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Sp/oa - angel squad

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This is a must have mission. Very nice intro movie. Game automatically saves after the movie, so if you die you won't have to watch the entire intro again(I know how some guys feel about that stuff). After a helo insertion... you will lead 12 men north of Bastam on foot and secure 6 enemy bunkers. Ammo available at each bunker you capture and the game will save each time you capture a bunker. I scripted Med Kits for each of the players, so if you get hurt, just heal yourself and you can also command a wounded AI teammate to use his Med Kit. It's a very tough mission, well, it's tough keeping your team alive since they don't have real brains, lol, but since the enemy heavily out-number you at times, I scripted the enemy AI skill to be a little less accurate than their default godlike skills, so if you keep moving, they should miss you a bit. I scripted the AI skills in many other ways and also scripted their load-outs and blah blah blah. Anyway, it's a good mission and I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!


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Well, I'm enjoying the mission very much.

Have not bumped into anything that might ruin the game-play as of yet...

I should be able to secure the 4th objective with eight men left, (unhappily N°2 & N°10 have decided to get stuck in the bug/mud about 564m behind, not your fault).

Really good intro, thanks...

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I am enjoying this mission. I really love the use medkit. I wish other mission makers would incorporate this.


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This is an insane suicide mission, not fun at all. Though the intro movie is not bad,but after your landing, 3 Mi-24 plus M113,BTR Amor will rush up to you, and we are just 12 poor guys standing on the ground eating rockets and bullets. So I suggest don't downlaod it and don't waste time.

Edited by Lao Fei Mao

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  Lao Fei Mao said:
This is an insane suicide mission, not fun at all. Though the intro movie is not bad,but after your landing, 3 Mi-24 plus M113,BTR Amor will rush up to you, and we are just 12 poor guys standing on the ground eating rockets and bullets. So I suggest don't downlaod it and don't waste time.

Just because you think the mission is hard doesnt mean that it is hard for other players, you dont really have a right to say dont download it...

Other people have enjoyed it, maybe its your skill level that needs improving? :rolleyes:

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I would say that the intro should show how those two HMMWVs driving into an ambush. After this scene - players group disembarks and watch how the Hinds are forcing the MH6s to fly away. Imho its better if the Hinds won't attack those few soldiers aka players team.

No need for AA unit but perhaps a unit with a heavy grenade launcher... ;)

The weapon crate is a bit too much - player + team will find enough stuff during mission.


- change the weapon crate in bunkers to local/TK weapons/ammo and place them not in every bunker

- maybe you can add a secondary task - to search for documents/informations?

- make an win and loose outro

Lao Fei Mao if you want you can always play (jump) run'n'gun fun like BF/CoD/MoH.

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Is there a way to rearm the entire squad at one time? Or do you have to switch to each member, then rearm individually?

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Not my type of mission at all. The intro was pointless, on top of being too long. I'm guessing there were a lot of AI because my performance dropped to only just above playable. Right away you're in effective fire from 2 Hinds and a BTR, no chance to plan anything. I think about 4 of my team went down straight away when their Little Bird exploded, the BTR and Hinds finished off the rest very fast.

If you're into theatrical missions and enjoy CoD and MoH then you might like this mission, but if you prefer to play 'tactically' stay away.

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Cant confirm that. From my point of view,it was a nice smart mission.

To take down those HINDS you have to capture one of those ZU-23 before. And i had enough space in the field for quick tactical position changes.

Besides,all my men survived.

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  A-SUICIDAL said:

This is a must have mission. Very nice intro movie. Game automatically saves after the movie, so if you die you won't have to watch the entire intro again(I know how some guys feel about that stuff). After a helo insertion... you will lead 12 men north of Bastam on foot and secure 6 enemy bunkers. Ammo available at each bunker you capture and the game will save each time you capture a bunker. I scripted Med Kits for each of the players, so if you get hurt, just heal yourself and you can also command a wounded AI teammate to use his Med Kit. It's a very tough mission, well, it's tough keeping your team alive since they don't have real brains, lol, but since the enemy heavily out-number you at times, I scripted the enemy AI skill to be a little less accurate than their default godlike skills, so if you keep moving, they should miss you a bit. I scripted the AI skills in many other ways and also scripted their load-outs and blah blah blah. Anyway, it's a good mission and I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!


Very good mission indeed ! Make some more please i have really enjoy it ! This mission is a must have ! and to respond to Trips there's nothin in it that make it feel like cod or moh (fuck these games) ! it 's just a hard mission and you need to be tactical i have clean all the bunkers btw !


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I checked a few of the replies after I released the mission, but haven't been back here to check since then. That was a long time ago. Sorry. I've just been very busy working and stuff and also trying to get better at making missions before I attempt to release any new missions. For those that didn't like my Angel Squad mission, well, I'm sorry if you didn't like it. It was the first mission that I ever made for Arma 2 OA after I had just purchased it. The intro wasn't easy to make. After the last couple of patches released, I tried playing the mission and noticed that the intro kind of got screwed up, like the men walking on the side of the road before the patch - then started walking in the street after the patch - blocking the cars coming down the road. Also, if you have CBA addon enabled, the choppers might crash into each other on the intro flight. Since then I learned alot more about scripting, like spawning enemy, lol, and other things that help keep the cpu usage to a minimum. And I've made a few friends that have helped teach me how to make better missions. My main focus with my Angel Squad mission was to attempt to remake a mission I made for Cold Crisis 10 years ago, except I completely forgot how to write scripts and make missions, heh. But yeah, the intro was created based on the old school intros I used to make for 24 man coop missions, where in the beginning, the camera would pan in to each players face, which was my way of giving players a chance to show off their custom faces that they used to make back then. The camera would also show their name and role in title text, then an IA pilot would fly us to the battle while several cameras filmed the flight there while a cool song played in the background, or I would just pan to each player with title text and then cut the intro short. Back then long intros were acceptable, because players only had 1 life and no respawns, and some missions would last like 3 hours, so a good intro would get you pumped. Everything is respawn these days. Back then some guys would die in the first 10 minutes and they were so devoted to their group of friends and the server they played on, that they would spectate for the entire remainder of the 3 hour long mission. Kegetys Spectator had only just released at the time, so for most the missions we played, we would die and spectate as a seagull, which was hard to do when the players would all hop in a chopper and fly to a different island, lol. The rest of us dead guys used to have to Flap Flap Flap for 30 minutes with our little bird wings. Literally a flock of dead guys. So funny.

Yeah, Angel Squad will drop you right into the battle, that was the idea. In real life men do get dropped right into battle without time to plan. And there are no stingers to help you take those nasty birds out of the sky, but if you die, you can always load back to the last bunker that you captured, the game will save after the intro and after each completed objective. It's a playable mission, but I would never make another mission like it that has all the enemy placed in the mission at mission start, lol. But it didn't lag for me at all when I played it. If it lags for you, go into your game options - advanced video settings and disable "Postprocess Effects" and it should play fine.

I might possibly revamp/tweak the mission and re-release a newer version of it one day soon. Anyway, thanks for the feedback guys, both good and bad. It's much appreciated.

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