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Role of India in the Anti-terror campaign

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What do you think of India's involvement? and please refrain from getting into a dirt slinging match with Hyper. I'd like your opinions on the thread topic

Can you think of better ways to combat terrorism in Afghanistan?


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I can't complain about anyone wanting to join us, but I'd worry that India's motives might be too heavy handed against Pakistan as a whole.

I just enjoy getting Vilas worked up. :p

PS having dealt with India for tech support, I can only imagine calling for air or arty. :)

Hehehehe :)

dont know wether I should be offended or not..well if you jackasses could get your shit together and learn a lil bout IT you wouldnt be calling in Indian tech support now wouldya! :p

naa just kidding.

You: "HE..Oscar Tango 150..Fire-for-effect"

me: "Myself shobhit. OK. Thank you come again!" * starts dancing to bollywood music

No seriously. regarding India's motives....well, a majority ( a LARGE majority) would love to steamroll Pakistan (and we have some really GOOD reasons too) but I think that could work in our favor as we sure would be dedicated. And let's not discuss motives as long as the US is involved. The thing is with US pressure it would be easier to corner Pakistan and dismantle the jihadi infrastructure..if India tried anything on it's own (apart from covert action) we'd get a nice mushroom cloud for breakfast..courtesy Pakistan. Pak would never nuke or take overtly hostile action with the presence of US troops.

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if Talibs go from Pakistan to Your land and kill your people, and Pakistan do nothing to stop them, than India has just cause

i was always afraid of Muslim religion, cause it is like Christianity in XII-XVII century, like Inquisition, i generally afraid of any religion (i am atheist)

i know about problems in France with Muslims that want others to follow their rules,

so of course India has no chance to avoid war

but Pakistan is in alliance with US , it is a little silly situation, when you would have to join someone who allows to attack you (Talibs going from Pakistan territory and Pakistan Muslim attitude)

thats why i love Slayer lyrics - "Religion is hate Religion is fear Religion is war Religion is rape"

when people are too religious and want make others obey their god, it makes problems everywhere

even in countries like my, where some people want to forbid something which i treat as freedom (for example naked woman photos, if they could they would forbid sexual activity before wedding ), in secondary school i had problems cause i was not going to religion lessons and teachers said that i could not pass to next class because of it , etc.

I was in Krakow at my friends wedding. Not sure about the economy/drinking but I saw people who enjoyed life very much.Very refreshing visit

offtopic too

was he working as specialist in good company ? probably yes, if you were visiting him, probably he has luck to work for good money (only 6% of working Poles earn > 1200 Euro to hand, most earn 400 to hand, while prices... hire flat 1 room in Warsaw ca. 350 EU with payment for water and electricity, Canon EOS 50D - 1000 USD in shop , while on Ebay ca. 750)


Edited by vilas

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Ahh...the Vacuum strategy...nice, ensures chaos, confusion, general bewilderment and bed-wetting in the enemy.

Well I'd pay a lot of money to see Osama's face when the US says "eff this! im outta here! peace... bitches!"

---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 AM ----------

Maybe this will shed some light:


The article was very interesting and shows the involvement of Pakistan in the creation of terrorist organisations. After it's inital encounters with India which led to military defeats..pakistan adopted a policy of proxy wars, using Islam as a uniting factor to train guerillas and insurgents (recruiting from a fresh pool of post soviet invasion afghanis) to destabilize India and also to keep its armed forces tied up.

---------- Post added at 11:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 AM ----------

There is a very interesting theory regarding pakistan's lethargy in dealing with internal terrorism. Pakistan employs terror groups as a strategic leverage against India. It also patrols the large border shared between the two. It's involvement in the CI ops in the west would require certain demilitarization of their eastern borders and would likely invite Indian aggression. To prevent a pullout, the ISI engineered the 26/11 attacks and left evidence of Pakistani involvement. India gets pissed off and ramps up Border security and Pakistan goes to the US " Sorry..no-can-do, tied up with India right now and he's pissed"

thus maintaining their current force deployments and also not incurring the wrath of militant groups. It's either that or ISI are REAL bastards.

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1965: Kashmir's First Militants

The competition between India and Pakistan for Kashmir, and the disinterest in either of supporting its independence, set the stage for the evolution of independence groups that would ultimately turn violent.

The first and most primary militarized group in Kashmir was the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), formed in 1965. JKLF was an anti-India, pro-independence political party. It drew membership from both the Indian and Pakistani sides of the ceasefire line.

