gebageba 10 Posted May 13, 2011 >Ringosis that's fantastic! thanks!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted May 15, 2011 (edited) AFAIK, 2.57 is latest, CG. Hehe, yeah. I indicated I had the v version, apparently there was released both a q and a z version. The z version is the latest I could find, but had to grab it from playing servers, where you never know what kind of home edits you get. Anyhow, running it, the server generated 14 of these errors in the server.rpt file: 4:55:50 Error in expression <ntCompletionRadius (0 + random 10); if (count _timeout > 0) then {_wp setWaypoin> 4:55:50 Error position: <count _timeout > 0) then {_wp setWaypoin> 4:55:50 Error count: Type String, expected Array,Config entry 4:55:50 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\x_server\x_f\x_serverfuncs.sqf, line 385 Unsure what the compiled line number is, but (0 + random 10) is only found twice, on line 504 and on line 566, in functions MakePatrolWPX and MakePatrolWPX2 respectively. I'm not able to trace back anything where _timeout (_this select 3) is ever a string. It's either empty (x_server\x_isledefense.sqf) in which timeout is not set, or set with proper values as far as I'm able to see. Anyone have a clue? Server did crash eventually, without exiting (server.rpt had errors), although I think it was more related to latest exe beta than the mission and errors there. Will roll back to last stable beta (I'm always crashing out after some time with latest), and try there. Edited May 15, 2011 by CarlGustaffa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackforest_rumbler 0 Posted May 19, 2011 Hi everybody, i searched for this issue but wasn't able to find it: I am currently modifying Domination Lingor, OA-Version, not ACE. Did anyone else notice that, no matter what you choose on the "Only Pilots can Fly"-Parameter in the lobby, only the lead pilot ist able to fly the lift-chopper? If I get in as a "ordinary" pilot it kicks me out and says "You are not allowef to fly!" even though i can fly any other air-vehicle! Backgroudn is that I want to add another Lift-chopper (in lingor-Version there ist only one per default) and figured out how to do this (at least i think i did), but this only makes sense if several pilots or who ever can fly lift choppers simultaneously! I found out that in i_client.sqf theres a line called "d_only_pilots_can_fly" and that this array has to be left empty if you want to have anyone being able to fly. So does this mean I just have to leave the []-Brackets empty? What parameter do i have to choose on "Only Pilots can fly" then to get this working? Or what do I have to put inside the brackets? Classnames or the text (name) from mission.sqm (in case of Lingor Domination the 4 pilots are called pilot_1 to pilot_4 here)? I think I tried out all possible combinations, but none seemed to work...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darkguerilla 10 Posted May 19, 2011 @Tyran107 You can do it that way or go to the description.ext and change the value to whatever you want. @VirusLived I suggest making a mission with markers and placing appropriately named markers where you want these things to be. Then translating that into where it is supposed to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted May 20, 2011 The parameter d_only_pilots_can_fly is meant only for awarded air vehicles iirc. Everybody can fly the respawnable vehicles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted May 20, 2011 Yes, CG. I think it's original meaning was only_pilots_can_fly (attack aircraft). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 8, 2011 Although, in the ranked game, you can assign a minimum score to be allowed to pilot the wreck chopper. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted June 9, 2011 Possibly, I don't play the ranked version. I can't stand joining as a machinegunner/AT and not have access to machineguns/AT weapons - I'm there to do a specific job dammit :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 9, 2011 Oh I know. I give the full ammo box to players but use the improved scoring system in ranked. But i can then turn weapons limited on if there's a lot of players and the AT missile spamming is getting a bit much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted June 9, 2011 (edited) Speaking of ammo. I suggest taking out the MLRS from the main target reward list. Pretty much reaches anywhere, and combined with an ammo truck (not sure but I believe they may have infinite ammo cargo going for them)... Well, you get the picture :( Edit: I made my own ammo crate system in my version that has it's own type of limiting. I found it annoying in regular Domination to have a full crate of items you're not allowed to use. I'd rather have by class limited availability, in order to reduce the crate contents as having everything makes it horrible to browse. Will hopefully improve in Arma3 where we get customization of weapons rather than a bunch of similar weapons. Edited June 10, 2011 by CarlGustaffa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fasterthanlight 10 Posted June 9, 2011 Where is the array to define West Route, East Route, Complete Ordered, ETC? