mean it didnt happen. It had no bearing on the story, if he made it out or not. If there ever was a sequal he could easily appear in it, since as you said, he could have used the jetpack to get out.

"Why didn't Darth know to look for Luke with his "step-brother"....I think that would have been one of the first places I looked...especially since he apparently met them."

I have no idea. Maybe he wasn't actually looking for Luke that early on. He knew Luke would come to him when he was ready.

"Dumbass....as far as political ploys go that was a pretty weak one. And of course he fell for it....damn foo'...

Just another reason to hate him...."

Palpatine had Yoda just as fooled. So, I guess that means Yoda is as stupid as Jar Jar?

"I do like the way that he portrayed the Jedi....not invincible, just very VERY good at what they do - and some better at it than others."

Have we been watching the same movie? smile.gif The Jedi were portrayed as fools and noobs. They made to many mistakes to be veteran fighters. Like entering an open arena when armed only with melee weapons, surrounded by enemies with blasters. Real smooth move.

The best scene in this movie was easily the fight in the arena though, so thank god for Jedi stupidity.

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Hell yes!!! Yoda and every other freaking Jedi are just as stupid as Jar Jar (well unless it was all part of Yoda's plan)

All Jedis are stupid!!! Long live the Empire!!!!!!!

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I dont think anyone who has seen the originl three films in the theater should be allowed to express an opinion on Episode 2

<<puts on his asbestos suit>>

Here is my reasoning...

Lucas could make the greatest movie in the history of the world...and us old time Star Wars fans would STILL think it sucked compared to the old ones. Why? Because we have this wonderful patina of time that covers up the fact that almost anything you could say about AotC you could say about ANH. I mean, Alec Guiness -HATED- the thing. He thought it was the worst tripe he'd ever uttered in a film. Harrison Ford said 'You can type this shit George, but you sure cant say it'

It had the same stilted dialogue and cheesy acting as AotC.

But it's still one of my favourite films of all time.

On saturday night I took my seven year old to Episode 2. He was entranced and thought it was 'SOOOO COOOL, DAD!'

So you know what? George has done it again. He's made a film to give wonderment to the audience he is really aiming at. And that's why he's still a man I have respect for.

Sorry bout the rant.

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Well my girlfriend never saw any other Episode! It took me one week to persuade her to go and see Episode 2! She totally loved it!! Now she wants to see the rest!!! tounge.gif

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Heres something interesting to think about, at least in my opinion...

Would any of the star wars films be that good without the brilliant John Williams?

Personally I dont think they would at all. The music practically makes the films as far as im concerned.

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I think you just used to that music! So if it had some completely different music it would've not changed

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Hmm I dont think its that im used to it, I just think that the music is so excellent and fits the film perfectly. It intensifies the whole experience. If there was some cheesy sci-fi music or some poorly composed stuff then I really dont think the films would be quite as good as what they are.

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yes episode 2 was brilliant wayy better than the first

and all i got to say is " as i sat there relaxed enjoying the film and anakin and obe wan got sliced up "

and in walked YODA i thought mmm mind game time, then when he fired up his light sabre i about fell of my seat

Boy that little green dude can fight and boy is he fast, i found myself jumping up and cheering his moves.

yoda I LOVE U biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KingBeast @ May 21 2002,18:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Heres something interesting to think about, at least in my opinion...

Would any of the star wars films be that good without the brilliant John Williams?

Personally I dont think they would at all. The music practically makes the films as far as im concerned.<span id='postcolor'>

I loved that scene in the end, where that senator is looking out over the clone army, with the assault ships taking off, and the thousands of clones marching, and the imperial theme is blasting over the speakers, and he looks dissapointed. That brought the biggest grin ive had on my face in any movie ive ever whatched, ive listened to that song every day since.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ May 21 2002,07:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"Lucas did it right this time...."

No he didn't.

"I never understood the "cult" following that he has....sure he looks cool, adn I'm sure he can kick ass....the problem is....he doesn't in any of the first three movies...."

Ever seen anyone with such a casual attitude towards Darth Vader? No? That alone tells what a badass he is.

"If Boba has a jetpack (as shown in RoTJ)...why didn't he jet out of the creature...they say you will be SLOWLY digested...and he's got armor on...and dont' tell me that little smack of Han's busted his jet pack!"

Just because we didnt see it, doesnt mean it didnt happen. It had no bearing on the story, if he made it out or not. If there ever was a sequal he could easily appear in it, since as you said, he could have used the jetpack to get out.