Maybe the solution to situation is to airdrop playboy magazines on the militants causing them to mass-suicide themselves in shame?

I mean, one has to maybe fight ludicrous movements with ludicrous methods..

The "Kashmir Liberation Front" for example reminds me so much of that scene in "Life of Brian":

BRIAN: Are you the Judean People's Front?

REG: Fuck off!

BRIAN: What?

REG: Judean People's Front. We're the People's Front of Judea! Judean People's Front. Cawk.

FRANCIS: Wankers.

BRIAN: Can I... join your group?

REG: No. Piss off.

BRIAN: I didn't want to sell this stuff. It's only a job. I hate the Romans as much as anybody.

PEOPLE'S FRONT OF JUDEA: Shhhh. Shhhh. Shhh. Shh. Shhhh.

REG: Stumm.

JUDITH: Are you sure?

BRIAN: Oh, dead sure. I hate the Romans already.

REG: Listen. If you wanted to join the P.F.J., you'd have to really hate the Romans.

BRIAN: I do!

REG: Oh, yeah? How much?

BRIAN: A lot!

REG: Right. You're in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the Romans are the fucking Judean People's Front.

P.F.J.: Yeah...

JUDITH: Splitters.

You can't reason with people who are doing something on religious grounds...

Best option is to level the area and just say "My finger slipped on trigger"?


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1. Hell No!! Nobodys droppin playboys on those assholes! it's such a waste! btw if you do give them a playboy the LAST thing on their mind would be suicide ;)

2. As for dealin with religious zealots : experiments have shown that severe trauma to the head in the form of a bullet or massive bombardment do bring about a change in peoples attitude...so does nuking them while listening to Wagner's Valkyires.

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Well, maybe not suicide but a conversion then?

And the plus side is also that the troops might get literally caught with their pants down..


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yes, independence movement across whole globe are also issue

cause from one hand make problems cause may be supported by other country as "saboteur" or brought to main country as emigration, from second - why not give independence to nation ?

Kashmir, Kurdistan, Chechnya, Basks, Nothern Irland in British hands, on and on and on

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I guess intensive intelligence operations and quick raids by SF personnel on leadership figures ought to do it. Cut the local populace off from the insurgents and use propaganda to influence the locals...constructing wells, drains, bridges and hospitals isnt such a bad idea. propaganda reminds me of a incident in Kashmir that occured awhile back. There were reports that some infiltrators had crossed the LOC and were in holed in the villages in the srinagar valley. The Indian army and the local police forces cordoned off the area and started making announcements that the "fidyeen have AIDS". The very same evening the forces were tipped of about the militant locations by the local women! and then the army called in their CI ops specialist Mr. Carl "84 mm" Gustaf to coerce the terrorists into reaching Allah

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1. Hell No!! Nobodys droppin playboys on those assholes! it's such a waste! btw if you do give them a playboy the LAST thing on their mind would be suicide

you're wrong

education and knowledge shows people that war is senseless and world /life can be beautiful

your not looking to cure reason of becoming ill, but only cure effect of illness

to be healthy you must cure reason, not just effect (example painkillers which make your headache gone, but ... problem in tooth, stomach, whatever - remains still)

why Muslims in France make problems - cause they not integrate

if they would integrate , they would see that world is not as bad when it comes to earth (not heaven)

throwing playboy sounds good idea

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Kashmir was an independant state but decided to join the union of India instead of Pakistan this now legally makes it Indian territory and has been so since the birth of Modern India and Paksitan. There have been no demands or seccesion movements from the kashmiri's so granting it independence is a moot point...it's like askin Poland to give up Warsaw

---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 AM ----------


If you discover a way un-Brainwash extremists please do let us know. As for French muslims...the French have banned the Muslim women in France to wear a hijab or a burqa which is the traditional dress of Arab muslims and is mandatory by islamic law...The french muslim women have protested against this as this encroaches upon their right to practice their religion. The French government has made a very heavy handed and insensitive decision regarding a peoples religion. It's like forcing a Sikh to cut his hair and not wear turbans...or banning the Jewish skull-cap. Given your sensitive/ Hippie love inclination I thought you would sympathise with the local Muslim population. As for the Muslims not integrating...well they seem to be doing just fine here in India.