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strikor 10 Posted June 9, 2011 d_MainTargets in description.ext and d_maintargets_list in init.sqf. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 10, 2011 Speaking of ammo. I suggest taking out the MLRS from the main target reward list. Pretty much reaches anywhere, and combined with an ammo truck (not sure but I believe they may have infinite ammo cargo going for them)... Well, you get the picture :(Edit: I made my own ammo crate system in my version that has it's own type of limiting. I found it annoying in regular Domination to have a full crate of items you're not allowed to use. I'd rather have by class limited availability, in order to reduce the crate contents as having everything makes it horrible to browse. Will hopefully improve in Arma3 where we get customization of weapons rather than a bunch of similar weapons. The MLRS is long gone from mine. I have the Brits down in Manara and the Taki army in Rasman (Two Teams version). You're right, I wish the class limiting system only showed weapons each player is allowed, it'd removed much of the clutter. I suppose that could be done now though, is that what you've done? Moving on to prize arrays, one of the changes I'm most proud of is the side mission prize system. Instead of SMs giving vehicles, they now give abilities; Engineer infinite repair, MASH build, MHQ spawns AA pod, Repair point functionality, wreck rebuild functionailty, Fuel truck, repair truck, Arty call, Air support, Engineer can detect IED, early warning of enemy air raid. All these are removed from players at start and are won by doing side missions. It stops the base getting filled up with unused prizes and makes the side missions much more worth doing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted June 10, 2011 Sounds reasonable. Hmm, AA Pod? Probably a good idea for my "tube team". Mine is more infantry oriented; much less armor at targets, and much bigger area. So anything heavy is out of the question for me. Instead I give them a random selection of artillery rounds, and if enemy have radar, they will spot the incoming round and those close to impact zone will flee. Kinda cool to watch :D It makes them harder to hit with arty, but gives you a fire opportunity. Works in reverse too. When they call in arty on us, they will suppress like crazy from everywhere to pin us down to make the arty work. Looks awesome at night, when AI lights up the battlefield with artillery and GL based flares (and is aided by it, which needs additional lights). Always fun to see people take cover behind a rock, not realizing that 5 ZUs shooting at it will destroy the cover <big grin> So for side missions, I give HMMWVs and a few rounds of artillery ammo. Smoke is particularly valuable as you get chance to get close undetected, and getting close is key for them to be forced to use only smoke themselves. 5.56 at ranged fights = fail, they just won't drop. For main targets I give Strykers, AH-6/UH-60 as only "air support". I have one artillery operator with limited arty range (from fixed point on map), and one mortar operator (spotter on sniper team) who have unlimited ammo, but is limited to the main target area (imaginary mortar team moves there for each target, while imaginary artillery base is fixed throughout mission). Air and armored support is complete overkill in my version - taking out everything with an A10 or Abrams solo makes you think. For crates, I call them on creation also including the player. That way I can fill up each players crate individually (since they are local to player). Also they are ammo crates, if you want guns you have to swap them out in the base and limits selection depending on class. Ammo crates have limited ammo per drop, but is allowed to be dropped quicker than regular. Makes people visit MHQ often, and their artillery (they also have mortar bases around which does fake shooting, even if radio tower is down) tries to estimate targets position after flight time. Since I have more realistic lifting, I have to use HMMWV ambulance as MHQ, and they don't take a whole lot of artillery splash damage. Their arty/mortar is extremely effective, even with increased dispersion, and spotting rounds to give us a warning. So there is some counterbalance going on there. I'm not restricting weapon usage, but if a buddy gives you his only MAAWS (there is only one in the whole game) and he exploits it by re-entering the mission, the