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Warfare Benny Edition co-op question.

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Does anyone play coop with the Benny edition or any adition and get a good coop experience? I have notice that the enemy side (east) doesn't really defend their base. The game is won as soon as you find it, more or less. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Anyone have any suggestions?

Ask in the Benny Warfare thread?

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I suggest playing an actual coop mission. Warfare BE is a Team vs. Team, Capture the Island mission. I don't think it's fair to expect the AI enemy "commander" to have anything like the capability of a human to defend his base.

My $0.02.

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Benny's version is for player vs player...doesnt work correctly as a coop. There really isnt any good COOP Warfare for Arma 2 , but if you have the OA expansion installed you can play "Mountain Warfare" which plays ok as a coop version.

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I play it as coop often I just don't go after the enemy base, I tend to prolong it just for fun.

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Thanks for the tips. Some of of the old Flashpoint custom CTI games had great coop. Mostly the CrCTI.

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^ yeah true. MFCti was also pretty good with "Insane Opposition" or defend the base mode

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yep...those were the days (sigh)...Warfare has always been my favorite and most played mission over the years (since OF) personally speaking...it's really too bad that noone has had the interest to release a good coop version on the CAA1 version of SaraLite...the last good coop version of Warfare I played was one i modified for Arma1 on Saralite but i could never get it to play in arma2 with CAA1.

You COULD play Benny's version IF you play it in "assassination" mode. In that case it wont matter that bases have no defenses because to win you need to find the enemy MHQ vehicle (which changes its location on its own during the mission) and destroy it...so basically after building up some good cash by capping towns it becomes a hunt (although again, once you find it there wont be any defenses to speak of).

Im currently trying to get the OA "Mountain Warfare" mission working on Saralite with CAA1 because it at least has base defenses.

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What is CAA1?

I was wondering about how their MHQ was getting around all over the place. I set base areas to 4 in the setup and at the end of the game, they had 5 different bases.

Does vanilla Warfare play decent in coop? It seems to me that it did in Arma 1.

MFCTI was the schiznit for flashpoint, but we usually went with CrCTI for the variety of options it provided. Same with Arma1. It was easily customizable to add new vehicles to.

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CAA1 is an arma2 "add-on" you can download which basically installs and allows you to play in arma2 with all the original islands from arma1 (such as Sharani, Saralite, Rhamadi and some other 3rd party maps as well). Some folks still love to play on those islands but want to play on them on arma2 so they still get the new arma2 features. Personally I use it because you get much better FPS performance with Sharani and SaraLite than with Chernerus.

As for Vanilla Warfare in arma2, the only one worth playing right now as pure coop IMO is the Mountain Warfare edition included in the new official OA expansion package. The vanilla one that came with arma2, called "super powers" i believe, is pure crapola and is plauged with issues and bugs).

Yea the Warfare from Arma 1 was good. Thats the one i modded and played for a long time.

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I play Warfare BE 063 Lite on LAN setup, when I start the game I turn the cable modem off, and then play against the Ai.

I have it on expert with insane level Ai, and I only attack towns not Ai base, this makes for a brilliant game.

I also found out I can SAVE the game this way with resume and save, so anyone that wants to play it coop could save the game to play it later with those that played before the SAVE.

Only one player should need to save the game, and then all he has to do is send that saved file to his friends that played that coop game.

Then when you start Lan again you just use resume game and it should work fine.

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