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24(co) Return of the fly + 24(co)Theme for a Jackal

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Return of the Fly + Theme for a Jackal

:: v1.2

:: 21.03.2011

by nkenny




'Theme for a Jackal' and 'Return of the Fly' are two different scenarios that pit a small and understrength British unit against two separate warlords. The objectives and locations visited are different for each missions; but the TOE and equipment availability is the same.

Contains 2 missions:

24(co)Theme for a Jackal

24(co)Return of the Fly


The equipment and troop organization is fictional and solely aimed to present a challenging and entertaining 2-3 hours worth of gaming. Ideal amount of players is between 10 and 16.


- HQ (Commander + Marksman, Medic, Engineer)

- ALPHA (4x + Medic)

- BRAVO (4x + Engineer)

- CHARLIE (5x)

- HOTEL (5x Pilots)



- 2x GPMG

- 2x Carl Gustav M3 Launchers

- 2x L86 Automatic Rifles

- 1x Sniper Rifle


- 4x Transport MH-6J's

- 1x Attack AH-6J

ground vehicles

- 4x Jackal Combat Patrol Vehicles.

- Various support trucks



Intense political pressure from NATO and FN resulted in the sudden withdrawal of Russian forces from heartland Chernarus. The aftermath of this was a number of aggressive warlords that have been collecting men, equipment and other military resources in an attempt to seize possession of the civilian population-- creating a almost feudal nation structure.

British peacekeeping forces have arrived and are making a strike against one of the warlords operating out of the three valleys region. There are three main efforts needed. Firstly intel reports a vehicle borne troop is putting the squeeze on one of the currently unaligned villages. HQ wants us to crash that party. Secondly the guerillas have struck it big; a Tank vehicle depot left behind by the Russians. Fortunately they've yet to activate the armoured beasts. HQ wants every tank destroyed. Finally local HUMINT has placed the location of the warlord's headquarters in an abandoned factory. The position must be assaulted and cleared of enemy forces.

Reports have suggested the Warlord is actually a Russian national, a former KGB type operator right out of the cold war. His organizational ability is beyond question; each of the enemy positions will attempt to support one another if attacked. Satellite imagery has located two Zu-23 AA gun sites marked Here and here. Chernarus has been a warzone for some time, so a number of MANPADs-- STINGER weapon systems have been spotted in the valleys. Keep a vary eye. The warlord is likely to attempt an escape if things turn against him. If you get a shot then take him out.

One final word. The Russians are still in the process of pulling out; avoid buzzing too close to their airspace lest we spark another international crisis... Its time to dismantle this petty warlord and bring back peace and democracy to Chernarus one county at a time.

Tasks can be performed in any order



With the situation in Chernarus gradually coming to a close, its time to pick up the pieces again and turn this wartorn nation into a productive state once more. Russian and American forces have pulled out of the region, leaving the decimated CDF forces to deal with increasingly aggressive Warlords .

British peacekeeping forces have inserted to deal with one of the more heavily fortified warlords operating out of the Zelenogorsk region. Intel has located four areas of heavy influence (including Zelenogorsk itself) which serve as forward bases for the Warlord. The areas are the Farmhouse, a Factory, a warehouse, and the nearby Radio tower. HQ wants the warlord dead and his base of operations obliterated. Neither his current location, nor that of his base is currently known-- its expected to be found at one of the four locations noted above. Furthermore Zelenogorsk must be liberated of all enemy forces. Civilian casualties will not be tolerated-- we cannot afford another Polana artillery bombardment here!

The warlord has had a great deal of time to prepare for the attack. Expect nearby villages to be patrolled by enemy forces [1,2,3], also a number of ZU-23 batteries have been spotted-- and as always the MANPAD STINGER threat is very real. Most damning it has been confirmed that the Warlord has sought outside expertise and has engaged a company of mercenaries to aid him. This must come at a tremendous cost, which only highlights the danger posed by this resourceful warlord. Failure here may loose us the entire western Chernarus!


Special thanks to www.nopryl.com for many excellent Thursday gaming sessions. Shiva who answered my pestering mission making questions. Arma2 editing forum dwellers for the vaaaaast amount of information hidden on your forums. Bohemia interactive for the OPF/ARMA game series.

Creation of this mission would have been impossible without these scripts:

-Ultra Simple Patrol Script v1.4 by JW Custom

-Random House Patrol Script v1.1 + Simple Vehicle Respawn Script v1.7 by Tophe

-BIN_taskDefend.sqf v1.4 by Binesi

-Urban Patrol script v2.1 by Kronzky

-Revive Script v0.5 by Norrin




Feedback is most welcome. The author can most easily be reached at the BIS forum by using the forums internal messaging system, responding to the relevant thread in the USER MISSIONS forum (in fact the very thread you are browsing right now!) or at email:

ken <arrrrrggghhht> modportal <dooooot> net


Ken Mikkelsen

Edited by NkEnNy

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Mate, if its on Chernarus. Make them the woodland BAF guys, MTP is pretty gash on Chernarus.

