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[SP] Broken Arrow 1-3

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I´m busy working on my missions and wanted to share the first version/beta of another 3 missions:

Broken Arrow


It´s beginning of a series of missions I am making at the moment. The missions include intros and briefings. They shouldn´t take very long to finish.

Non-ACE Version:

I removed the ACE requirement for the first 3 Missions:

Broken Arrow 1 : On Patrol


Broken Arrow 2 : Get Started


Broken Arrow 3 : Destroy and Search


Armaholic mirror of Non-ACE Version:

- Broken Arrow 1-3

ACE Version:





The Missions:

Broken Arrow 1 : On Patrol


A very short mission, more like an opening scene. I hope it runs smooth on other machines. Many explosions.

Thanks to E8ight for the great Camp Fortress template.

Broken Arrow 2 : Get Started


Kill a guard before it notices you and clear a village at night. Should work without problems.

Broken Arrow 3 : Destroy and Search


Ambush a convoy and search a destroyed village for survivors and tanks.

Tested the mission often but there could be some things not described.

Armaholic mirror:

- Broken Arrow 1-3 (@)

So the missions have a lot of typos i think. They should work and hopefully the first one doesn´t kill your arma.exe. I´m still working on the 3 missions and a few others and will put them into a campaign when they are ready. I planning to expand on the theme of the missions. A lot of ideas at the moment.

I am still new to this editing stuff and i would really love to get feedback on this.

Thanks for the help from the community and the great scripts and tutorials you released!

Greetings from Melmark

Edit: hopefully the picture isn´t too big.

Edited by Melmarkian
Non-ACE Version

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I played the 1st two missions and they were great.....I really like the intro's and outro's.....it helps to get into the mission. I couldn't get the third mission to work, the error said I was missing, "deleted.zeu_ace_c_wep_dispersion". I am using the most up to date version of Ace.

Can't wait for the Campaign.

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Thanks for your feedback! I´m working on mission 4 and 5 at the moment. Sorry for the error in mission 3. It was dependent on zeus and jtd. I updated the mission 1 and 3. 1 should be a little bit better fps now and 3 is without jtd and zeus addon.

When the campaign is finished I want to add a weaponpool and probably use savestatus for the soldiers.

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Updated first post with non-ACE Version of Broken Arrow 1 - 3.

Have fun!

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Hello Melmarkian, Im playing through these at the moment and had serious slow down on the mission "on patrol", my advice would be to delete most/all of the objects at the airbase because they arent really seen after the intro. Nice intros and outros to!:)

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The first mission runs with min 24 fps on my machine. But my pc is really new.

But I did a quick cleaning of the mission and now it runs with 40 fps after a few seconds.

Here´s the new version:


I am now in the process of mission 5-7 and they are mostly finished. Just a few texts and errorchecks missing. After those are ready I will create a campaignfile with continued weaponpool.

The campaign itself isn´t completed after this chapter with Team Fox. I have already 3 sidestorys/sequels on paper. The actual release of those will depend a bit on the feedback after the complete first campaign is finished.

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Almost ready. Last mission is being worked on at the moment.

I finally managed to get the campaignstructure to work and integrate a weaponpool together with saved equip for the soldiers.

The campaign will be 8 missions long with a lot of cutscenes.

So, any suggestions or feedback for the first part?

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Good to hear its coming along, I have to say the last Misson "locals" was my favourite so far, the stealth/undercover type missions would probably appeal to a lot of people.

I did have a slight problem with positioning the replacement wagon though, I actually gave up and completed another objective then came back and moved it slightly, possibly make the trigger area slightly larger.

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"The actual release of those will depend a bit on the feedback after the complete first campaign is finished."

Really nice!Keep making more campaigns!

One of the best!

Good job!

Thank you!

Edited by Grillob3

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So Broken arrow:7 night assault is the last mission? Just ends and that is it?

I'm not sure if its a bug or if i actually finished the campaign!?

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This is a great campaign! You have worked out very interesting tasks in the missions and the story is great too! :)

In the mission Locals there is no sniper rifle in the bike though. Only the magazines. I'll try to kill the guy with the pistol then.

Thanks for your work, keep it up!

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it is a very good campaign, i enjoyed it.

there are 8 missions in the campaign, so it shouldn't have ended. the last one is bloody hard

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