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Possible to Link Multiple Maps Together?

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Hey all,

Like the title suggests, I am wondering if it's possible to link multiple maps together, meaning;

When the player, for example, escapes a certain boundry/trigger, they are loaded to a new map (i.e. from Takistan to Zarghabad).

Would it be possible using some of the campaign-style scripting, whereby info is retained from mission to mission, and therefore the player's 'stuff' could be remembered? The only problem is how would they return (i.e. go 'back' through a campaign?) And, as well, is it possible, if this is the best course of action, to 'force' a jump to the next mission?


- HateDread.

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Just to understand better....are you wanting the player to be "transported" to another map whilst still ingame, or just loaded to a new map after the first mission ends and the second begins.

If it's the latter, then I think whatever map you create the mission on would load after the first mission officially ends and the debriefing comes up, if there is one.

But, if you're talking about loading another map so as the player doesn't really notice that he's gone from one area to the next, then I'm sure that would be quite a new feat.

Good luck

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I know that in PMC you are supposed to keep the weapons you collected in earlier missions. So that part should be possible. I am certain that the map-change thing only would work if the current mission ends, and you start the next one. I dont think it can happen automatically, besides the ending.

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Just to clarify, I mean, either of two possiblities (or other ways you guys come up with):

- Firstly, and more preferably, would be another map loading and the player being 'transported' to it, at a specified location. Imagine walking along a road indicated 'To Zarghabad', then the screen fades to black, and the next map is loaded. A good example is how, in RPG games, a new 'city', 'region', or 'cell' is loaded when the boundries of the current one are crossed, a door is opened, etc. Most likely done with triggers in specific areas only (like the above example), as guided by on-screen text/hints.

- Or, possibly, somehow using the campaign system to maybe 'force' next map load, i.e. with a trigger that 'fails/succeeds' the mission when you are outside its perimeter, allowing then next 'map' to be loaded once you reached the current map's border, etc.

The problem with number two is that I don't see how you could go 'back' through the campaign's mission list, whilst still preserving all information. I could do it as a 'next' mission, where you have to go back, but the idea is:

"To be able to freely travel between two or more maps as dictated by triggers and variables, allowing the mission-space to be expanded to include a variety of climates and/or terrain."

Edited by HateDread

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Make sure to read up on this file which controls campaign flow:


In essence, I can imagine putting a trigger on north edge of Takistan which would call mission end, like end2, and in the campaign description.ext, an end2 for the Takistan "mission" would go to the Zargabad "mission". And so on.

SaveVar is one way to persist data across missions. There are others too.

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Ooh thank you! That is certainly helping. But, that link is, in my opinion, rather poorly written/described. It's kind of hard to follow at times, such as the actual use of the mission 'endings'. I'm afraid I don't quite understand what he is saying.

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Yeah I know :) I generally figured it out by looking at both BIS description files, and those from other campaign builders. Once you get a very basic structure working, you will it is fairly straight forward. I will see if I can send an example this evening.

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I'm assembling a no frills mini-campaign. The triggers are acting a little buggy. When that's fixed, I will post it. Want to make sure I give you a template that works after all.

You can download it here: http://www.azcoder.com/a2files/Test_Camp.zip

It includes the assembled PBO, and the campaign files too. The map triggering works fine, the save weapons is kind of unreliable. You could try testing that, once you look inside, there are variables clearly named that hold weapons and ammo, and what map the player came from. It should be enough to get you started anyway.

Edited by AZCoder

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If you want to switch terrains inside a single mission, check out the playScriptedMission command. Now, I could never get this to work, but I suspect there is a way. And it definitely appears to advertize switching terrains mid-mission.

Good luck. :)

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@MadRussian: I cannot get that command to work either. It looks very interesting. I tried to find an example of its use also, but no luck :(

The test campaign I posted will do the trick, although it is a lot more work.

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Re. the campaign idea - thank you for the example. I'll check it out and see how I go :)

And regarding that command (playScriptedMission), the biki page speaks as if it's featured in a particular credits scene... does anyone know where that is? End of OA, PMC, etc? Might be able to see it in action there.


EDIT: It's entered as an ArmA 2 1.00 command, but the example goes to the OA Desert :/

Edited by HateDread

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