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Could you include AI and command function? So we could have all non human players as AI. Also a commander to control the different squads can be controlled by the first human player. Thanks for your missions it is being hosted on our dedicated coop mission server.

[-44-]Clan Coop Missions

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Added link to Armaholic mirror. Thanks a million. :)

@Colonel Stagler

Ehh.. You got me. Actually despite the images showing differently I believe the mission uses woodland troops. I’ll have to double check that however and will certainly update as appropriate.


High command module is activated for the mission-commander. It’s a feature I’m quite fond of and used it extensively when testing certain aspects of the mission. A word of warning is that its hard to get the AI to mount or dismount vehicles, and certain mission essential equipment (eg. Launchers and GPMG) are contained in an equipment crate. There appears to be no way for a high-commander to get his subordinates to rearm.

For the release version I decided to disable AI. AI combined with High command module doesn’t always play nice with Norrins Revive Script. I would be happy to create a separate version for you using BIS revive and reactivated AI; otherwise you are welcome to De-pbo and make your own modified version.

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded. Feedback is always welcome.


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You say v1.2

Armaholic says v1.0 and the readme says v1.1

Which one is it??

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Hi nkenny! We at Cia are big fans of your LITE coop pack. However, we dont play revive or respawn missions. Is there any chance for a non-respawn/revive version of these two missions?

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Glad you like them.

As for a non-respawn version. Sure. The only thing is I'm not entirely certain how to set up norrins revive script without a respawn option. Would the default BIS-revive work well enough for you?

Without revives & respawns these mission could get rough :)


edit: Also feel free to depbo and rip my missions apart

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Glad you like them.

As for a non-respawn version. Sure. The only thing is I'm not entirely certain how to set up norrins revive script without a respawn option. Would the default BIS-revive work well enough for you?

Without revives & respawns these mission could get rough :)


edit: Also feel free to depbo and rip my missions apart

Thanks for your willingness! the default BIS revive (you mean the first aid BIS module, right?) is good enough for us, sure!

I am well aware that this could have hard effect on the mission's difficulty, but I wouldn't want you to adapt the mission challenges just for our needs... So we will take our chances :)

Of course we can de-pbo and do it ourselves, but I do want to encourage other mission makers to make more non-respawn/revive missions or to provide versions without for their missions so I think it's great if you provide a second, non-respawn version!

p.s - when is the second LITE coop pack scheduled to be released :) ?

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No sweat.

I'll have the CIA version out by sometime later(barring any unforeseen problems) :)


edit: LITE upgrade pack is being worked on

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As these are custom fitted missions for a specific group and not to be considered a general update. There is little reason for other sites to host this version of the mission package.


Here you go. I've updated the scenarios to fit your requirements.

1. Adding BIS first aid modules in place of norrins revive script

2. Removed respawn

3. Re enabled friendly AI.

4. As an added bonus I've included my BAF variant of 18(co) Section Assault, which is a slightly smaller mission built on a very similar premise.

As noted before these missions can get tough; do tell me how it goes! :)

DOWNLOAD : no respawn version

edit: come to think of it it should be possible to play Norrins and set respawns to zero in the parameters?



Edited by NkEnNy

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Thanks Nkenny! I'll upload them to the CiA server. You are welcome to join us on our coops. details on my sig.

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Is this baf mission pack build around the idea that you will actually need respawn in order to be successful so to speak? For example we were able to play missions like Careless Hammer, Missing Metal, Perenz and Cartwheel without respawns, but I'm not sure if these BAF missions are more "heavy" and build around respawn as a useful game mechanic? Is it possible to give any indication as to how you see it/developed it?

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zoog, Nkenny made a non-respawn version and published it on this post. I'm not sure it's balanced now though as we have yet to gather enough players to play it.

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Yeah thanks, I saw that one as well. I'm more worried that it's balanced with respawn in mind. I don't like respawn. I might try the special edition he made without respawn, but if the mission is balanced as one which requires respawn, I'm not too confident if the experience will be as good as all other missions we've played made by nkenny :)

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I hear ya' zoog. One of my main activities within the BI forums is to convince mission makers to make no-respawnvive missions, or at least provide a version without. I've been partially successful.

If no-respawnvive or only GROUP respawn gameplay is what you look for, you might want to check out our CiA coop nights and this community group.

Back to topic, I doubt these Nkenny's missions are balanced without respawn, but it's worth a check. The difficulty in Nkenny's missions is generally not brutal anyway!

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Oi, I heard that! My missions not brutal enough for ya? eh? *grumble* I'll give you brutal, you just wait!


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noooooo! not brutal = good.

Seriously now, I think the level of difficulty in your missions is just at the right level :)

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:D I see what you did there. All thoughts are in place, all deeds are complete, Play, theme for a jackal play.

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:D I see what you did there. All thoughts are in place, all deeds are complete, Play, theme for a jackal play.

:) Bingo.

@prichard, your welcome. :)


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