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AI has to be more aggressive with vehicle weapons

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I'm playing through a user-mission where I have to clear some villages. I have a HUMVEE, the one with the MK19 on top and a GPMG for the front passanger.

I have a total of 5 men, so I have 3 in the HUMVEE on the weapons and me and a gunner on foot. We got ambushed and taking some fire around us. ( I have AI set to around 70 awareness and 25 accuracy) so I bail out of the vehicle with my gunner and put everyone in danger. Well the guys on the heavy weapons didn't open fire at all and eventually died after 20 seconds of taking fire. :mad:

The enemy was in plane view and I dropped a few and the gunner was letting it rip with his SAW, but the MK19 adn GPMG were silent. Isn't that the whole reason of taking along a vehicle like that? To have a heavy weapon platform?

So far I find the AI useless using them like this.

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I continue to see friendly AI as not up to par - In terms of engaging enemies be it via small arms or vehicle mounted weapons - Both in spotting and in accuracy -

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I find it annoying when Bradleys use cannons instead of TOW missiles to engage enemy tanks and varius other little quirks like that.

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I find it strange when a tank will use it's MG on a building with enemies in it but never thinks of it HE rounds.

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I seem to notice that tanks and other vehicles with missile launchers mounted will only fire the missiles at infantry if they are a direct threat to the vehicle; and the round are always HEAT not HE which seriously reduces the likelihood of killing a large volume of infantry.

An example of this is the M1A1 in the editor, if it sees infantry it should use its MG on them. But setting a large volume infantry in buildings and behind cover it still uses it's MG unless an enemy has an AT weapon like an RPG, in that case the tank fires it's HEAT or Sabot round at them :confused_o:

Edited by vinc3nt

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Yup, he's aiming at you in building but in MP we know we're pretty safe :) in RL that wouldn't be the case ;)

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