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Double tapping instead of SHIFT+[F-KEY] when choosing group.

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I don't know but maybe it's a good idea.


Sometimes I find it somewhat "clumsy" to press SHIFT+[F-KEY] to select the whole group. For example SHIFT+F10 needs two hands.

How about enabling a double tap feature? F10+F10 = SHIFT+F10.

It's not a big deal really but why not? :)

EDIT: TEAM is probably a better word for GROUP! My bad! :)

Edited by Posta

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I'm not sure if this will help, but what I do is label Unit 1 Red, Unit 2 Green, Unit 3 Blue, then keep that pattern or whatever else I want to do, that was 1, 2, 3 are Red Green and Blue respectively.

Much easier than doing it in series :)

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I'm not sure if this will help, but what I do is label Unit 1 Red, Unit 2 Green, Unit 3 Blue, then keep that pattern or whatever else I want to do, that was 1, 2, 3 are Red Green and Blue respectively.

Much easier than doing it in series :)

Yeah I do that sometimes. But after some time the groups get messed up (Unit dies).

EDIT: And in Warfare tank crews come in series. :)

SHIFT + F1 - F7 works. But F8, F9 and F10 forces me using both hands. Or wait... How about RSHIFT? Haven't tried.

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To select the whole group you are command of hit your Tilde key ~ which is located

to the left of the number keys under the F keys.

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To select the whole group you are command of hit your Tilde key ~ which is located

to the left of the number keys under the F keys.

Yeah, I know! :) Tilde is almost like SPACE (there are some differences though).

But I'm talking about teams.

Usually like this.

F2, F3, F4, 9, 1 = Red team. (Tank 1)

F5, F6, F7, 9, 2 = Green team. (Tank 2)

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My problem with your idea is that if you wanted to deselect something you had just selected then a doubletap could mess things up. Perhaps better then to have a hold-key. ie hold it for say 0.5 seconds.

But frankly I think the best suggestion yet is this one:


in brief:

shift +

F1 = Red

F2 = Blue

F3 = Green

F4 = Yellow

F5 = White

This way you don't have to find a particular colored unit to get the whole team with shift.

A downside to this idea is you have to remember them if a legend isn't displayed.

hold shift = display legend?


whaddya know, kju suggested an excellent improvement to the above here: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/17501


Edited by wamingo

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