dale0404 5 Posted August 11, 2010 (edited) I asked Placebo to combine 2 threads of mine which involve 2 of the missions which I have created for the community, this he has now done and I take this opportunity to thank him. Right then, this thread will contain all the missions that I make and I plan on making quite a few!! So, the first one is: 1. Outmanned... Outgunned... The mission will give you 5 objectives and an extraction point to reach. Please do the objectives in order, it will add to the gameplay. You will blow things up, kill someone and also collect evidence of what you need to do in the mission. The first objective is to collect the secret documents left by some Colonel. You will need to do this on your own, leave your team far enough away so that they wont interfere. If you are detected then you'll find it extremely difficult to do the first objective, trust me!! Also, try to think outside the box, it will help you to complete the objectives. Do you really need to kill everything to blow something up for example? I have used only the tools from within the game. I have only used the BIS functions via the use of triggers etc. No external scripts are used apart from 1 which I made. No addons are needed apart from Arma 2 and OA. Hopefully you'll enjoy it, it can certainly be challenging at times. Please leave any feedback good or bad! To install the mission, place the PBO in your missions folder within your Arma2 / OA folder. Above all I hope its a fun mission!!! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?q17ajfw7gb4as1d Armaholic Link: Outmanned... Outgunned... 2. Operation Bushmaster: This mission is very loosely based on an Afghan War Diary Entry from 2007. This is where a callsign part of Task Force BushMaster are attacked by over 100 insurgents throughout a 3 hour period. C42D (the Callsign) called in air strikes and artillery bombardment but the insurgents still kept coming. You could call this mission the Takistan version of Rourke's Drift, the famous battle where a small Platoon of British Soldiers held out against overwhelming odds. It has been stated that over 4000 Zulus were in Rourke's Drift yet the British Soldiers won the Battle. Finally they were rescued... You wont be. Download Links: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11907 Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?fsc1oocroo84cj0 3. Operation Bushmaster V2: This mission is very loosely based on an Afghan War Diary Entry from 2007. This is where a callsign part of Task Force BushMaster are attacked by over 100 insurgents throughout a 3 hour period. C42D (the Callsign) called in air strikes and artillery bombardment but the insurgents still kept coming. You could call this mission the Takistan version of Rourke's Drift, the famous battle where a small Platoon of British Soldiers held out against overwhelming odds. It has been stated that over 4000 Zulus were in Rourke's Drift yet the British Soldiers won the Battle. Finally they were rescued... You wont be. Changelog: In version 2 of this mission the waves of enemies you face will come once the previous wave has been eliminated. This will hopefully give you time to reorganise yourselves!! Each wave will start 20 - 30 seconds after the previous wave. Trust me though, it still aint easy!! Download Links: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12001 Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?jakpp4r5wileqm7 4. Medical Emergency. *** Save the Doctor *** The mission is simple, you HALO into Zargabad, locate the Doctor and extract. Place the file "resue.zargabad.pbo" into your \Arma2OA\missions folder. Play and enjoy. You will be inserted to one of the 4 points of the compass, N, E, S or W of the city by HALO at 5000 metres in the clouds. Search the marked houses on the map until you find the Doctor. Once found get yourselves to the Extraction Point, simple really. Oh yeah there might be some enemy around... Changelog: Version 1.2: First public release. Version 2.0: Fixed the end trigger. Slightly decreased difficulty. Version 3.0 Added save points at each house. Custom loading screen, hope you like it! D/L link (Mediafire): Medical Emergency v3.0 Armaholic: Medical Emergency v3.0 5. Investigation. I like quizes. So I thought I would incorporate this and Arma together. Will it get you thinking? I damn hope so!!! You will start with one task on your map screen. This is the first question. At each location you go to you will find a notice board, walk up to it to get the next question in the series. Answer all 10 to find the extraction area... The countryside is crawling with Takistan Army assets. Be it soldiers, trucks, technicals etc. There are also 3 T72s, lets hope you don't come across them!! Changelog: Version 1.0: Public Release. Version 2.0: Added more enemy! Debriefing is now the correct one... Added an engineer to your team to look after your vehicle... Game now saves at every answer location. Version 3.0: Custom Music. Changed the Hummer to a Bradley IFV. Added more enemy!! Chances are you will see more RPG enemy soldiers. Changed the T72s to 1 x BMP-2, 1 x BRDM-2, 1 x T34. Enemy Air Assets. Added Overview. Approx 2.5 hours of gameplay, if