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TexView 2 woes...

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Hey all

First post here, because I've been able to sort out my problems myself so far but this time I'm really stuck and would appreciate some insight from experienced modders. This seems to be the right place for my query as I'm pretty sure I'm missing something when using Texview.

So I've been messing around with textures trying to reskin some units. Could convert from .paa to .tga, edit them with good old Gimp and convert them back to .paa, pack everything in a nice .pbo and launch the game for testing.

But, everytime I try to start a mission with units using my new textures, I get a crash to desktop. I'm assuming this has to do with my textures format/conversion.

I've tried saving them with and w/o RLE compressing and/or bottom-left origin (when saving from Gimp). I've tried all 4 combinations, to no avail.

Is there something I'm missing right before saving my .tga as .paa from Texview ? Selecting RGBA and DXT1 in the dropdown menus doesn't seem to help either.

Thanks for any help/tips. I'm pretty sure this isn't a stupid question (I mean, I did try, right ? :D ) but in case it is, spare me no flames gentlemen...



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Welcome to the forums VonB

Did you try searching these forums first? Golden Rule here because there SHIT LOADS of info in here, 95% of the time you should at least search to see what other people get help on, even if its just a similar problem, the info can be an education either way.

If you did, excuse my lecture ;)

Bunch of info missing;

- Its definately TexView2, not 1?

- What PBO's are you working on? The BIS originals !!? Ouch!

- What are you using to un-pbo and re-pbo?

- Are you keeping the EXACT same dimensions? x1024 or 2048 etc

- Can you actually load the converted TGA (now as a PAA) files back into TexView2, and it reads it?

- Whats your RPT file saying the reason for the crash is?

- Does it still crash if you un-pbo, DONT modify a file and then put it back as a PBO?

TGA's are always uncompressed 24bit or 32bit

I never mess with the Default TexView2 drop-downs

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When you pack them back into the PBO, dont binarize them.

You get a crash if you try to binarize a binarized model.

Also ensure, that you mark the .rvmat extention from the binPBO obptions as a "not to binarize"-Format. It cant handle it.

Hope it helps

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Please ignore the loud banging, it's just the sound of my right hand repeatedly punching myself in the face as I write this with the left, eyes low with shame.

So, after trying everything and messing around with BinPbo to finally realise Kegety's Cpbo was a much more handy little proggy that worked just fine with other little modifications I had made, it occured to me that the only possible explanation was that the user (in this case, stupid me) was at fault.

And indeed, guess who completely overlooked the fact his addon folder had a subfolder with the same name (from Eliteness decompressing) that logically prevented the .cfg to find what it was supposed to find ?

That's right, me.

Let this self-inflicted public humiliation serve as a lesson.

Thank you for the help gentelemen !



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edit: nvm, rle compression was on

Edited by johncage

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Hey guys got a small problem.

I have textview2 and I had converted a jpg to a paa, problem is I resized a pic and the new resized pic wont convert to paa,

when i pull the new resized pic into the textview2 window.

the resized jpg went from:

1366 x 768 to

1024 x 576

does it not accept this resolution?

what would be a better resolution to convert to as Im just trying to have a smaller size of the 1366 size.

I got it figured out.

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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All pics must have dimensions ^2

eg, these are all your standard sizes for height or width.






Avoid textures where height or width is less than half the other, or over twice the other dimension.


If youre saying it converted your 1366 x 768, then I'd suggest that was luck, not design.

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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No my pic already had 1366 size.

I can convert pics to paa np, it just any pic I convert the game makes the pic bigger then what I want, no matte what size I change the pic to the game renders the pic the same size.

The smaller the pic the worse the pic looks, so higher res is needed, any ideas on how to solve this?

I tried 2048 but dont matter game makes it bigger than normal.

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Well I resized the 1399 pic to 2048 even to 1024, but no matter what the size its like the game makes the pic 3x bigger

it stays the same size no matter what the changed or resolution is.

Im missing something here.

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What paint program are you using?

Are you really sure the TGA file has actually been resized?

What size is Windows saying the file is?

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Not useing a paint program per say, I use pixresizer program to resize the files.

then I use gimp 2 to convert the jpg to a tga, and then txtview 2 to convert to paa. As far as I know

the size is converted to how it was when it was I resized it.

