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How to 'prevent' JIP?

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The other threads I searched on seem to ask how to add - I don't have this problem but am finding the other problem. I don't want players to be able to rejoin the game after they die by exiting and grabbing another AI slot.

I removed all references to JIP in the init and thought this would be enough - it's not.

Im thinking that if I set disabledAI = 1; instead of it currently being set at 0 then this might do it.

Or is there another method?

Yes Im being a lazy bastard - forgive me I just released a campaign and cant be bothered testing this second. :D

---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ----------

ah well i tried it but dint work i could still go back and take another unit - i want this option blocked. you pick your unit and when you die you are out of the game until next mission.

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Lock the server or don't include a respawn? Disable input until end of mission ? Just some ideas

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init.sqf at the top

_JIPplayer = not isServer && isNull player;

now you can do elsewhere

if (_JIPplayer) then {...

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Do you want to allow players to join that didn't play (and die) in the mission before they joined in progress?

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ok my reasons/purpose for this -

1. I don't want players to be able to join a coop mission part way through but wait for the next mission to kick in.

but more importantly,

2. I don't want players who start the mission who die and use their revives (lives) up to be able to go back to the setup screen, grab a new unit, and jump back into the mission like nothing ever happened.


bcoz i want the missions to be as realistic as possible where the value of life and use of medic is critical to success. run n gun and you can sit and wait on the sidelines. use excellent tactical teamwork and you all get home in one piece.

in addition, i am concerned that the ability to JIP or respawn with a new character may break some of the scripts revive in particular so want to ensure this loophole is closed.

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For me the solution is simple...


LS_MissionStart = true;

publicVariable "LS_MissionStart"

You now have the flexibility to control what happens when someone else joins...

In the INIT.sqf or w/e.

if (LS_MissionStart) then


waitUntil {player == player};

player sideChat "Sorry you need to wait until the next mission, you will die in 5 seconds";

sleep 5;

player setDamage 1;


This is assuming you have no respawn enabled etc. You could even exec more stuff in that statement to boot them from the server perhaps... or init a SPEC script on them instead of letting them play.

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Idea: when first player exists the start base set a public variable. Script then checks new spawns and if this variable=true movepos the player to an abandoned island, jail, etc. When you die in a mission you'll start there, too. End a mission with LOSE if there are no players present in the "playable map" sector.

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The public variable could be omitted if kju's suggestion is used.

use respawn="BASE" in description.ext, set the respawn marker on the abandoned island or jail, and


_JIPplayer = not isServer && isNull player;
if (_JIPplayer) then
 waitUntil {(local player)};
 player sideChat "Sorry you need to wait until the next mission, you will  die in 5 seconds";
 sleep 5;
 player setDamage 1;

in init.sqf

If a player JIPs, he instantly dies and gets transferred to the abandoned island/jail.

Any player that dies during the mission, will also get transferred to the remote location...

Edited by HitmanFF

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