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RWS - Real Warfare Soundmod

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Regarding the sound of the M4 three round burst playing M16 sound, maybe the inherit for them should be re-pathed to another base class? Because I've made M4 config back a while, and I also had this very same issue with it. I don't know what your config looks like, but the inheritance might cause it playing the M16 sound.

Maybe this ACE2 ticket might give you some ideas on how to fix that:


Edit: forgot some little bug: MP5 single shot plays the same sound as the Mk48 firing sound for me

Edited by Banderas

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Regarding the sound of the M4 three round burst playing M16 sound, maybe the inherit for them should be re-pathed to another base class? Because I've made M4 config back a while, and I also had this very same issue with it. I don't know what your config looks like, but the inheritance might cause it playing the M16 sound.

Maybe this ACE2 ticket might give you some ideas on how to fix that:


Edit: forgot some little bug: MP5 single shot plays the same sound as the Mk48 firing sound for me

Yep, I had the same.

This corrected it...

class Single : Single {
		begin1[] = {"\anders_s_guns\m4_single1.wss", 2.23872, 1, 1000};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 1};

	class Burst : Burst {
		begin1[] = {"\anders_s_guns\m4_auto1.wss", 2.23872, 1, 1000};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 1};

	class FullAuto : FullAuto {
		begin1[] = {"\anders_s_guns\m4_auto1.wss", 2.23872, 1, 1000};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 1};

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lol soo easy?? cant imagine :D will try it tomorrow or in few hours^^ thank u !

btw strange bug u have with the mp5, working fine for me? ill check it, thx!

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btw strange bug u have with the mp5, working fine for me? ill check it, thx!

I was browsing weapons in ACE ammoboxes, and MP5 cam right after Mk48. It (MP5) played the same sound as the Mk48 in single shot, but different sounds in burst/auto.

Update: Since then I've checked an other ammo box, seems like some ACE ammo boxes have broken weapons in them. Taking it from "US Army weapons" boxes instead of "USMC weapons" solved the problem. :confused:

Others I've found so far, HK416 SD rifles don't play any sounds, and M8 SAW plays default M249 sound.

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theres a funny engine bug: if the sound of the fired weapon is still playing while switch and fire another weapon, the switched weapon will continue with the last played sound.

maybe switched the weapon to fast?

HK417 Sd sound not made yet, will fix it with next update. and the xm8 saw wont work, some config prolems, still trying to fix that. any ideas?

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The most important thing for me in a soundmod is what incoming fire sounds like. I like what JSRS did with the whiplash like sounds for incoming fire, but there are some whizzes and pops as well. The sound that follows the incoming fire is also important. It can't sound like it's close to you, unless it really is.

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Slade, I don't know if you give a sh*t about suggestions, and I'd like to keep my nose out of other's works, but I have a kind of a request :)

In the many released sound mods I didn't ever found any sound to my likenesses for the GAU-12 cannon (AV-8B/F-35B's weapon). I'd like to ask if the sound could be made something similar heard in this video?


Here LAV-ADs firing the same GAU-12 cannons

I'm for one against soundmods based on youtube videos, because of the questionable quality of the recording device, but I find the sound in this record rather "smashing".

Edited by Banderas

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you video isnt working m8

we working on everything just give me and slade some time.

we alrdy have a awesome sound for the Gau 12 its sounds a bit stange but it is realistic ^^

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Hello Slade and Konrad,

great Sound! Keep it up - great job!:clap:

Thx and best regards


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Do you mean the 416/17s in the latest patch (where there in a folder called ACE) or do you mean the ones that came in the original download? I run this mod with ACE.

Now all we need is that bikey so we can actually use this sound mod! heh

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ok? ;) sry was my mistake. oh yeah bikey...ill fix it as fast as i can ;)

Edited by SladeUSSOCOM

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Sounds good guys, can't wait till I get my new rig, yours is the first soundmod I'll give a go :D

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Is this really the closest to realism? Because strangely, some of the afghan fire-fight footage have different gun sounds.

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In my "experience", videos found on the net can have very varying sounds, depending on the technical qualities of the recording device - obviously handycams won't record the same sounds quality as professional recording microphones. So what you hear in a youtube video will be probably different when you hear a firefight live with your own ears.

