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[R3F] Realism

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1: U should only be able to carry a certain amount of "WEIGHT".

this is the main Idea !

to forbid action with to much weight.


class1: 20-30Kg

class2: 30-50Kg

class3: 50-75Kg

class4: 75-100Kg MAX WEIGHT

We have set this script for a MAX WEIGHT around 50kg

We will look for the speed setting in the next up date if it is possible in our script

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Great idea. I'm fed up with seeing machine gunners running up hills with RPGs on their backs without hardly breaking a sweat :rolleyes:

So, might I suggest that a combatant's recovery rate also be influenced by his stance? e.g. a soldier standing will recover quicker than one crouching. Conversely lying down offers even quicker recovery than standing. Of course, any movement will slow the rate of recovery.

Bear in mind that if you set a max weight of 50kg, soldier's won't be able to carry an injured comrade :o (80kg?)

On the contrary I think that should be allowed, albeit very slowly. So I'd set at a Max Weight of 110kg based on 80kg (him) + 15kg (his gear) + 15kg (your gear).

Ideally you'd need a mechanism whereby a rescuer can remove certain items from a victim to make him light enough to carry.

Imagine, during a firefight, having to lift your buddy only to discover, you're not quite strong enough. Drop him. Dump some of his gear. Try again. Still not there? Drop him. Dump some of my gear. Lift him and struggle back to the safety of cover! Such a trial and error method (rather than a immediate refusal or error message) would really add to the tension.

Obviously rescuers should be able to drag greater loads than carrying (+50%?)

However to compensate this "high" limit, I'd really ramp up the exhaustion :

class1: 11-20Kg (laden)

class2: 21-40Kg (burdened)

class3: 41-70Kg (encumbered)

class4: 71-110Kg (overloaded)

Edited by domokun

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So, might I suggest that a combatant's recovery rate also be influenced by his stance? e.g. a soldier standing will recover quicker than one crouching. Conversely lying down offers even quicker recovery than standing. Of course, any movement will slow the rate of recovery.

There is a "duty" value built into the configs for each animation. I'm about 95% sure it's responsible for how much "aim shake" you get. It would be pretty easy to tap into this value to determine an ongoing amount of fatigue.

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Just had a quick flick through the readme - perhaps for a next version, if you plan on one, you could have a choice between metric and imperial weights?

I understand lbs and kgs, and it'd be nice to have a choice between the two.

Totally agree about that. I thought that only americans where "out of" the international metric system, that means that France turned into the dark side? :D

From my point of view kg should be default as it's the international unit, but if don't at least an option like CameronMcDonald says :rolleyes: would be apreciated.

Edit: forget it , i just read :

@MadRussian, you can force lb ou kg in the R3F_Weight_Stringtable.csv.

Change this STR_R3F_WEIGHT_English, "lb", "Kg" by

STR_R3F_WEIGHT_English, "kg", "Kg" to force in Kg and

STR_R3F_WEIGHT_English, "lb", "lb" to force in lb

Pending a future release.

Nice to hear that :)

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;1789077']Good Job...

Now we just need the "Blackout" ppl to considder this as

a possible soloution.

I mean' date=' like someone else said:

WHO in their right mind, carry so much, run at high speed

until they pass out.

1: U should only be able to carry a certain amount of "WEIGHT".

2: IF maxWeight is "true" maxSpeed is set to a minimum.

Last night i carried some 140Kg in "a nother mod", did so

for some 50-150m..IRL i cant even get that weight on my

body before i break...Im not that big of a human....


There could even be a CLASS list for the maxWeight.

class1: 20-30Kg

class2: 30-50Kg

class3: 50-75Kg

class4: 75-100Kg MAX WEIGHT[/quote']

ACE's blackout method is perfect, imho. You don't actually fall unconscious, but the screen flashes black and you fall down. If you're really serious about it, you get right back up and keep running.

Black flashes also simulate exhausted, heavy blinking.

