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Hud Dorph

Nvidia GTX580 benchmark ArmaII

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You know that the Black Ops edition DOESN'T have the game in it right?

Yes, I already have the game, the card just looks cool. :p

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Yes, I already have the game, the card just looks cool. :p

It has a sticker from a console port in it? :eh:

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Hey it's $20 more, why not.

I'll be paying $120 opposed to $100, I can spare the extra $20.

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Come on now Bangy! Hows the 580? :D

I placed an order on both 480 and 5970 (chosing last second between them), but if 580 is out and it rocks ARMA then...

Basically im ripping my guts out now to be able to run ARMA at 1920x1080 maxxed. With smooth gameplay that is. So far i manage 1920x1080 high/med but vegetation/cities still burns me bad. As soon as i slap one of those new brutal cards in and OC the i7 i hope to finally be able to stop thinking about FPS in ARMA. :)

EDIT: The FPS looked low for those cards and i spotted the problem in the image. Nice to see the settings were "wrong". Just setting all to V.High isnt very smart as some can be cut down without you seeing any difference, but gaining tons of FPS.

Edited by Alex72

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Hey it's $20 more, why not.

I'll be paying $120 opposed to $100, I can spare the extra $20.

Or you could just send all your extra cash to me, Bro. :cool:

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Come on now Bangy! Hows the 580? :D

I placed an order on both 480 and 5970 (chosing last second between them), but if 580 is out and it rocks ARMA then...

Basically im ripping my guts out now to be able to run ARMA at 1920x1080 maxxed. With smooth gameplay that is. So far i manage 1920x1080 high/med but vegetation/cities still burns me bad. As soon as i slap one of those new brutal cards in and OC the i7 i hope to finally be able to stop thinking about FPS in ARMA. :)

EDIT: The FPS looked low for those cards and i spotted the problem in the image. Nice to see the settings were "wrong". Just setting all to V.High isnt very smart as some can be cut down without you seeing any difference, but gaining tons of FPS.

I'm going to try and get some testing done today mate. It's been a busy weekend.

I'm expecting some OCZ IBIS SSD's this morning as well so it could potentially be a busy day ;)

I'd stay away from the 5970, not a good choice for Arma 2.

Haven't seen you in a while so I hope you are well :D

Edited by BangTail

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I'm going to try and get some testing done today mate. It's been a busy weekend.

I'm expecting some OCZ IBIS SSD's this morning as well so it could potentially be a busy day ;)

maybe those ssd's will finally reduce stutter :)

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I'm going to try and get some testing done today mate. It's been a busy weekend.

I'm expecting some OCZ IBIS SSD's this morning as well so it could potentially be a busy day ;)

I'd stay away from the 5970, not a good choice for Arma 2.

Haven't seen you in a while so I hope you are well :D

That's the scary part, i hope they are the little ones :eek:

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They didn't turn up yet but I just ran Vantage Performance and got 45564 which is up about 7K over the 480s.

A2 Benchmark 1 - 56 FPS - All Vhigh, Post low, VD 3500, 1080P.

A2 Benchmark 2 - 23 FPS - " "

Benchmark 1 is showing about a 17% gain over the 480s but the benchmark 2 score is being completely dictated by the CPU.

They also run a little bit cooler (although I never had issues with the 480s). The idle temps are 31c and 33c respectively which is down about 3c and the gaming temps are down a few degrees celsius as well, nothing to write home about but still a change.

Edited by BangTail

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Nice! I'll be getting one when they come back in stock on newegg.:angryfire:

If only I ordered it last night when it was in stock. :936:

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Nice! I'll be getting one when they come back in stock on newegg.:angryfire:

If only I ordered it last night when it was in stock. :936:

Just ordered GTX 580 Black Ops Edition along with an EVGA GT 210 for my second monitor, 8800 finally gave out.


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Have anybody seen some benchmarks of SLI GTX 480s or even better SLI GTX 580s ?

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Thanks, but I meant for Arma 2: OA

The scores I gave on the previous page are 580 SLI scores.

I don't think anyone has done a 580 SLI review of ArmA 2 yet.

Edited by BangTail

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They didn't turn up yet but I just ran Vantage Performance and got 45564 which is up about 7K over the 480s.

A2 Benchmark 1 - 56 FPS - All Vhigh, Post low, VD 3500, 1080P.

A2 Benchmark 2 - 23 FPS - " "

Benchmark 1 is showing about a 17% gain over the 480s but the benchmark 2 score is being completely dictated by the CPU.

They also run a little bit cooler (although I never had issues with the 480s). The idle temps are 31c and 33c respectively which is down about 3c and the gaming temps are down a few degrees celsius as well, nothing to write home about but still a change.

If I run A2 Benchmark 1 on those settings I get 25 fps. on my gtx260:eek:. Did you force off V-sync? Or is arma secretly screwing things by going back a lod when fps is low?

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Yah Vsync is off, that benchmark is not linear at all tbh and you are running it with everything Vhigh @ 1080p with post on low right?

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yes, all very high and post on low, 1080p and 3500 viewdistance.

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Well that seems strange. Bangtail has an amazing setup, two 580s and an i7 at 4.6. I don't see how you could of got 23 FPS... :butbut:

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He has 2 amazing setups :)

And yes, I don't know why that is either. There must be some mechanism that reduces detail if fps is low or something.

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If I run A2 Benchmark 1 on those settings I get 25 fps. on my gtx260:eek:. Did you force off V-sync? Or is arma secretly screwing things by going back a lod when fps is low?

You are mixing up the benchmarks, you said you get 23FPS in Benchmark 01 where I get 60FPS.

I get 23FPS in Benchmark 02.

Edited by BangTail

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I'm not mixing up anything, I'm just pretty sure a double gtx580 and a gulftown on 4.6 should be more like 4 times as fast while fps is only double.

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