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So to confirm, with ACE running have your ACE folder running priority to your main soundfolder and remove "RWS_HK416.PBO AND RWS_HK417.PBO TOGETHER WITH THE BISIGNS" from the main soundfolder?

And if I use it without ace, dont do any of that and just use your main sound folder only, is that right?

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In my "experience", videos found on the net can have very varying sounds, depending on the technical qualities of the recording device - obviously handycams won't record the same sounds quality as professional recording microphones. So what you hear in a youtube video will be probably different when you hear a firefight live with your own ears.

So the other soundmods are 100% realistic? Or not? Because all of em have different sounds. And I can't find which is the most realistic. Or some of them had tweaks to make guns sound more powerful?

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Nothing is 100 percent.

Bottom line is, if the mod maker "intention" is to be as close to realism as they can then that's all you really have. So this & CSM plus ACE2 and later Project Reality sounds, are to me are the ones that promise "as close". Other ones I would say are the perception of the addon maker and some extra "beef" and normally stated as such by the creator.

And its right, you will never get 100 percent unless your in a war getting shot at. Other than that you have the technology and perception filter between us and reality. After that its what just sounds ok to you other than vanilla and your own pref regarding the choices we have, and the immersion factor, coupled with guidance from feedback & the intention/direction of the mod maker.

Edited by mrcash2009

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and the professinals recording microphone also cant give it 100% back as in reallife. and the next fact is the enviroment, distance, in front or behind a gun, windage, etc...the same weapon can sound very different. try to understand the following: whatever rife ull fire, it sounds like "PAAFFFFF"...not like "PPRRRRAAFF" (singleshot). sounds silly but i hope u can understand. and that is what i try to show with this soundmod.

So the other soundmods are 100% realistic? Or not? Because all of em have different sounds. And I can't find which is the most realistic. Or some of them had tweaks to make guns sound more powerful?

tastes are different, most people only know gunshots from videos, this isnt a good comparison.

So to confirm, with ACE running have your ACE folder running priority to your main soundfolder and remove "RWS_HK416.PBO AND RWS_HK417.PBO TOGETHER WITH THE BISIGNS" from the main soundfolder?

only run @RWS_ACE if u using ACE, very easy ;)


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and the professinals recording microphone also cant give it 100% back as in reallife. and the next fact is the enviroment, distance, in front or behind a gun, windage, etc...the same weapon can sound very different. try to understand the following: whatever rife ull fire, it sounds like "PAAFFFFF"...not like "PPRRRRAAFF" (singleshot). sounds silly but i hope u can understand. and that is what i try to show with this soundmod.

tastes are different, most people only know gunshots from videos, this isnt a good comparison.

only run @RWS_ACE if u using ACE, very easy ;)


wait....i have only HK in the @RWS_ACE ...running only the RWS_ACE folder means only HK416/417 ingame...

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I only have one question, why are there no bikeys... You clearly have them avail as you've signed all the addons.

Please post BIKEY so these can be used on signed servers.

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Man that´s so weird.

I´ve tried so many Addon combination, but everytime only a few Weapon Sounds

are different with activated RWS.

Tunguska,all US Machineguns, and a few other Sounds sounds like default.

If I activate other Soundmods they are changing correctly to the specific Soundmod.

I can´t find the error.

Here is my Addonlist (newest Ace Version is running):


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I´ve tried so many Addon combination, but everytime only a few Weapon Sounds

are different with activated RWS.

Its not a total conversion, its only dealing with a small amount and a few weapon sounds :) (at the moment).

I think it need to be clearer, hate say this, as your last point was just use ace folder with ace, but all main sounds are in the other folder. So, is it ...

When using ACE ... use the configs with the main soundmod for it to work, otherwise stick to the main soundmod folder for non ace, otherwise your saying to use a folder with hardly anything in it, as noted by Isola :) Sorry to be an arse, but its not to clear and I was not just thinking of me.

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wait....i have only HK in the @RWS_ACE ...running only the RWS_ACE folder means only HK416/417 ingame...


@RWS_Weapons // -----> Without ACE

Thats now clear?? :D:D

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