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Future Arma Idea.

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I have a very good idea for a DLC or next game. We have seen the middle east conflicts and russian/chernarussian conflicts in Arma 2.

Now for Arma 3, make it an asian theatre. Or someone can take the idea for a mod.

Overview (Story)(Fiction) :

The year is 2011, as the energy crisis becomes more significant in the world's economy, industries and governments are hard at work to solve this issue. Japan, who has suffered a devastating earthquake, along with a radiation problem has crippled japans ability to defend its homeland from invasion due to the massive demand for rescue operations in Japan's Self Defense Force.

With the rise of the Red Star, a neighbor country known as "Khina" has took advantage of the situation beginning a massive land invasion on Japan's western, and northern sides. This situation within five hours has mobilized into a war. Japan's Self Defense force, not being able to withstand the sheer size has called for assistance. The United States, and other allied countries such as Australia have responded within hours sending naval fleets over to Japan to unload troops and tanks, while fighter jets and helicopters buzz over to maintain air superiority.

The United Nations has agreed to sanctions against Khina, in hopes to resolve the situation peaceful. Khina did not respond to it, and continued its invasion. Casualties began escalating as days progressed, and civilians are trying to escape the war-torn nation.

Forces Involved:


US Navy

*Navy Seals*

US Marines

Australian Defense Force

Japanese Self Defense Forces






*Air Force*




Japanese Civilians

News Reporters, etc.

Maps involved:

Parts of Japan, and "Khina".


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I don't see why it can't be China, not like 'Rushka' helped the chedakis on Chernarus, is it? :P

Or North Korea for that matter

The concept sounds a little too much like every other conflict thus far; perhaps this time round a political situation over a downed US pilot in the north korean mainland and attempted breakout along the 38th Parallel/Military Demarcation Line after a botched rescue attempt, haven't really experienced a good 'genfor' operation yet, early-mid 90's soldiers

Edited by DaveP

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BI doesn't like to focus on "huge scale" conflicts like other companies. The war in CWC was a fairly localized affair, as are the Chernarussian and Takistani wars. If this were implemented, then I'd rather see a rogue North Korean or Chinese or even Japanese general.

Here's an idea:

Nationalistic Japanese general declares (insert island here) to be Japanese property and leads his units to invade it, pissing off Russia/China/SKorea/Taiwan. Japanese government is unable to defeat him on its own and a coalition is formed containing US, Japanese Loyalists, etc.

You could put North Koreans or Chinese on his side, making it look like they're trying to reap the benefits.

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Futurarma? :)


I have this great idea otherwise, why not make a game about a conflict everyone can relate to? I mean some people read about Vietnam war, watch the movies others about recent conflicts in Afghanistan, WWII have been done too much in all aspects. WWI is too old and so on. Korea is "forgotten"..

What the game is a conflict that everyone can relate to and yet with enough drama to make it a game. So I am thinking like this.

The background is the player is just minding his own buisness when finaly a big fight out of no where starts. I will call this the "Operation Midnight".

The two different sides will have unique weapons and functions to increase play time (maybe possibility to replay the campaign but the new side?)

Also for this to be really cool it should be done in 24 hrs, like the tv show. In real time (of course you can save).


"gaming world", can differ some, think BIS should ship at least 5-6 different enviourments, like europe, asia, america.. but of course much smaller than Chernarus. So all in all same work required, the campaign can be played on either one, just for the feeling (getting back to the relate issue)

Now for the sides and their weapons:


* Fake Reward System (including ice cream, candy, money)

* Threats, (no money, no tv, no computer time)

* Physical actions, (carry)

* Give in to demands (A sort of surrender option that can be used in negotion system)


* Screaming

* Running, and introducing in BIS games, jumping

* "Dead weight", make your charcter relax and more heavy when parents try to carry.

* False promises, doing homework.

Both sides ends with great nudity, for the children the option to watch "R-rated movies" if they manage to both stay up and get their parents to go to sleep, and for parent side is some quality time with eachother.

Both sides can be played either as coop or in a team vs team, with this BIS may reach out to more female players as well make the community more into a meeting place even ingame.

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hahaha granQ you madman :)

(and DM, even for a Frugalite that Avatar is just.. yeah :) )

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