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Warfare BE: ACE Edition

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Too bad he didn't just make ACE versions himself. It would make life easier for everyone.

Hey, any chance you could convert the other islands too?

I'm downloading Yapal as I type. I like the small maps, so we'll see. Might have it done today. I mean i got sod all else to do! ;)

But don't get upset if i don't or i haven't. I couldn't handle the emotions! :D

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Too bad he didn't just make ACE versions himself. It would make life easier for everyone.

Hey, any chance you could convert the other islands too?

Benny has better things to do than creating variants of his mission for every possible mod out there.

Other people can make adjustments, for e.g ACE :)

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Benny has better things to do than creating variants of his mission for every possible mod out there.

Other people can make adjustments, for e.g ACE :)

I totally agree Sickboy. Personally I'd rather he was focusing his magic on WarfareBE. ;)

That aside, I have a working WarfareBE ACE Yapal, just playing it atm to check if it works as it should. Done 3 towns, but will add more after a play test. :p

Edited by Law-Giver
Added new link!

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Sweet Law. The more maps the merrier! You are quickly moving up on the awesome people of the internet list.

We will give Yapal a go tonight hopefully.

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Sweet Law. The more maps the merrier! You are quickly moving up on the awesome people of the internet list.

Er, what can i say? :yay:

Gonna convert another island, Sbrodj by Old Bear. Just need to get rid of this hangover first. :dozingoff:



Edited by Law-Giver

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I've implemented Benny's JIP fix and ai group fix as posted here on Benny's Warfare pages. I haven't tested them yet as i have sh*t to do! :D



If anyone has download any of my edits with Benny's fixes before 6.15pm 18/12/11 then download again. I forgot to add Ace related stuff which meant you had no weapon at start up. And Benny had a typo error. Fixed!

Edited by Law-Giver

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Hey People!

I got a version here with tonz of ACE toys for both sides. Works as perfect as bennys with 1 limitation: Restricted Gear Param (Rocketlauncher+Machine Gun=NoCanDo) does not work .

And to be honest I never played with MANDOMISSILES. But KI runs, hates, kills and destroys as it should.


Feel free to bastardize it with whatever.

Have fun!

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Hey People!

I got a version here with tonz of ACE toys for both sides. Works as perfect as bennys with 1 limitation: Restricted Gear Param (Rocketlauncher+Machine Gun=NoCanDo) does not work .

And to be honest I never played with MANDOMISSILES. But KI runs, hates, kills and destroys as it should.


Feel free to bastardize it with whatever.

Have fun!

I've downloaded it mate, but will check it out tomorrow. I guess the more versions and variety the better eh?

If i'm not satisfied, then it's detention for you young man! ;)

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Hi, yesterday i have tried the Takistan mission (Law-Giver's no wounds WarfareBE_070_ACE.Takistan.pbo) with a friend, after about 3 hours the WF menu has began to lag to the point the game became unplayeble (after pressing the WF menu option the menu appears after 20-30 seconds), is this a known problem ? i didn't see any gameplay performance drop (fps etc), probably there's a bug in the warfare script, i have noticed that everything in the warfare menu was slowed down too (for example the countdown timer for commander selection got down by one second about every 45 real seconds)

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Here you go guys, a quick update based on Benny's version 2.071. I gave them a quick bash on my own, but not on a dedi' because it was late last night and i couldn't be arsed! ;)

Links removed!

First: Any problems then turn off your PC and shout 10 hail Mary's, then flog yourself with a wet sponge! :D

Second: If you don't like anything, then do it yourself. I have better things to do, like..........like..........oh i don't know!

Edited by Law-Giver
Update post!

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Here you go guys, a quick update based on Benny's version 2.071. I gave them a quick bash on my own, but not on a dedi' because it was late last night and i couldn't be arsed! ;)

Chernarus: Combined ops


Utes: Combined ops


Takistan: Arrowhead


Yapal: Arrowhead


Zargabad: Arrowhead


First: Any problems then turn off your PC and shout 10 hail Mary's, then flog yourself with a wet sponge! :D

Second: If you don't like anything, then do it yourself. I have better things to do, like..........like..........oh i don't know!

Thank you for the update Law-Giver :) take a look at the Chernarus link, it's identical to the Zargabad one

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Thank you for the update Law-Giver :) take a look at the Chernarus link, it's identical to the Zargabad one

Oops, my bad! Fixed now, thanks for spotting that one buddy. ;)

Also big thanks to Benny for all his hard work. Looking forward to his next masterpiece. Thx Benny. ;)

Edited by Law-Giver

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Hi Law-giver

Benny has posted a hotfix, so his warfare mission can be played on a dedicated server with less than 16vs16 team leaders, hope you will put in yours version of bennys warfare... :-)

Robert (Sixt)

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Hi Law-giver

Benny has posted a hotfix, so his warfare mission can be played on a dedicated server with less than 16vs16 team leaders, hope you will put in yours version of bennys warfare... :-)

Robert (Sixt)

Sorry i was late but i was a little hung over this morning! :D

The links above have been updated, also if i remember right I've added earplugs and goggles to loadout. But for some reason they don't show up in the gear list. My next fix i guess! Any problems then see the head master! ;)

Right, i'm off to watch Liverpool v Man Utd then work tonight. :(

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Greetings ArmA people. I know I tend to phase in and out of the community but I do like to check back in on how this mission is going as often as I can.

I spent some time updating my version to the 2.071 code base last night, and will be releasing it tonight or soon after.

