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Clay Dogs (Dog Handler & Guard Dogs)

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Hi, i have a problem, when i put a dog in a car ( one of the compatible one ) my dog menu disappear from the list, and if i move from the area where i board it the dog become low textured and after some time disappear. It seems the position of the dog reamains in the area where you have boarded it even if you move.

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WIll the AI be able to shoot the dogs? I remember the previous version the AI just stood there while being mauled.

Great addon either way.

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Hi, i have a problem, when i put a dog in a car ( one of the compatible one ) my dog menu disappear from the list, and if i move from the area where i board it the dog become low textured and after some time disappear. It seems the position of the dog reamains in the area where you have boarded it even if you move.

Never noticed this before. Going to check it. Thanks for reporting.

WIll the AI be able to shoot the dogs? I remember the previous version the AI just stood there while being mauled.

Yes, this has been fixed in Beta 1.2

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This script is awesome. Any updates, Clayman? Will the dogs be able to attack units outside your group in the next version?

If you're still working on it please keep us updated. I see this script being very fun and useful in all sorts of scenarios. :)

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Guard Dogs are CLAY_GuardDogBLU (BLUFOR), CLAY_GuardDogOP (OPFOR) and CLAY_GuardDogIND (Independent).

Dog Handler Module is CLAY_DHM and Wild Dogs Module is CLAY_WDM.

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Could anyone supply me with a working download link to this great looking addon?

Every site I've visited results in a dead link, even Clayman's own site.

Please help! Thank you!

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Since the author has lost his domain it seems I decided to mirror the file:


I will sent the author a PM informing him about this new mirror and if he does not want it I will take it down again.

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Thank you Foxhound!

There's a TON of missions/campaigns that rely on that download. You really helped me out.

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Thanks Foxhound.

I have updated the first post with the Armaholic link. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Great addon! Seems you are really experienced.

Just a few notes:

When you transport someone attached you should sometime "refresh" his position by setPos, cause game thinks, he is still on position when he was attached from.

Just try load your dog and ride away, your dog will have less than 50 polygons in a minute :D BI didn't fix this yet.

Dog attack seems really slow, maybe setSpeedMode "FULL" may help, maybe not :), or using dog sprint animation.

I expanded supported vehicles list a little (if you want to use), including some of the Arrowhead, BAF, PMC and ACR vehicles.

    /* "Object ClassName" */


// List of Vehicles the Dog can board
// Offset Position and Azumit are relative to the Vehicle

CLAY_DogVehicles = 
    /* [Vehicle ClassName, Offset Position, Azumit] */

	["hilux1_civil_1_open", [0,-1.4,-0.7], 180],
	["hilux1_civil_2_covered", [0,-1.4,-0.7], 180],
	["hilux1_civil_3_open", [0,-1.4,-0.7], 180],
	["MTVR", [0,-2,-0.5], 180],
	["MTVR_DES_EP1", [0,-2,-0.5], 180],
	["Kamaz", [0,-2,-0.8], 180],
	["KamazOpen", [0,-2,-0.8], 180],
	["UralCivil", [0,-2,-0.55], 180],
	["Ural_UN_EP1", [0,-2,-0.55], 180],
	["UralCivil2", [0,-2,-0.55], 180],
	["Ural_CDF", [0,-2,-0.55], 180],
	["UralOpen_CDF", [0,-2,-0.55], 180],
	["Ural_INS", [0,-2,-0.55], 180],
	["UralOpen_INS", [0,-2,-0.55], 180],
	["V3S_Civ", [0,-2,-0.7], 180],
	["V3S_TK_EP1", [0,-2,-0.7], 180],
	["V3S_Open_TK_EP1", [0,-2,-0.7], 180],
	["V3S_Gue", [0,-2,-0.7], 180],
	["V3S_TK_GUE_EP1", [0,-2,-0.7], 180],
	["T810_ACR", [0,-2.2,-0.6], 180],
	["T810_Open_ACR", [0,-2.2,-0.6], 180],
	["T810A_MG_ACR", [0,-2.2,-1.3], 180],
	["LandRover_ACR", [0,-1.3,-0.8], 180],
	["LandRover_CZ_EP1", [0,-1.3,-0.8], 180],
	["BAF_Offroad_D", [0,-1.3,-0.8], 180],
	["BAF_Offroad_W", [0,-1.3,-0.8], 180],
	["BTR40_TK_INS_EP1", [-0.4,-0,-0.95], 90],
	["BTR40_TK_GUE_EP1", [-0.4,-0,-0.95], 90],
	["BTR40_MG_TK_GUE_EP1", [-0.4,-0,-1.1], 90],
	["BTR40_MG_TK_INS_EP1", [-0.4,-0,-1.1], 90],
	["HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1", [0,-1.5,-0.63], 180],
	["HMMWV_M998A2_SOV_DES_EP1", [0,-1.5,-1.1], 0],
	["HMMWV_DES_EP1", [0,-1.5,-1.6], 0],
	["HMMWV_M2", [0,-1.5,-1.6], 0],
	["HMMWV", [0,-1.5,-1.6], 0],
	["HMMWV_MK19", [0,-1.5,-1.6], 0],
	["HMMWV_TOW", [0,-1.5,-1.6], 0],
	["HMMWV_MK19_DES_EP1", [0,-1.5,-1.6], 0],
	["HMMWV_TOW_DES_EP1", [0,-1.5,-1.6], 0]

Edited by resistance-rat

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Notice: this is my first attempt at scripting anything so I do apologize for the noobness of my noobosity.

This works great if I just put the wild dogs module around my map. However I would like to set a spawn trigger when someone just walks into the forest or something. That way it will save on cpu and frame rate by not having 100 modules spawning at the same time on the other side of the map where no one is. I was able to spawn enemy ai units fairly easy using

[getPos aPos, EAST, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

I assumed i should change "EAST" to "CLAY_WDM" but that isn't working. Any help would be appreciated... even just the line I should put in the trigger.

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You can create the module with createUnit.

createGroup sideLogic;
_grpWDM = createGroup sideLogic;
_WDModule = _grpWDM createUnit ["CLAY_WDM", getPos player, [], 0, "NONE"];

Just replace getPos player with the position where you want to spawn it.

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Thanks for the fast reply. At least now I am getting an error,

"type group, expected nothing"

I placed it in the actual trigger, which something tells me I am supposed to put it in init.sqf or something?

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Hello Clay:)

you´re a freak, i tried it out in my mission, you know which one ;), runs great...

..but what i wanna point out is, without this kind of ideas and your freakiness we would miss those sexy things!

You guys enrich our Armaverse.

Great work mate!!



Edited by McLupo

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Thats wierd. I got Wild, and Guard dogs to work perfectly. But evenwhen i synced my player charakter to the dog module, nothing's happening.

Do i need to spawn a wild dog and group it to my player, or something like that? Already tried it w/ guard dogs and syncing / grouping to player without any effect.

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So is there anyway to make this not an addon, or serverside only? Im trying to init ur modules in the map itself so that I can just put it on the server, and not have it mandatory for clients.

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