you manage to work out the clues!! Download: Investigation v3.0 (Mediafire) Investigation v3.0 (Armaholic) Edited April 14, 2011 by dale0404 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 13, 2010 I hope its a good mission then! Please peeps, if you have played leave me some feedback so that I can improve the future missions that I will be making. Cheers Dale Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old_painless 183 Posted August 14, 2010 Hi Dale, thanks for sharing the mission - just gave it a quick run. Hasn't made it through the first mission yet, but I'll let you know what I think. So far it's hard by yourself to retrieve the documents. I tried bringing my guys along for the firepower, but they were killed once the reinforcements arrived. I'll keep at it, though. Nice sneaky, hard mission. At first I didn't quite get the intro; one guy overlooking a village and did not respond to anything. I re-downloaded the mission, thinking I had a bad file. I then found out more or less by accident that I had to use Skip and then I was in the middle of the first mission. It confused me a bit, that he just stood there. No big deal, though. -OP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 15, 2010 Mate, thanks for the feedback. I aint got a clue what happens with the intro... I didnt make one! Regarding the first objective: Leave your team in the vehicle away from the first town, its supposed to sneaky, beaky stuff on your own. If your detected by the enemy then alot more will be on the scene and it will be 3 times harder! Hope that helps mate and once again thank you. I will have an updated version ready by tomorrow. Basically, you wont be able to end the mission without completing ALL objectives. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted August 15, 2010 Mate, thanks for the feedback. I aint got a clue what happens with the intro... I didnt make one!Regarding the first objective: Leave your team in the vehicle away from the first town, its supposed to sneaky, beaky stuff on your own. If your detected by the enemy then alot more will be on the scene and it will be 3 times harder! Hope that helps mate and once again thank you. I will have an updated version ready by tomorrow. Basically, you wont be able to end the mission without completing ALL objectives. :D I parked my vehicle about 300 meters away, sneaked in with one squad mate, was detected...........the vehicle blasted everything dead anyways........ Not that hard with the vehicle because it's a monster killing machine:D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old_painless 183 Posted August 15, 2010 Hm, weird about the "intro" or whatever the "Skip" command made go away. I am patched to 1.52, if it can make any difference, running Combined Operations with no mods. Nice tip about the vehicle, Kommiekat, I might try that once I give up on sneaking! Gonna try a sniper first - didn't one of the team members have a sniper rifle? -OP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 15, 2010 I suppose it depends on how many enemy are at the first objective seeing that its a random number between :D and :( lol each time you play. Depends then whether you sneak in or go in guns blazing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 16, 2010 Ok, updated the mission a little and hopefully improved it. Things added: Military Symbols Module now working correctly. Surrendering Module. A little surprise! First objective now automatic. You cant finish the mission without completing ALL the objectives. Tweaks here and there. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?l2ibaxmyly82pbe ---------- Post added at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ---------- Armaholic link updating soon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TAW_T-Bone 10 Posted August 17, 2010 Is this a single player mission or can you play it as multi too? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 17, 2010 Its only single player mate but I am sure someone could turn it into MP. I aint doing it because I cant get my head around the locality thing. :D ---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ---------- Armaholic Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11694 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TAW_T-Bone 10 Posted August 17, 2010 Any volunteers????? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 18, 2010 (edited) This is version 1.2 (and hopefully final) of my mission. Hopefully I have removed all dependency on Arma 2 and you only need OA. Please tell me if this is not the case. Changelog 1.2: Changed all enemy to Takistani Militia. Briefing now reflects new enemy. Briefing now works as it should. Removed 4 x soldiers from your team. Removed APC and replaced with 2 x APV. Changed loadout of your team. No NVG's! Added items that you will probably need to 1 of the APV's Changed time at start. Increased difficulty a little. All objectives must be met before you are able to finish mission. Changed spawn positions of enemy a little (No more crawling). Added a 'composition'. The dogs are still in there! And its still raining... Hopefully this mission is challenging to one and all... Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?7iadd7nr9rkr19n Armaholic link will be updated.... Edited August 31, 2010 by dale0404 Spelling Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 18, 2010 Armaholic link now reflects the 1.2 version (Latest and final, hopefully unless there is some major mission breaking errors). Armaholic link in first post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 18, 2010 Peeps, if you play this mission then please leave me feedback so that the next missions I create can be better than the ones previously, dont hold back, if you think its shit, tell me but at least explain why its shit!! Cheers Dale Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 28, 2010 (edited) This mission is very loosely based on an Afghan War Diary Entry from 2007. This is where a callsign part of Task Force BushMaster are attacked by over 100 insurgents throughout a 3 hour period. C42D (the Callsign) called in air strikes and artillery bombardment but the insurgents still kept coming. You could call this mission the Takistan version of Rourke's Drift, the famous battle where a small Platoon of British Soldiers held out against overwhelming odds. It has been stated that over 4000 Zulus were in Rourke's Drift yet the British Soldiers won the Battle. Finally they were rescued... You wont be. Download Links: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11907 Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?fsc1oocroo84cj0 Edited August 29, 2010 by dale0404 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted August 28, 2010 Ooooh looks good! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 28, 2010 (edited) Mission is now available on Mediafire, will update links to include Armaholic as soon as. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?fsc1oocroo84cj0 Features: British Armed Forces Custom British Ammo Box Filler Overview Single Player Mission Replayabiliity! You'll want to 'get further' than last time! Those British Accents :D Mortar Support A surprise if you manage to make your way to the Extraction Point Just to let you all know, the furthest I have got is the 6th Wave of enemy, it gets extremely hard after that. Would be a perfect mission for a multi-player environment, if someone could port it to MP I would be very grateful! It is a fun mission, slow to start but oh boy does it get going! I don't think there are any bugs in it but if you find some then please let me know! All feedback welcome. Cheers Dale Btw, there is no readme, place the PBO file in your \missions folder as usual. Edited August 28, 2010 by dale0404 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted August 28, 2010 Wy eye, cannae bag of tudor. For these crisps I'd climb a moontan! Sounds good mate. Will give it a go. What needs to be done to make is dedi compatible? Spawns? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 28, 2010 (edited) Wy eye, cannae bag of tudor. For these crisps I'd climb a moontan!Sounds good mate. Will give it a go. What needs to be done to make is dedi compatible? Spawns? Break it open mate, I aint to good with MP and JIP stuff, the triggers will go haywire I reckon! ---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ---------- Just reading Zipper5's thread about his missions (looking cool mate btw) and someone decided to post this in that thread: Can anyone tell me where I can d/l the User Mission, Town Contact, and will it work with ARMA2 OA? Thanks. Why I don't know. Maybe if you try Operation BushMaster it will solve your problems India51B? Edited August 28, 2010 by dale0404 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted August 29, 2010 Updated the first post to include the Download links. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DDI 0 Posted September 1, 2010 Is the AI accuracy tweaked at all? It seems like I get hit on the first shot as soon as they see me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted September 1, 2010 Is the AI accuracy tweaked at all? It seems like I get hit on the first shot as soon as they see me. No mate, its not tweaked at all, default settings. I am going to change when the 'waves' happen though, you clear one wave then another one will start soon afterwards. Rather than your still fighting the first wave for example then a trigger pops up saying that wave two is on its way. Will give you a little bit of restbite at least! Or do people think the mission is cool as it is?? Cheers Dale Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bascule42 10 Posted September 2, 2010 A Kobayashi Maru mission. Nice...Dl'ing now. Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted September 3, 2010 Let me know what you think mate, I will be uploading a new version today which involves what I wrote in the post above yours. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted September 4, 2010 Just to let you all know, the mods have combined both the Outmanned... Outgunned.... and the Taskforce Bushmaster threads into one like I asked them too. All my missions will now go into this thread and I will update the first post accordingly. Cheers Dale Share this post Link to post Share on other sites