"Why didn't Darth know to look for Luke with his "step-brother"....I think that would have been one of the first places I looked...especially since he apparently met them."

I have no idea. Maybe he wasn't actually looking for Luke that early on. He knew Luke would come to him when he was ready.

"Dumbass....as far as political ploys go that was a pretty weak one. And of course he fell for it....damn foo'...

Just another reason to hate him...."

Palpatine had Yoda just as fooled. So, I guess that means Yoda is as stupid as Jar Jar?

"I do like the way that he portrayed the Jedi....not invincible, just very VERY good at what they do - and some better at it than others."

Have we been watching the same movie? smile.gif The Jedi were portrayed as fools and noobs. They made to many mistakes to be veteran fighters. Like entering an open arena when armed only with melee weapons, surrounded by enemies with blasters. Real smooth move.

The best scene in this movie was easily the fight in the arena though, so thank god for Jedi stupidity.<span id='postcolor'>

Longinius and I never agree on anything biggrin.gif

YES Lucas DID do it right this time....take a look at Phantom Menace....I liked it when it came out but as far as being "important" to this trilogy it wasn't. Too much Jar Jar, too much Jake Loyd, too much superfulous crap.

The story was fractured at best and the best part was Darth Maul.

Ep.2 STARTS in that way and then quickly coaleces into a tight "story" driven by action. We are finally getting to the main story...the promised Greek tragedy of Anakin. I have no doubt Ep.3 will be even tighter, and more focused.

People need to let go of the first trilogy as a benchmark for this series. The first trilogy was from a different time (OUR time I mean), was technologically different, and had completely different themes. But the basics were still there. The same bad acting, the same bad dialogue and the same questionable plot advancement.

Let it go people.

I didn't understand the Boba Fett remark....I'm assuming that you are saying because I think he did nothing and was hardly the badass (in the first series) that people thought he was or I thought he could be......that that makes him a badass. And that makes no sense. He did NOTHING in the original series. NOTHING. Except FOLLOW the Falcon. He didn't attack them or ANYTHING. He had like 4 lines. When he finally DOES get to fight...whats he do? He lands RIGHT BEHIND Han and gets thrown into a sand worm. Not to bright....the hell you have to land behind some one for? Isn't that why blasters are there....to do it from a distance. And saying just because we didn't see him jetting out of the monster doesn't mean he didn't is stretching it. He was KILLED. Period. Its accepted and is fact. I'm just hoping he is the bad ass he can be in Ep. 3.

Yeah...I can accept the "looking for Luke" answer. That seems reasonable.

Palpatine didn't have Yoda fooled. And he certainly didn't fool Yoda with a lame line like that. He fooled the Jedi with his Sith powers....keeping himself hidden. Yoda KNOWS something is wrong....but can't pin it down to what or who. I guess something akin to Sith Radar Jamming.

Jar Jar is DUMB...plain and simple. "If only Senator Amidala was here." Que Jar Jar. That wasn't obvious or anything....if he was under the power of some Sith mind trick thats one thing....but he bought it freely hook line and sinker.

How were the Jedi "fools"? Yes they jumped in the ring. But ya notice (a la Mace..)they were just as free to jump out. AND the Jedi were in the stands as well. The fight itself was in the Arena...cause thats where they baddies were. And yes they only had lightsabers. They are JEDI. And the fact that they only had lightsabers sure didn't stop them from slicing through an enemy that had vastly superior numbers or inflicting grossly disporportionate casualties...until the reinforcements arrive a la the Clone Army...at which time it was a complete rout. Don't see a problem with it. War has casualties. Unfortunately some were Jedi. Clearly the Jedi were fighting a "holding action" until the army could arrive.

For once they made them look like fighters that can whoop ass....instead of the pacifist, non-fighting, fools of the first series. Granted there was just Yoda....but the way it was portrayed was the Jedi can't or won't kick ass. My faith in the Jedi has been restored (though I still like the Sith better biggrin.gif)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and he looks dissapointed<span id='postcolor'>

Who? Palpatine? Far from it I'd say...

Everything is going exactly the way he planned it. He just got emergency powers, so he basically is Emperor in all but name smile.gif

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Thus the Imperial March biggrin.gif

"As soon as this crisis has based I shall relinquish these powers." LOL

What they should have done is have Palpitine hunch over....put his fingers together and say "Excellent..."


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