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If you discover a way un-Brainwash extremists please do let us know. As for French muslims...the French have banned the Muslim women in France to wear a hijab or a burqa which is the traditional dress of Arab muslims and is mandatory by islamic law...The french muslim women have protested against this as this encroaches upon their right to practice their religion. The French government has made a very heavy handed and insensitive decision regarding a peoples religion. It's like forcing a Sikh to cut his hair and not wear turbans...or banning the Jewish skull-cap. Given your sensitive/ Hippie love inclination I thought you would sympathise with the local Muslim population. As for the Muslims not integrating...well they seem to be doing just fine here in India.

maybe ban every religion would be good ?

than brainwash will disappear and half of wars in this globe

i repeat myslef - Slayer :

religion is fear, religion is hate, religion is war

than noone will murder for beard, mustache, cap, turban or cow :]

French gov. made some good decision , not only this , but also other about trowing some people out of France

France has problem and begins to deal with it ,

tolerance cannot be equal to allow people who wanna make others follow their mid-ages way

if they protested and they not respect French gov. they should not been in France, cause on French territory French law codex is obey, not Muslim codex

Edited by vilas

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You can be brainwashed without religion. I wish it would be that simple to end the problem. Atheists love to go on and on about the glory of not believing, they're almost militant about non belief.

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1.Your views on religion as the sole problem are naive. It is the way it is preached that matters. What is the diffrence between an Al-Qaeda operative and a normal Muslim man goin about his daily life...they're both devout mulsims except the former has been brainwashed to the point of being a retard.

2.This thread is just about Indias role in AT ops

3.Well fuck the French. Since when does any1 care what the french think or do

---------- Post added at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

@ Hyper

Vilas does sound silly when he doesnt know what hes talking bout

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

maybe ban every religion would be good ?

than brainwash will disappear and half of wars in this globe

i repeat myslef - Slayer :

religion is fear, religion is hate, religion is war

than noone will murder for beard, mustache, cap, turban or cow :]

French gov. made some good decision , not only this , but also other about trowing some people out of France

France has problem and begins to deal with it ,

tolerance cannot be equal to allow people who wanna make others follow their mid-ages way

if they protested and they not respect French gov. they should not been in France, cause on French territory French law codex is obey, not Muslim codex

If you take away peoples basic freedom of worship and ban all religions then what seperates you, an athiest, from th other extremist ideologies

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3.Well fuck the French. Since when does any1 care what the french think or do

You started with some sensible and worthwhile pondering on the subject.

I suggest to drop this kind of talk as it will lead to a ban and a closed topic.



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so than why people kill, put bombs ? what is reason why someone told other person to put bomb ? Allach

what was reason for torture , burn alive people in Europe , slaughter Indians (red skin American roots) in past ? Christ

just like violence of some too-religious people in my country where "fighting catholics" sometimes start problems , just like in school i had problems because not going to religion classes etc. people (old ladies) who were throwing stones into sex-shop in 90s almost killed my neighbor father (who was in security agency to protect shop) ... people who wanna ban porn/erotic scenes, make resistance for normal man (not castrate)

why people fight in Asia ? those are mostly religion wars , wars in Europe in past ? Orthodox church vs. Catholic church, Christianity vs. Pagans, Jews vs. Muslims, Muslims vs. Budda etc.

you wanna end Asia crisis , Taliban forgetting about religion supremacy of one or others in some regions where people shoot to each other because of religion ?

half of world's problems is due to religion, another half is poverty/enslavement vs. greed/hunger for power/gold

you cannot heal rotten tooth with painkillers like Apap without fixing hole in tooth

and don't say about f* French

Edited by vilas

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You started with some sensible and worthwhile pondering on the subject.

I suggest to drop this kind of talk as it will lead to a ban and a closed topic.



Hmm...Makes sense. I guess it's the sleep deprivation. Makes me cranky plus arguing with Vilas.

Back to the topic. What are your ideas? can you think of a strategy that involves not only India but more nations to aid in Ct operations?

