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Can I make my AI teammates stay still but engage a target I tell them to?

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I want my AI teammates to SHOOT AT BUT NOT MOVE certain targets. But every time I give them a targeting order they start moving to and engaging it. The thing is, before firefights I set them up in prime positions with good cover, but they completely blow it and get shot when they start moving. It's been frustrating me since I started playing arma 2 years ago. Please help!

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This is mainly down to the fact that they need to get more in range to take a shot, for example if you do this with a sniper its less likely. I have kind of ignored this approach now (as much as its a good one and is annoying) due to that, I mainly take the leader (I target the leader of patrol to take down first to confuse the enemy team) and let AI pick and choose targets by reporting them while all are on "hold fire" and then placing them tactically as I need them with cover, then setting them to "open fire" just after I take initial leader shot and let the shit storm commence.

Once that's happened we are open to return fire anyway, and then I make moves with teams and at that point may start targeting. Or I use flank left/flank right with coloured sections so 3 man go right, 3 man go left ... etc etc.

Either that or get closer range to target bearing in mind the weapon of your AI, and set them to "go prone" that way if they break cover, at least they are prone initially. When they then start reporting targets, check the target list for unit, then assign, this should be indication that they have spotted them and are in range (dont need to move so much).

All in all I only start targeting after the firefight opens up mainly. Or I only use it on a sniper, or AT man. If I use it as you mention I only bother at night or very close range using some stealth.

Not brilliant solutions, but I would be very interested in others approaches to this issue.

Edited by mrcash2009

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IIRC in Ofp you could right click a target and that unit would stay in position and report whether he had a shot. Very usefull for ambushing a patrol, i used to set up every man with a different target.

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In some situation such as I pointing my machineguner or marksman to a firing position, I wish them stay there and shoot the targets I assign, but when I choose the target for them, they move and leave the cover.

I think the command "stop: can be prior to "engaging target".

Or I think first pointing the AI to the destination and secondly setting him stopped, then making him watch position or suppressive fire might work.

Edited by msy

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I think the command "stop: can be prior to "engaging target".
True or, assign target and then stop command.
IIRC in Ofp you could right click a target and that unit would stay in position and report whether he had a shot.
Now that is what is needed, what would be alternative to this though in A2? (As I may be missing something also). All I know is AI spot targets and they end up in your target list, but I can never tell what AI spotted what in the list or what I did, just a large list of targets to assign. I also maybe missing how to tell exactly what AI spotted who'm, in which case get them to target as they are in range to shoot?

The more I type this, the more I question my own use of it :)

Edited by mrcash2009

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You can using the "2" to set target (in the Command menu) but its not very usefull since who the hell knows who "man at 12o'clock" is haha

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You can using the "2" to set target (in the Command menu) but its not very usefull since who the hell knows who "man at 12o'clock" is haha

the man at x o'clock is based on your direction. When you turn around it changes, which you will see the change as you press "2" again.

Edited by msy

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Yes thats the "general list of targets" I was referring too.

Would be nice to have option as mentioned from OFP to target then them at least say "out of range" .. then you can move them to work out, then get them to target then you get "in range" or something ... at that point you can then get them to fire, or even out of range they simply wait until they are in range to take the shot.

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Wonderfull! but what if i have 15 men at my 12o'clock and im trying to give each individual a different target?

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Now that is what is needed, what would be alternative to this though in A2? (As I may be missing something also). All I know is AI spot targets and they end up in your target list, but I can never tell what AI spotted what in the list or what I did, just a large list of targets to assign. I also maybe missing how to tell exactly what AI spotted who'm, in which case get them to target as they are in range to shoot?

The more I type this, the more I question my own use of it :)

Its still possible!

1. As of 1.59 Left clicking on an enemy should TARGET and not ENGAGE the enemy. Having the unit selected and leftclicking again will ENGAGE.

2. If you look your keybinds you will find that right-mouse button is bound to 'BACK'. Simply unbind it and you can right-click target ala Operation Flashpoint.



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Aha, I knew I didn't take note of that recent beta change too much, was playing different style so never got around to trying it all out, sorted then, nice one :)

---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------

Ok I used the 1.59 targeting system, I had BAF marksman with LSW and a patrol going past about 300 or so meters. So I did that process so unit would acknowledge target to fire, I then selected again so he would engage, and low and behold he didn't fire and went on his trip to get a better position.

So even with this way of working you still have the AI wanting to get nearer and having to get more in range/break cover.

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The best way to get overwhelming fire on a enemy patrol you surprise is:

*Have them in Disengage, Line Formation and Hold fire.

*Get them to the ambush point. Look with your head, do not move your body (Num *), to the left and right and see that you guys get into a line.

*Tell them to go Prone, Stop and to watch the direction the enemy is coming from.

*Once you see the enemy you will notice that you guys says "eyes on target" etc. That means they are ready to fire. Tell them then to open fire and everyone, because they are in stop, will fire at once regardless of range.

(Note that how well the are able to hit the enemy relies on range among other stuff.)

Man, I never knew I would get so much unrelated use for this video :D.

(Skip to 1min mark)


FYI, if you want to do this with the voice profile just use the command "Team red/blue/green etc Ambush".

Then where to watch and when to fire.

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Maybe target via quick command menu and use 3-3 ("fire") in the complex command menu (OFP one) will work or a similar combo.

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