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Just made some interesting tests with the big charge IED's:

One is enough to waste an M1A1 Tusk (although it's a rather unimpressive "delayed reaction" kill). To be extra sure of an immediate kill try, oh, FOUR charges <insert evil grin here - heh>. This isn't tough for one unit to carry - they still have room for 4 assault rifle magazines. ;)

Even more fun, set up a small parking lot of Taki Ladas, add a bunch of civilians, plant a large IED in the middle of them, run away and let'er rip. <insert another evil grin here - heh, heh>

A few things I would like to see though:

- Better variety of IED objects (I only see four - garbage, garbage large, ground, ground large - where did the dead dog come from in the BAF official trailer?)

- Bigger charges with more effects - check out this

from the JTD Mines mod (drag it ahead to about 50 secs for the fireworks) <evil grin again>

- Ability to set the countdown timer to other than 30 seconds

- Some sort of proximity and/or trip line fuse option

p.s. That in game video of JTD's IED seems to be a better representation of the real thing - see

(in both cases - drag it ahead to about 30 secs for the fireworks) Edited by KaBoNG

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I think being able to divide up the instances of the IED's placed is an essential.

Currently if you place 4 bombs (as with satchel charges) you are forced to det them at the same time.

Having an actual 'Mobile phone item' in your inventor (like the radio or compass) then you could assign each IED device to a phone number.

In order to detonate you have to tap in the numbers on the keypad, much like you do in the OA campaign mission 'Coltan Blues'

The engineers could also go through a 'which wire do I cut' mini-game in order to disarm.

Would make the whole process a bit more involved.

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VBIED = Vaporware Based Improvised Explosive Devices? ;)

Isnt' vapourware, just not available to anyone at the moment. We just did a whole recode from scratch so it's still a while away.

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I don't understand this lust for bigger explosions, I really don't. I think explosions, especially "big ones", in Arma are generally boring compared to the real deal, and I got to play with it as an engineer. The IEDs you read about in the real world doesn't seem to cause catastrophic kills to heavier and protected vehicles even if crew and cargo may get killed.

I was very happy to have some lower yield stuff finally :p Enough to stop vehicles and cause confusion, but still allow a fun firefight.

Way too much utter destruction going on. Recently played Domination on a clan server. They had changed the rules so artillery was practically constantly available... To themselves... All well, but... They were constantly shelling each target, there wasn't many buildings standing at each target. Who wages modern warfare like that? I thought it was all about avoiding collateral damage, not causing as much as possible.

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I don't understand this lust for bigger explosions, I really don't.

I actually agree. :) It was quite a trick to get a smaller-feeling explosion/damage effect for the bounding mines.

Anyway, I don't have OA (yet), but am interested in more information about the IED implementation, as I'm kinda competing (in a friendly way) :) with rexehuk to get an IED package out. Are there any wiki bits or utube vids about it?

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Perfectly reasonable if you ask me. West have most of the technology, east should have most of the improvised stuff. In fact I'd love to see a lot more of this stuff for east (and insurgents). Let everyone have their uniqueness. It's supposed to be assymetric. Addons will make everything blend anyways.

Ok then let us prevent US soldiers from picking up an AKSU-74 because Osama has one next to him in his videos.

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I don't understand this lust for bigger explosions, I really don't. I think explosions, especially "big ones", in Arma are generally boring compared to the real deal, and I got to play with it as an engineer. The IEDs you read about in the real world doesn't seem to cause catastrophic kills to heavier and protected vehicles even if crew and cargo may get killed.

Well, I liken it to an arms race. The west up-armours vehicles and reduces casualties, insurgents respond with bigger bombs. Never mind reading about them - have a look at some of the video on the web. There are some frighteningly powerful real world IED explosions. Here's one compilation of some very nasty ones. There are many others.

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I always wondered why mounting an air vehicle is not restricted to pilots only. I mean, why having such pilot units anyway? Same with heavy armor and crewmen.

Well sir, wonder this instead, is being a pilot merely a costume or mode of dress?

Are the only pilots in the military the guys who were jumpsuits?

Just because they can fly, does that mean they can not be trained in other skills and be well armed?

Less than five minutes in Google and you'll find the answer to those questions to all be no, so then why have it restricted in the game based on what the character is wearing and what weapons and skills he has.

As for reality excuses on IEDs, all sides have NVGs in game and that's not reality either and the west generally has better training than some Insurgent too, but I don't see my character shooting any better based on that either, so...

Edited by callihn

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