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Armed gorilla pickup

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I was wondering if there is or has the idea been tossed around for a Gorrilla type Toyota pickup truck. The ones you see on the news or in "Black Hawk Down" that usually have a 50cal or AT gun bolted in the bed.

This would make a great addition to some desert mods or hostage rescue missions. Throw a couple of terrorist/gorilla skinned guys...one driver and one gunner doing some shoot and skoot tactics in towns and such. Or guarding a camp?

I have no clue how you guys modify or model, but I would think maybe morphing a civi vehicle, jeep or some other smaller quicker vehicle would work.

What do you guys think? Is there one already out there and if so where...I want it!

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If your new to the community you must know that model importing is in it's infancy. There are no truck addons yet.

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that would be a sweet resistance vehicle to counter the jeeps

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i always knew gorillas should be able to drive cars

sorry couldn't resist biggrin.gif

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I'd like to see this.

even reskinning the jeep + MG to be a rusted out civilian jeep would work.

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Hopefully someone soon actually does something like this instead of those really boring jets. There's too much of that aircraft crap coming after the oxygenwas released, nothing really useful for infantry sim.

The Kege's hawk was great but I think we do not need any more airplanes (well maybe).

Can't wait until a uaz w mg or armed brdm or humwee are released.

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I think a pickup truck would TOTALLY ruin the atmosphere of the game.

It would be like seeing a bunch of hicks driving around town with a shotguns.

Jeez, this is a wargame in the Soviet Union. Maybe for a game on American soil.

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IceFire has a point there...

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I dont see anything wrong with a pickup truck. The civilians have a Cessna and sports cars. What would be so out of place with a truck?

Go for it I say. If they can afford a small aircraft and a multitude of weapons and explosives, i dont think a little car is ogingto be a problem biggrin.gif

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Toyota pickup gonna be awesome for resistance, but I really want East German Terrorist Van tounge.gif

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just as long as it's not that PK in the boat that magically shoots 12.7mm

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There was a great looking red and white toyota (just like the ones that the taliban were using) for a MOD. I think it was for the Real War MOD that closed down.

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Well that could easily be changed in the config file, so i don't see a problem biggrin.gif , but, it might need a re-texturing job confused.gif


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This is more of along the lines of what I was talking about. Don't know about you guys but i don't think I have ever considered something like this hick or redneck. I wasn't asking about a Chevy duelly with a cattle trailer! biggrin.gif

I believe our armed forces' boys call these Technicals. It's to the left of the Humvee.



These pics came from a personal webpage here.


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