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500 ways to tell if you play ofp too much.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ May 14 2002,10:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">123: you are afraid of bushes because placebo hid in one and impregnated you  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

ROFLMAO smile.gif

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125: you can't understand why the taliban T-55s don't have ASF written on then when the U.S. didn't download any of their addons

126: your house explodes from a gas leak but you calmly go to sleep on the lawn because you know it will be rebuilt next mission

127: you rush into a burning building looking for the "put out fire" action

128: you look for general guba in the phonebook so you can send him a month's supply of shaving cream

129: when avon comes to your house trying to sell you something, you ask for a link to their FAQ

130: you avoid driving on slopes as much as possible because you think your car will suddenly fly into the air and land upside down

131: you have disturbing erotic dreams about angelina and a T-80

132: you get drunk and start issueing move orders to people on the street

133: while hunting you scream "I'VE GOT HIM" and "DEER IS HISTORY" at the top of your lungs whenever you get a kill

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134.You are out shooting, when you run out of bullets, so you think you can reload the gun, with out taking the magazine out.

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135. You are seriously considering getting the Flashpoint logo tattooed on you arm.

136. You get jittery and irrateable when you are cut off from OFP for a few days.

137. You eat most of your meals while playing OFP.

138. All of your meals are take out because you are too lazy to cook because you are playing OFP.

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135. after a high speed auto collision the cops ask you why you didn't just steer out of the way and you say that it won't let you turn the wheel more than 5 degrees either way at that speed.

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sorry that last post should have been #139 but ussoldier11b posted just seconds before me

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139. You say "Roger" when people ask you to do things. LOL!!

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#140) The rotor sound of the Hind Keeps on appearing in your sleep and dream.

141) You want a Hind for your main transportation vehicle

142) You want a Hind as your wife

143) You wanna change your name to Mi-24 Hind

144) In an airshow, you went in a A 10 and start shooting a the Hind cockpit with M4 , wondering why the glass cracked and the hind exploded. Then some ruskie pulled you out and castrated you.

145) You drove a car at 100mile/hour and insists going into a tree, thinking only your car engine will shut down and you will come out in one piece.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">139. You say "Roger" when people ask you to do things.<span id='postcolor'>

Hmmm....I did this before I ever started playing OFP.

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USSoldier11B's wife: Hunny, could you give me the name of that girl that tried to seduce you?


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146. Name of movie you like: HEAT

147. Your kid's name: Sabot

148. You spell 'far' with 'FFAR'

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">USSoldier11B's wife: Hunny, could you give me the name of that girl that tried to seduce you?


<span id='postcolor'>

USSoldier11B married? Not anytime soon I hope.


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Here's another version:

USSoldier11B's friends: dude, could you give me the name of that hot chick that tried to seduce you?


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">USSoldier11B's friends: dude, could you give me the name of that hot chick that tried to seduce you?


<span id='postcolor'>

How bout?

Hot chick: Wanna go back to my place now?

USSoldier11B: Roger!

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Any girls after you USSsoldier?

DUn get married, they will ROB YOUR FREEDOM and you can't go party with your fellow black OP anymore

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Any girls after you USSsoldier?

<span id='postcolor'>

About 3 at the moment. Can't really decide which one I like.

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Britney: "So.....wanna see if they're real or not?"

Aculaud: "On the way!"

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USSOLDIER11B, you are soo lucky that girls love commandos!!!

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lol, yeah.

USsoldier11B: "2, Move to my tree 6 o clock."

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USsoldier11B: "12 oclock, log, far"

USsoldier11B: "2, board on, log, 12 oclock"

"2, roger"

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149 - Each time you see wooden boxes on the ground, you walk up to them wanting to know if you can get a few LAWs

150 - When you hear static on the radio, you think its because of your Sound Blaster Live!

151 - You are scared shitless when on a road in a town or in the open field, so you lay down low

152 - When you hear the sound of metalic snails "from possible construction tracktors" you automaticly take out your LAW and find a bush.

153 - When in any building, you are afraid to get stuck in the walls

154 - You think that every unknown vehicles want to run over you (Multiplayer trick to kill the enemy)

155 - You don't believe that grass has a form other than flat

156 - Your arms always move after you move your head

157 - If you dont have something in your hands, you run slowly

158 - Seeing many vehicles slows down your eye's FPS

159 - You make sure the choppers passing over your head wont crash on you

160 - You don't feel safe in any vehicles with windows.

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162) u think the only way to move with the law is "crouched"

163) guns make you run faster

164) when the enemy is near your flag you think killing urself gets u there faster

165) when playing as a sniper u only carry 4 clips

166) changing magazines just means jigling ur hands

167) if you shoot ur friend u know u will see him next game

168) if you want something u ask a request to make it on a forum

169) to go to battle you enter an IP address

170) when jumping out of a plane u never worry about a parachute

171) u want a c-130 so you can parachute even though it is faster to drive there and sometimes walk

172) u launch scuds just to see them in the sky

173) when u see a vehicle u think it is just another "FREE RIDE"

174) u always have a gun because u can never get rid on them

175) u hate smoke grenades because they slow u down

176) u think u can shoot any gun by pressing the fire button

177) u always beach boats to get out of them

178) even though boats have no wheels u still drive them down the street at a speed of about 30

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179: you ignore people who ask questions that can't be answered by the 0 key

180: when you run out of fuel on the highway you stop in the middle of the lane and shout "need fuel" and give your position

181: whenever you watch a movie that has a dark scene, nightvision goggles appear on your face that won't go away

182: you think everyone wears nightvision goggles around the campfire

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