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Constant crashes

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So far, everytime I attempt to make some ambush scenario, I always crashed. Even with vanilla troops and soldiers. I also experience massive lag after I set my viewdistance to the max. Could it be the viewdistance? Also, the crash error report:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: ArmA2OA.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4c77d25b

Fault Module Name: ArmA2OA.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4c77d25b

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0050d12c

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 18441

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------

Another crashlog:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: ArmA2OA.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4c77d25b

Fault Module Name: ArmA2OA.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4c77d25b

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0050d12c

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 18441

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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We need to know your system specs.

In my experience, you almost never need play at full VD. You are probably killing your graphics card. In a fast jet, you don't need VD more than 7k. On the ground, 4 is plenty.

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There are posts already discussing crashes, as well as a pinned topic,

is there some reason people cant search and or read.

I did a manual search for crash topics going back 5 pages,

and these are all the ones that I found, took me about 2 min.









Instead of asking guys what their specs are, explain the rules, getting specs

is only relevent to a post that hasn't already been posted somewhere else,

you find this out when you regualry look through the forums.

search before you post, and do so in the future.

If you dont know the rules, then ask and find out.

Its not hard to do a search, and find posts relevent to what your issue is or may be.

Its hard to get an answer for a question or problem when you have to search

through multiple posts with the same topic,

this clutter is called spam, and its called spam because people fail to use

the search button or manually look through the forum.

If your going to be in and a part of Arma2 OA ect.,

and play the game, your going to have to learn how to read,

and take your time to get the answer.

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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Oh dear. You're NEVER going to get full view distance with that graphics card.

The rest of your system is barely over the minimum requirements. I'm afraid playing this game is going to be a frustrating experience for you on that machine.

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Wait a moment, your system can just run the game (passed min. requirements but failed recommended) and you run it all on max. :confused:

Maybe start with everything in minimum and then slowly work yourself through settings which let the game run without crashing.

Sorry but this game is not a 500 x 500 meters shooter which may run fine on your system, ArmA2 is way more demanding and with your current setup it will never run on max. - never.

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Funny, I ran Arma 2 on Max viewdistance and it doesn't lags as much as OA/CO.........

And I ran the game in normal, I crashed again! What the fuck! I used Takistan troops and US troops! They are not modded in any way!

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VD of 1200 is for you, and much lower settings, Objects should be low. A 3850, is not made to push this game over 1280/1024 resolution. No AA or AF.

Also with your set up i would run XP32...for this game.

You are letting Windows run your Pagefile? If not you should.

I know you can take the slowness in SP with "high" settings, as opposed to MP where you will just bog down, but your crashes are do to not having enough power to run 10kVD and all the trimmings(PP,Shadows AA AF).

You can try different ATi drivers, your card hasn't had a real update for awhile, the 10.4s maybe the last current one.

Ill try my 2900XT (little more power than your 3850) with my old AMD 2.4ghz CPU dualcore.

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Ahh, thanks a ton.

---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

And, here is a picture of my settings just in case:


---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 AM ----------

Now I am still receiving crashes. How can I determine it is a hardware problem or mod problem?

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Now I am still receiving crashes. How can I determine it is a hardware problem or mod problem?

By playing without any mods :confused:

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How about looking at other things that might crash your game:

Do you hav a virus, spyware, adware, is your registry defragged, how about your hard drive is it

defragged or is your game struggling to load.

How about overheatning, do you have a cpu and GPU temp monitors so you can check your

tempatures, as a high temp will crash and or freeze your game as well, sometimes its not always the game,

it can be your setup.

How about all those links I posted did you look through those threads to see

if there were posts that are similar to what your dealing with?

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By playing without any mods :confused:

I have 50++ mods, you can't expect me to fiddle around one by one waiting for a crash!

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What mods are you playing with and what is your setup, I might be able to give you an idea.

I have 50++ mods, you can't expect me to fiddle around one by one waiting for a crash!

I did with A2WarMod, tested every single mod, and then together, I have over 117 addons and mods and I get no errors,

no crashes, and spent 2 months and more getting it there, of course thats in a differnt context as

Im building and you have crashing.

50+ mods can cause a crash if not properly setup. thats why i ask, you could have conflicts,

as in similer addons, or mods doing the same thing, all depends on alot of things, even load order can screw things up.

Lets not forget the overheating I mentioned, a cpu overheating will crash your game, as well as GPU,

as suggested before look into finding a cpu and GPU Temp monitors to make sure your not running hot,

as well as check ventilation and for dust in the case, as dust acts as an insulator.

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Well, I mostly jumble them into a single folder to save space for the target parameters. Like I throw vehicle addons and shit into @addons and maps into @maps and etc.

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Okay, so far, I've crashed with FFAA's terrorist. Does that crash for anyone using CO?

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I'm afraid to say that you are just asking for trouble. You run the game on a badly underpowered machine. You run masses of mods and don't organise them properly. Next you're going to tell us you use a wireless internet connection! :rolleyes:

Seriously though, your next step is to check all your addons by removing them one at a time. You should use a launcher, by the way, I like theSpirited Machine one as it allows you to organise your mods. Most of mine aren't even on the same physical drive as my game. :)

Oh, and run with -showscripterrors on too. That might give you some clues as to which mod is killing your game.

---------- Post added at 08:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 AM ----------

Okay, so far, I've crashed with FFAA's terrorist. Does that crash for anyone using CO?

Never used it, so can't give an opinion. Keep trying. :)

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Previously used a launcher, but it fucked up somehow, and had to use the shortcut target parameters.

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I have 50++ mods, you can't expect me to fiddle around one by one waiting for a crash!

This is insane as these 50 mods are loaded at the launching of the game which will overload your system, no mentioning compatibility troubles between them. I made the same mistake back in OFP times, having a lot of troubles until i learnt how to decently use shortcuts and mod folders.

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If you persevere with the SM launcher, it's very good and makes removing addons like this very easy.

The prof is right, that's a lot of mods. One might say that if you feel the need to the mod the game so much from what it was originally, maybe you should try a different game! :D

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If you persevere with the SM launcher, it's very good and makes removing addons like this very easy.

The prof is right, that's a lot of mods. One might say that if you feel the need to the mod the game so much from what it was originally, maybe you should try a different game! :D

how do I add my addons to the launcher?

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Well fuck, in the process of cleaning up, I accidentally deleted CAplants. I do not want to redownload CAA1, so can anyone provide me the file please?

---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

There's full instructions with it and in Sm's thread here.


Now its even worse, My CO just stuck itself in the loading screen. Preparing to launch Arma 2:Operation Arrowhead....

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How long have you left it before deciding it's stuck? Don't forget it will take a while to launch on a machine such as yours.

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I went out to dinner and came back and shit is still stuck

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