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If you take away peoples basic freedom of worship and ban all religions then what seperates you, an athiest, from th other extremist ideologies


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so than why people kill, put bombs ? what is reason why someone told other person to put bomb ? Allach

what was reason for torture , burn alive people in Europe , slaughter Indians (red skin American roots) in past ? Christ

just like violence of some too-religious people in my country where "fighting catholics" sometimes start problems , just like in school i had problems because not going to religion classes etc.

why people fight in Asia ? those are mostly religion wars , wars in Europe in past ? Orthodox church vs. Catholic church, Christianity vs. Pagans, Jews vs. Muslims, Muslims vs. Budda etc.

half of world's problems is due to religion, another half is poverty/enslavement vs. greed/hunger for power/gold

This is really off-topic, so I shall not get into a religion debate with you. I shall however say that religion has also united us in times of darkness and also provides psychological support to people during hard times. Simply ignoring the benefits of following a religion and highlighting misguided deeds in the name of religion is not the solution. Now how bout we get back on topic.

and No im not a very religious person, in fact I might consider myself an athiest

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thats why you should understand that no bomb will solve problem

no bomb, but education, changing those people philosophy, changing their life style , changing their reason to LIVE FOR, instead to DIE FOR

mentioned earlier throwing Playboy sounds good, they would see that "west world is not evil, but fun" and instead of "to die for Allach" they will choose "to live for life"

they must understand that life is precious value, not death - and this go directly from religion issue

Playboy bomb sounds really nice , maybe in some of their mind idea will grow "why to die ? nonsense"

Edited by vilas

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I disagree. Do you think that members of the Red-army faction and Baader Meinhoff gang, who were completely devoted to the communist ideology as unintelligent? If you do want to counter Islamic extremism you will need to understand that Islam does not preach violence and that banning it's practice will only make the Muslim population feel hostile. Al Qaeda feeds on religious feelings to recruit people. Make an environment which is conducive to the growth of a people and their beliefs then you will see a positive change in their attitude.

---------- Post added at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------

thats why you should understand that no bomb will solve problem

no bomb, but education, changing those people philosophy, changing their life style , changing their reason to LIVE FOR, instead to DIE FOR

mentioned earlier throwing Playboy sounds good, they would see that "west world is not evil, but fun" and instead of "to die for Allach" they will choose "to live for life"

they must understand that life is precious value, not death - and this go directly from religion issue

Playboy bomb sounds really nice , maybe in some of their mind idea will grow "why to die ? nonsense"

I will PM you and we shall continue our debate. Please stick to the topic when posting further comments. Thanks

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that banning it's practice will only make the Muslim population feel hostile.

when someone imigrated to country A, B, C, he must obey their rules, not put and state his own rule above

when someone comes to my home, he doesn't have right to change my furniture the way he want

if India has problem with Talibs from Pakistan, than it should defend

but also more and more force on Pakistan about keeping sharp it's borders ,

joining fight in A-Stan or Iraq won't help, probably you would have to fight in ... Pakistan (which is US allie, which is problematic, like Turkey has issue with Kurds and Kurds were anti-Saddam) or in this border near A-Stan

India is between hammer and anvil , cause from one side problem comes from Pakistan (as i read) and Pakistan is officially allie

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India has been issuing strong statements to pakistan to pull up it's socks but to no avail. Cross border infiltration bids continue and so does the presence of Pakistani backed Islamic extremism. I believe that India will have to step up and take some action in the near future because it already has a ton of internal problems.

If I come to your house and live peacefully obey the house rules, pay the rent butalways carry around prayer beads in my Hands...would you chuck me out?

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ----------

besides the Muslims in France were never imposing their religion on anyone. The protests were carried out because the Women felt it encroached their rights. And why werent other religious minorities targeted like the Sikhs?

We are going off topic again. PM me with your arguments on religion and post the thread related opinions

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if you want answer on PM< please use PM, not public question, not answered

deleted content about French problems , which are known here in Europe


Europe also know this problem

in India it looks other way (attack from abroad, not from within), so India should defend itself

and has right to defend

the only problem is - not start third world war, cause we all will regret such war

Pakistan, China, India - all have nukes

Edited by vilas

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America is hipocritical , you say it is funny when i talk and i know nothing, well

i am public servant, ex police, MSc education degree, i speak 2 foreign languages, i watch and read independent news , not only "How they dance, what actor sleeps with what actress MTV news"

do you think i know nothing when i talk about politics ? maybe you not know about CIA foreign actions durring cold war , Latin America people suffering because of some US companies that make business there when socialists elected in free elections wanted quit it ?

It is funny when you talk about things you know nothing about and I guess you fell asleep in English class because just because I can understand your broken english doesn't mean it counts as speaking it fluent.

@shobhit You're not going to win with a person like vilas. People like him are close minded and think their shit doesn't stink. You can't have a civil debate with a close minded person I should know I live in America.. And you def. won't win with someone who's been banned more than once like vilas.

Edited by Big Mac

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