I also gather some people (like Law Giver above) have been doing either a parallel effort or something based on my code, which are both great. My personal schedule is such that I can't devote much time to maintaining this mission anymore. But, I do have enough time to incorporate other people's changes.

If you have any changes you've made that you'd like incorporated into my main mission, there are a couple ways to do it.

- If it's a simple change just post the code here

- You can email me the changes in .pbo form or as files

- If you are extra fancy you can email me a .patch file

- I actually use a Subversion server internally to track changes, and I would consider giving people at least read access to it (which would make generating .patch files very easy).

Once again I apologize but I simply don't have much time to do anything major to the mission (or even anything minor if it requires significant testing) but if other people are willing to put the time in, I can at least handle the integration and release stuff.

Look for a new version based on 2.071 plus Benny's JIP hotfix in the next day or so.

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Greetings ArmA people. I know I tend to phase in and out of the community but I do like to check back in on how this mission is going as often as I can.

I spent some time updating my version to the 2.071 code base last night, and will be releasing it tonight or soon after.

I also gather some people (like Law Giver above) have been doing either a parallel effort or something based on my code, which are both great. My personal schedule is such that I can't devote much time to maintaining this mission anymore. But, I do have enough time to incorporate other people's changes.

If you have any changes you've made that you'd like incorporated into my main mission, there are a couple ways to do it.

- If it's a simple change just post the code here

- You can email me the changes in .pbo form or as files

- If you are extra fancy you can email me a .patch file

- I actually use a Subversion server internally to track changes, and I would consider giving people at least read access to it (which would make generating .patch files very easy).

Once again I apologize but I simply don't have much time to do anything major to the mission (or even anything minor if it requires significant testing) but if other people are willing to put the time in, I can at least handle the integration and release stuff.

Look for a new version based on 2.071 plus Benny's JIP hotfix in the next day or so.

Nice to have you back Joehunk. And my hash up was your version just glued together with a few bits and bobs. So i'm definitely looking forward to your updated version and will surely ditch mine. ;)

And besides, i can't code for sh*t! But my brain seems to know what goes here and what goes there! :D

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1.6 is now out. It's pretty much an update to 2.071 (plus Benny's JIP hot fix) and nothing else. I did remove the mando missile mod option, because this blows up if you try to run it with ACE anyway, and it also makes the mission .pbo's a lot bigger (4 meg each!!).

Enjoy. See the top post for a link to download.

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It's pretty much an update to 2.071 (plus Benny's JIP hot fix) and nothing else. I did remove the mando missile mod option, because this blows up if you try to run it with ACE anyway, and it also makes the mission .pbo's a lot bigger (4 meg each!!).

I never used Mando anyway so that makes perfect sense to me. Now why didn't i think of that? ;)

Downloading and trying now. Thanks Joehunk. ;)

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does not work the tactical menu,

do you know about this problems?

Here i've just finished my own edits and the tactical display works. Like Joehunk i decided to remove Mando, also added latest UPSMON and replaced old looking buttons on ACE Gear GUI (Clear, Reload, Backpack). Also Benny's latest fixes, it does say version 2.070 but i can assure you they're 2.071. File size is now 2.75 Mb instead of 8 Mb. Will rename them to 2.071 tomorrow. :p

Oh and yes i also noticed the tactical wasn't working on Joehunks. No doubt he'll fix it. ;)

Edited by Law-Giver
Update Links!

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Is actually any server running ACE Warfare at the moment where peopel are playing it ?? Would really like to play it again after the times with Vanilla ACE.

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Here i've just finished my own edits and the tactical display works. Like Joehunk i decided to remove Mando, also added latest UPSMON and replaced old looking buttons on ACE Gear GUI (Clear, Reload, Backpack). Also Benny's latest fixes, it does say version 2.070 but i can assure you they're 2.071. File size is now 2.75 Mb instead of 8 Mb. Will rename them to 2.071 tomorrow. :p

Oh and yes i also noticed the tactical wasn't working on Joehunks. No doubt he'll fix it. ;)



TAKISTAN: Wounds**


UTES: Wounds**


YAPAL: Wounds**


ZARGABAD: Wounds**


Can not get this to work, when i starts the mission i end up standing with all the AI standing besides me doing nothing??? and on the map it shows no towns or anything :-)

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Can not get this to work, when i starts the mission i end up standing with all the AI standing besides me doing nothing??? and on the map it shows no towns or anything :-)

That's strange because i'm playing it atm without any problems. Before starting the game just wait for a bit while on the map screen and make sure all the towns and camps are refreshed. It takes between 5 to 10 seconds on mine. I did notice on my Takistan version i didn't have a initJIPCompatible.sqf. As soon as i've finished typing this i'm uploading them as i've renamed them to 2.071.

I can show a video of it working if that helps but i can assure you it works because i'm playing now on Chernarus, the Ai has captured 3 towns and still going! :confused:


Edited by Law-Giver

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That's strange because i'm playing it atm without any problems. Before starting the game just wait for a bit while on the map screen and make sure all the towns and camps are refreshed. It takes between 5 to 10 seconds on mine. I did notice on my Takistan version i didn't have a initJIPCompatible.sqf. As soon as i've finished typing this i'm uploading them as i've renamed them to 2.071.

I can show a video of it working if that helps but i can assure you it works because i'm playing now on Chernarus, the Ai has captured 3 towns and still going! :confused:


It was the Takistan map i played... will try it again. Thanks :-)

---------- Post added at 11:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------

works fine now, thanks again :-)

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