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So, might I suggest that a combatant's recovery rate also be influenced by his stance? e.g. a soldier standing will recover quicker than one crouching.

stance has an influence by increasing faster the fatigue when "middle" or worse when "down"

Bear in mind that if you set a max weight of 50kg, soldier's won't be able to carry an injured comrade :o (80kg?)

at the time, drag body is not take in account ! only gears is evaluated and counts.

there will be and update after enought feed back and test in MP mission conditions.

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Have you noticed that, since the patch 1.56, the tiredness's effects has been increased by the Arma game itself ?

is it your feeling also...

We have seen that it interfers with the R3F_Réalism by making effect before ours.

The main effect seems to be the "shaking and rolling" of the player when tired.

It seems also to be releated with run and movment and not weight.

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New version Of R3F_Realism v 1.06:

We have added all the French weapons of R3F_Armes_1.1.

Most of all we desabled the Lb conversion witch caused many problem on english version...

//R3F_DEBUG Changelog

version 1.06

20110710 R3F_Armes v1.1 integration

Remove (comment) compatibility to livre, Lbs.

Add magazine OG9_HE et PG9_AT

version 1.05

20101202 R3F_Armes and R3F_Magazines integration

20101126 R3F_CfgWeight.h add BAF weapons and magazines

20101116 small correction in R3F_CfgWeight.h

version 1.04

20101030 add R3F_WEIGHT_SHOW_CLASSES_NOT_FOUND adjustement

version 1.03

20101030 add R3F_TIRED_WEIGHT_CLIMB_FACTOR adjustement

version 1.02

20101018 Weight management of the backpack

version 1.01

20101011 Easy settings

Compatibility with R3F_Revive

20100910 Optional vanish state

version 1.00

20101006 cleaning and reorganization of some sources

add some tweaks

first documentation

cessation of R3F_Health

Version 0.09

20101005 Improvement of the weapons configuration classes

Changes in black effect


Version 0.05

20100606 Some improvements in the R3F_REALISM configuration

opportunities to use the / modules of your choice

20100606 modifications in the R3F_HEALTH

Version 0.04

20100605 Some modifications in R3F_Heath

Version 0.03

20100530 names of variables and constants in English

Version 0.02

20100530 Integration of the R3F_WEIGHT, R3F_TIRED, R3F_HEALTH scripts

20100530 Rewriting and re-organisation of some scripts

Edited by killjoer3f

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I really like this, I know it's not in your plans or anything but I was thinking it would be great if there was something like this that could be applied to AI, for the simple reason it would slow down the pace of battles if AI somehow knew they couldn't run nonstop over a kilometer with 40 odd kgs on their back.

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Hi everyone!

I've discovered this amazing script recently and I'm trying to use it in a SP mission I'm working on.

It runs perfectly, except for one thing : the script stops running whenever I resume a saved game...

I've tried with the demo mission provided with the download package and ended up with the same problem : the realism script is totally deactivated - no weight displayed in the gear menu, no fatigue effects...

I assume I'm not the only one in this case; did anyone managed to fix this?

I've tried several thing (run a "onLoad" command in the init for instance, or replace "isDedicated" with "isServer" so it returns "true" for SP) without success so far.

I already had the same problem with other scripts, but - damn! I would really love to have this one working in SP!

Any advice/suggestion is more than welcomed!

Cheers fellas!

Edited by Haleks

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Since someone else other then me necroed this, I would like to indicate that I would like permission to use this script in a new Mod I am making.

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Anyone got a link to the latest version 1.06? I tried creating an account but can't get past the bl**dy signup page, just bounces me back to the pick and image b*ll*cks!


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I was thinking if its possible to reduce unit speed as it is getting more tired?

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Please help with your script - [R3F] Realism, the fact is that I installed it in the modification dayz, along with it, I installed debug monitor, the problem is that the window be fatigue in the same corner where the debug monitor, please help change the position of your window with information about the fatigue.

P.S. Sorry my bad english

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