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Helmet Shadow Problem

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So i started working on a helmet pack thet you can select in the edit profile screen.

All was going great

and then bam, i went indoors and this happened


it glowed the whole time like i was outdoors and the helmet appeared like it was above the window as i walked past!

so i went back to the drawing board and tried a few different solutions but the one that worked was placing the textures on the top layer (i think it means alpha layer but i am not too sure and o2 is very vague)

After that things were going swimmingly again


now all seemed great, i had the correct lighting for the surrounding environment, textures appeared to be behind the windows when appropriate!

then walking down the street i happened to pass inder a street light and noticed this


so i went up to a nearby vehicle to test its shadow and


once again glowing heads are back!!!!

i have no clue what to do????

railings that i guess cast alpha shadows have the same problem, they effect the model that i am using's body but when it comes to my helmet nothing!

the shadow works on the floor


and at one point i did have self casting shadows on the helmet but they went away and i don't know why???

i have tried adjusting layer heights, changing the _co file from a paa to a pac to a tga and using photoshops plugin and texview 2 to try and save these images to see if thats the problem.

I REALLY NEED HELP or i will really need help lol (its driving me nuts!!!)

and helpful responses will be greatly appreciated

thank you for your time!


oh and once i get this sorted i am going to release them to all YAY!!!!




Just a quick side note, when i do get shadows they are starting a little away from the item giving shadow and therefore leaving a light gap before the shadow, is there a way to fix this?

(edit - links fixed)

Edited by daveygary1979

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Not one link in functional, please fix it so that others can see your problem!

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all i have at the moment is the 0.000 and the shadowvolume1.000 i did not add the other lod's although i can if needed as i still have them, i was told i didnt need to due to it being a helmet addon (based off the glasses addon) is that what is effecting it?

i have had self casting shadows active once but i am not sure what changed to stop it and o be honest i never noticed if ingame cast shadows effected the helmet until yesterda, but up until then there where so many problems that it would have been trivial.

oh and on a side note, how do i create a geometery lod?

(edit) if i binarize the model and then open it up in O2 i have noticed a box shape fairly similar in size to the original model, could that be used as the geometery model as i have noticed that all it looks like to me is a box!

Edited by daveygary1979

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Well it's probably worth trying it with all the same LODs as an infantry model seeing as it is essentially the same thing. Even if it is separate. For the geometry LOD something similar to the helmet in shape will probably do, very simple but still vaguely the same shape.

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Geometry and Shadow LODs aren't taken into account with regard to glasses proxies.

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So does that mean that the helmet will never get self casting shadows unless I move it to an ammo crate or something to that effect?

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Pretty much, although moving it to an ammo crate won't change anything. The glasses proxy isn't treated the same was as a regular model AFAIK, so it doesn't matter how you get it. If you made it some model that used the attach to like the ace backpacks it might cast a shadow, but you might end up with weird animation / positioning stuff. Pretty sure the seals have the same issue when using glasses as headgear.

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well the shadow lod is taken into effect as you can see on one of the above pictures (the shadow is cast on the floor) and i have had it working in the past until i changed somethig and dont know how to get it to work again. could it be the textures alpha layers or something like that? id the problem likely to be a _co problem or any of the other textures or could it be a bad rvmat? if it is the games coding then i can see i am fighting a losing battle but i sure hope not!

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could you set it up as a backpack maybe? not sure how different that would be to glasses though...

EDIT: Or couldn't you just create a new proxy for the helmet?


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Sorry about the late response! As far as creating proxies and trying to add them as a backpack item goes I have no idea how to do that! I am new to this and this stretches my knowlage as it is ( this is the first model I have made that I have been able to put ingame )! Any help would he more than welcome ;)

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I have no idea how to create proxies or make the helmet anything other than a glasses selection! I am creating a new ranger add-on which will have these helmets on as default and without helmets too so it can be switched around! I could, I guess have a plain much and create an add-on to add the items to the plain helmet!

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Yeah thinking about it, using the backpack proxywould fill the backpack slot on the unit (unless it can be configged differently). I'll have a look at using a new proxy (although that may well not work).

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now i was pondering of what to do with all the work that will be wasted (going to be used in a ranger model but not as a stand alone helmet mod although i will still be releasing the shades) and i was playing in my squads squad night and thought WOW the stock bis helmet looks soooo plain, hmm i wonder if my helmet attachments would work on this????

well i found that with many attempts with placement they do fit! and for some reason without the mich the shadows and self lighting have all started to work ( i kept the cans, surefire, the nvg rhino mount and the shades) i have a few screens and if anyone is interested i might be thinking of releasing this with different color lenses aswell as the pilot and crew helmets!i will also see what i can do about trying to get the glasses to fit through the helmets cat eye strap (although this may take some time due to the placement issues that WILL arise)

here are the screens ( these are the stock bis models with my multicam reskin)








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i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, but my goggles are still acting strangely. sometimes they show up correctly, sometimes they're milky white.



milky white:


i've copied down your rvmat exactly but i'm not sure what's going on.could you send me a copy of the goggles rvmat? i want to get rid of the whole "next-pass" business.

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johncage: Try selecting the glass part of the model and going to faces on the menu bar and selecting "move top". Ctrl+shift+home is the keyboard shortcut. Save the model and load it up ingame and see if that helped any.

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thanks for the help but that didn't seem to work. i also tried sort alpha and moving to next alpha as well.

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i will post my rvmats on tomorrow, sorry i cant help as i have never seen this before!

how many layers does the lens have ie is there just one sheet or 2 sheets that make up the lens?

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yes, i checked, it's just one face. also, the arm patch thing started showing up while i was messing around with the faces options. do you know how to make it go away short of deleting it? i think it's used for multiplayer. edit: i fixed it by just copy and pasting the arm patch from another working model.

Edited by johncage

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Yeah, if the arm patch thing happens again just select it and move it to the top layer as was mentioned for the glass!

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