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There is a nimda in my arse!

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I NEVER get virusus, now I have 10 instances of "Nimda" on my shit.. what is this little whorehole?

im runnins Norton AV 2002 and it says:

Infected: 10

Repaired: 10

so I guess its ok now?

wait.. not it says it couldent quarnteen 4 files.. all called "readme.exe"

and asked to delete.. then after it did that it said "0 files deleted"

so im trying to find these files.. but cant


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ok I did a regedit and found the only instance of "readme.exe" and deleted the reg entry.. so far Nortard hasnt found it again...

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I've heard from a lot of people that Norton is really annoying, have you had that experience Wobble?

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its annoying if you dont set it up to your tastes.. mine is set to just scan e-mails and do a weekly full system scan..

but by default its really in the way alot.. scanning everything you do..

I Like it, its easier to update the virus defs than MCaffe IMO..

on a side note It appears I got the virus from an e-mail from "ja net" I mailbombed them

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The only way to have a reasonable level of protection from viruses is to scan everything, but as you guys noted, there is a cost associated with that. You basically have to decide for yourself how much protection you need, and the defaults err on the side of paranoia. If you know what you are doing, you can get away with less of a performance hit.

Regarding mail-bombing the sender (or perceived sender) of the virus, I wouldn't bother -- the SMTP mail header makes it trivial to forge the mail source, and other times the sender doesn't even know that they had a virus, and unknowingly and unintentionally passed it on. For all I know, Wobble's system did the same before he discovered the virus.

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well I spamed Janet because they are COCKS.. they are one of the nets most annoying spammers, and hard to block because they change their name as such


J anet

Ja net

Jan et

Jane t

Ja n et

.etc etcetc

and you have to block them all

I have them blocked like 17 times and they still get through


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norton creates its own problems, to fool you into thinking the program works!! tounge.gif

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ps. i also get MASSIVE spam,, from hardcore porno sites,, MAN i swear i didnt opt into their mailing lists.

when i try to opt out of then i get a mailor daemon error saying the address doesnt exist, SUCKS ASS.

now im bombed with 20 odd porn emails a day, and i cant block them because they come from millions of different addresses..

funny thing is, when i get the emails it says , "here is a result of the survey you took part in" so my perants think i signed for it..

they even say they are from my friends email addresses which means they are using a form of spyware on me.

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Email spam sucks bigtime....I got sick of seeing this shit in my inbox:

"Hi I'm Candi, come and see me and the other naked cheerleaders at our new site"

"Worlds largest online casino"

"Buy Viagra online"

"Declined for every major credit card? No problem..."

"Enlarge your penis"

It got so bad I had to change my email address, so far I've been lucky. The annoying thing is that they are mostly sent from temporary addresses that you can't even respond to. You add them to your blocked list, and within a couple of days you get another mail from the same company from a slightly different address. It should be made illegal.

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the best ones are "to be removed from our mailing list just send a blank e-mail to: (address)

of course all this does is let them and everyone else know that your address is valid and that you read yer e-mail.. so guess what..

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Hey Wobble,

You can go to www.sarc.com and get the descriptions of what the virus does as well as removal tools.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ April 30 2002,06:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">in my inbox:

"Hi I'm Candi, come and see me and the other naked cheerleaders at our new site"

"Worlds largest online casino"

"Buy Viagra online"

"Declined for every major credit card? No problem..."

"Enlarge your penis"<span id='postcolor'>

You know those messages are a result of advanced marketing research and sent to you because you fit the profile tounge.gif

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