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How to use bags in OA? Other questions.

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How exactly do I use the bags that soldiers often in OA? Sometimes I can open them, sometimes I can not... how exactly do I open them? Clicking the G key does nothing, nor does double, right clicking, ect.

And to dump junk out of it, must I drop it to the ground? Or can I do this at an ammo box?

The one time I got the bags to work, I had to dump my bag on the ground, unload the stuff... go to an ammo box, get what I wanted... go back to the bag, put it in there, get my other stuff back from the ammo box, and pick up the bag. Surely there is a more efficient way in doing this?

Any I have one other random question. Is there a way to make custom loadouts for each soldier/bag for a specific mission in the editor, or must I manually do this at an ammo box?

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How exactly do I use the bags that soldiers often in OA? Sometimes I can open them, sometimes I can not... how exactly do I open them? Clicking the G key does nothing, nor does double, right clicking, ect.

And to dump junk out of it, must I drop it to the ground? Or can I do this at an ammo box?

The one time I got the bags to work, I had to dump my bag on the ground, unload the stuff... go to an ammo box, get what I wanted... go back to the bag, put it in there, get my other stuff back from the ammo box, and pick up the bag. Surely there is a more efficient way in doing this?

Any I have one other random question. Is there a way to make custom loadouts for each soldier/bag for a specific mission in the editor, or must I manually do this at an ammo box?

I think you should post this thread to edit section.

You do not need requiring others who has the backpack to drop their rucksack if you wanna to get some weapons from it, just approach them and you can take weapons or magazines you want whatever they're fighting or moving. You also need to find the right rucksack if you wanna to build a static weapon.

Btw, you can use

clearMagazineCargo (unitBackpack this);  (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["Magazine Class Name here",4]; 

to add some custom magazines into the rucksack. lol.

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I think some units are modeled with the backpack without it actually having any purpose. (Not 100% sure on that, could be some addon units I have)

That may be the reason you can't access it in the gear menu.

If you are equipped with one just open the gear menu. Click the backpack, and choose "open bag". Then you can move the gear you want over to your inventory or vice versa.

The numbers on the left is the amount thats in the bag, and the right ones is what you carry.

As ffur2007slx2_5 already said you can also walk up to a person with a bag and access it with the mousewheel.

To get a AI unit to drop the pack mark the unit and press 6, then you will see the option.

Edited by Bullet Purveyor

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Here is some code that I use in a custom loadout script that may help you. The Alice and US_Backpack_EP1 are the largest. Some AI have a camelback water carrier - you aren't mistaking that for a backpack are you?

_soldier addBackpack "US_Backpack_EP1";
unitBackpack _soldier addMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb",3];
unitBackpack _soldier addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR",4];


this addBackpack "US_Backpack_EP1";

in the units init: will give the unit the backpack (empty) at the start of the game and you can fill it from the gear menu.

or a full loadout script - save it as loadout.sqf in the mission folder and put the first line without the comments // in the units init: that will run the script when the game starts.

//xhandler = [this] execVM "loadout.sqf";

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

private ["_soldier"];

_soldier = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons _soldier;

_soldier addBackpack "US_Backpack_EP1";

unitBackpack _soldier addWeaponCargo ["M110_TWS_EP1",1];

unitBackpack _soldier addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR",2];

_soldier addWeapon "NVGoggles";

_soldier addMagazine "Laserbatteries";

_soldier addWeapon "Laserdesignator";

_soldier addWeapon "ItemGPS";

{_soldier addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];

{_soldier addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_M203"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];

_soldier addWeapon "SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect";

_soldier addMagazine "PipeBomb";

_soldier addMagazine "HandGrenade_West";

_soldier selectWeapon "SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect";

edit - you might want to read this:


Edited by PELHAM
add. info

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clearMagazineCargo (unitBackpack this); (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["Magazine Class Name here",4];
this addBackpack "US_Backpack_EP1";

in the units init: will give the unit the backpack (empty) at the start of the game and you can fill it from the gear menu.

It looks like the 1.57 patch has broken both of these lines of code. has anyone been able to get these to work again?

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I'd like to know how to use backpacks, too.

Press "G" for Gear.

One of the items listed will be a backpack (if you have one). Not every soldier has a backpac.

In the list, click on the backpak

At the bottom of the screen appears a button "open backpacK"

Open the backpack. Now you can move things from the back pack to into your hands


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if the backpack is on a soldier and you want to access it

step 1 ) tell him to halt

2) walk behind him

3) click "open pack" (various depending on name of pack)

4) like if you are using an ammobox, take the ammo you want

if you want to use your own

1) press G

2) click on the bag icon

3) select "open bag" from the bottom of the menu

4) see step 4 from above

NOTE: if you have a full loadout and use your/another pack, a magazine etc. will be swapped into the pack in place of what you selected

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