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Mission realism question.

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Hello everyone,

Not sure if this is the right place for this but here goes. I'm currently making a number of patrol based missions using Stalker_GB'S British troops.

My question is, do you guys like long missions based on real patrols or do you prefer quick action packed missions?

The missions I am making take around an hour to complete but are far more realistic. Your opinion is very much appreciated.

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Different strokes for different blokes. I don't think you should pander to a prospective audience - if people want to play an hour long patrol, they'll play an hour long patrol... provided you warn everyone that this is what your mission entails.

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If someone wants a 10 minute grenade fest then there is always CallofBattleHonour. I sometimes do :-) . But when I have more time I prefer something a bit more taxing on the brain.


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Another +1 from me!

Heck, I like both. Completely depends on mood.

Recently made a 'home guard' patrol mission with very random enemy placement. Been doing that mission (30+ minute foot patrol) without even seeing an enemy some times, other times it feels like four men against a whole platoon (which it probably is if one is unlucky with enemy placement).

Other times I just want to shoot something, in which case action-packed wins out, obviously.

If anything it's nice with variation in the kinds of missions out there, so make the missions like YOU want to play them :)

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If anything it's nice with variation in the kinds of missions out there, so make the missions like YOU want to play them :)

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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I had the same issue for a mission on Proving Grounds. So i said wth and put down enough russians to properly guard this weapon testing facility. My mates were surprised to see an equal amount of footsoldiers you'd see in a 40+ coop in a 12 men coop, when we held a shed for 20 minutes, getting mowed down and revived, setting up proper defense and fighting for our lifes.

It was one heck of a game tho!

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Thanks for the feedback everyone. The missions I am making are pretty much like Inkompetent said. I played through my first mission a couple of times and it plays out differently each time. I'm using the UPSMON scripts which are excellent to say the least.

Yesterday, When I RV'd with my FSG I could see an enemy patrol about 1km north of the position. I called in artillery and managed to get the lot. Completed the mission without firing a single round.

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Funnily enough this is very much like the sort of missions we've been doing lately in VCB (Down to using UPSMON too!)

Very much more realistically styled patrols, meeting with local commanders, recceing out positions, searching out arms caches and the like, clearing through towns, there's a lot of variety to be had with less firefights in between

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Sounds Good DaveP. I'm setting my missions to be everything from standard patrol with little contact to full blown skirmishes.

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I prefer 30 - 60 minute missions.


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Mood thing, time on hands, wheres the missus at... i can spend 3 hours in the editor and play only 30 mins

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Sounds Good DaveP. I'm setting my missions to be everything from standard patrol with little contact to full blown skirmishes.

Here's an example of a rather successful mission using a good pacing (until the inevitible crash, we had another go at it another night and got through it all):


A good example of a decent pace would be

Brief > Move to lay up > opfor ambush > get to Lay up point > Minor Objective > Recce > Main objective

Edited by DaveP

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