But when i first tried txtview2 I was able to just move a jpg into the textview2 window and I could convert

it but now for some reason i cant and I found our by lookng around you need to convert to tga, so thats what I ended up doing.

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I've been attempting to edit a paa file in a mission but every tool i use doesnt work for me. I've tried texview 2 and get an error and or crashes. I've tried paa decompressor and that just crashes. I'm running windows 7 64bit and have tried all the previous programs in admin mode.

Upon opening it via Eliteness I get this info

Type: DXT1 / S3TC compression



OFFS TAGG: Offsets. 6 entries

33024 x 128 Size=11227

128 x 64 Size=4096

64 x 32 Size=1024

32 x 16 Size=256

16 x 8 Size=64

8 x 4 Size=16

Edited by Winch3st3r

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Use Gimp2 to edit the pic, then convert the pic to a tga, from tga use texview2 to convert to paa.

Thats how I got it to work, but if its crashing for you, I have no idea whats wrong, maybe reinstall it.

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Are you trying to load a file into TexView from one location, then save to a different location?? TexView is quirky about that - doesn't like it and will sort of semi-crash...

My usual procedure is - TexView window and file location window open side-by-side... drag file into TexView - save as .paa - the converted file saves back into the original source folder... anything else causes grief.....


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That quirkiness is annoying but i tend to try to have one location where i drop any created TGA files and save them as paa or pac as appropriately in that location

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Hey guys

This is an old thread, but I wanted to add a question to it, we know about the conversion from jpg to tga with gimp2 or another tool,

then convert tga to paa using textview 2 but what about the opposite?

Im trying to open a paa and convert it to jpg, how do I do that? Gimp2 wont open a paa, and text2view

gives me an error and wont open the paa, so what can I do or use?

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In TexView2 load the paa

Just select Save-As

In Save-Type select All-Files

Change the file name end in TGA

Click Save

Edit: if TexView2 doesn't open your PAA, don't think anyone can help you. Must be a corrupt file

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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Thanks for your reply Gnat, I did as you said, but the file dont open, it seems like its open as the title of the paa is at the top bar,

I changed the name to tga, but that didn't change it.

Is it possible someone could convert this file, or at least try for me, i dont think im doing anything wrong but

but Textview2 has only worked for me when I have an already existing tga file.

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I got the paa to show, problem was I was using the Arma1 version of textview2, as I had another thread asking about Wallpapers for IF,

and I just installed the Arma2 BI tools and went to the file, opened up with textview2 and blamo it works!!

My mistake after all this time I had no idea i was using the wrong version of this tool, and i thank you Gnat for taking the time to help me out,

your steps you had posted do help, and now even better that I got the tool working.

Bi2 tools for Arma2


Thanks again.

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I already have this version ArmA2OA Tools version 2.5.1

Heres the situation, I can do what you said on a previous post:

convert a paa to tga

then open in gimp2 and convert the tga to jpg

then make edits to the jpg, and then convert back to tga, now problem arises now that i cannot convert

the jpg to the paa, i get error that says cannot load ... ect,.

so im rather lost as what to do now. I cannot convert a tga to paa now.

Any ideas?

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hmmmm .... spin out

Maybe something to do with .....

"setup will install newer C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86) (update from year 2008)"

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convert a paa to tga

Directly after converting to .tga from .paa can you open this .tga in TexView2?

then open in gimp2 and convert the tga to jpg

Why would you need to convert the .tga to .jpg? Can't Gimp modify .tga?

then make edits to the jpg, and then convert back to tga, now problem arises now that i cannot convert

the jpg to the paa

This is unclear. So, you're trying to open the modified .jpg in TexView2 or the modified .tga?

I'd suspect, without seeing a .tga you've saved out of Gimp that this program is saving a variation of the .tga format that TexView2 doesn't like. It only eats a particular type of .tga.

So, if after converting from .paa to .tga if you can immediately open this .tga in TexView2 and then later once you save a modified .tga from Gimp you can no longer open this .tga then I'd suggest it's a problem with Gimp. At a guess. Could be completely of the mark there.


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