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Fox '09

addon optimization

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wasn't sure if this is the right place, but..

Lets say you have a generic troop addon , all in the same camo, same base model.

Ideally, you you would have 3 textures, 1 with the 'base', and two or so for the gear. Right? Makes sense, but how would you go about doing units with 100 percent different 'base' textures, with different camos etc also needed for the gear?

would you put all of the 'camo'd' gear on one texture (so in rows, there would be say, DCU, Woodland, UCP), and all of the gear without camos on another?

I ask this because in the future i am going to optimize some of my upcoming units, but I would like to know the best approach.


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It depends on model really.

Ideally, you should have the least amount of sections (=the least amount of individual textures per mesh). Even with multiple camo patters, you can have everything Uved in the same uv space, then texturing those individually

1. You could use hiddenSelection on gear depending on how you'd like those units to look like, and have everything, or as much as possible in the same UV Space.

2. You could have One base mesh, and additional modelled gear with their own texture (not really advisable): IE: weapons have a texture for the base weapon, and additional scopes, GL etc their own (since those have been actually modeled separately)

There is no real recipe to this. It depends on your layout, on complexity of the model, and so on and so forth. One rule of thumb with BI engine is that while poly count is not all that problematic, section count is (BI units have around 8-15 sections for instnace)

Edited by PuFu

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Talking about sections, not only the amount of different textures can raise sectioncount but also rvmat files.

Let's assume you have only one texture. Let us also assume that some parts don't have assigned rvmat, some parts use a toned down rvmat and a final part uses a shiny rvmat. Makes at least 3 sections, although you only have one texture.

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Myke is right, i have assumed Fox alreary knew what a section is. Thanks for filling the gap

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thanks guys, will keep this in mind.

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as i work on my sf units , I notice my section count is at 17... but the only 4 textures i have would be the body texture (ca\..), foxus_sfoperator_co.paa, ciras_co.paa, and foxus_hats_co.paa. All of which , except for hats, are assigned to their corresponding rvmats. I dont understand.. maybe it's cause my other LODs have more sections?

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splendid' date=' thank you orson![/quote']

thanks to feersum.endjinn :cool:

Most of the info people need is in the archives , god help us if BIS ever loose the server :eek:

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