guy with the MAAWS he's not supposed to have won't get ammo for it (unless it's the ammo bearer). However, in the vehicles there are typically some additional M136 and other custom stash, so there should always be options how to solve things. To me it's obvious, but some complain about missing stuff without even reading the notes - they want everything on a silver platter. Well, not from me :) I did have an extensive intel system going on earlier, which was implemented in vanilla. Unfortunately it was made so that only one guy could have intel, where I used to have chance of intel on just about any AI leader. So many hours played, and I've only found intel once, as the main target secondary mission it appears in is kinda rare. So in the typical 8 target session, you'll be lucky to find one or two pieces of intel (of 8 possible iirc). What's up with the rewards? We typically play regular Domination (I have bugs in mine that makes it unplayable after some time, and I have no idea where to look) with only side missions, so there are none (which is fine). Tried a regular game, and completed all side missions and main targets. Result: 1 A10, 3 AH64, 3 UH60, 2 AH-6, and the rest (about 40?) was M1 Tanks and M6 Linebackers - that's it. No Strykers or IFVs at all, but a serious shitload of tanks. As most went unused, the base looked ridiculous :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 10, 2011 That's the nice thing about using the Brits. No MBT. Sure the Warrior is overpowered, but it's nothing compared to an Abrams and a LOT more fragile. I have no player teams fixed wing either. The airsupport is scripted and flown by friendly AI, but AI pilots suck so bad in this game, I might take them out. We aren't infantry orientated like you. But if you play as the brits, you don't get to use any heavy armour, but you come up against plenty. Then of course, we have the option of playing as Taki Army, who are basically lightweight Russians. but they do get T72 etc. The Two Team version is such fun, especially when you get enough guys to fill both teams. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chiefredcloud 10 Posted June 11, 2011 Gentlemen I may or may not have breached this question beforer, here. Some how in our (AGE moddifications to Dom OA) moddifications we have bunged the repair facilities. Meaning, when they are destroyed they do not come back. It does give you the normal option (to an Engineer) to repair the facility. And it tells you like normal that it will take awhile. But then it is never repaired. The settings are at YES in the options menu for Dom-OA so that isn't it. Any ideas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 11, 2011 Have a look in the RPT files for any errors, both server and client. IIRC, it takes a long time, how long have you left the rebuild going? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chiefredcloud 10 Posted June 12, 2011 (edited) Have a look in the RPT files for any errors, both server and client.IIRC, it takes a long time, how long have you left the rebuild going? I'll have to check with our ArmA 2 Guru as I'm just a flatfoot trying to reason this out. Thanks though. By rebuild, are you refering to the time it should take the repair area to be fixed or the running of the game? to try and answer this once the repair area is down, it's down. It only goes through the motion of repair. As for how long the computer/server was running. It really makes no differance. Even after the server, not just the game, has been reset the arewas are the same. Once down, they do not come back. Edited June 13, 2011 by ChiefRedCloud Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ven 10 Posted June 13, 2011 (edited) How do I add ied (improvised explosive device) in domination so that there are as randomly appearing on the roads and along them, and a suicide bombers. I use domination with ACE. Examples: P.S. Sorry for google translate. And another one question: how to delete main target marker, or change fill of circle (in x_setupplayer.sqf , line 392)? And another: how to increase the number of guards near main-target radio tower? Edited June 13, 2011 by Ven add a question Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fasterthanlight 10 Posted June 13, 2011 Where are the side missions arrayed? Is it the same as finding the coords for the cities and renaming them? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted June 14, 2011 Look in the Domination x_missions folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ven 10 Posted June 14, 2011 (edited) How to make it run several mains, for example, one large and the principal, plus a few smaller ones, with the secondary main target and radiotower is at large? Sorry for Google transate again. Edited June 14, 2011 by Ven Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 14, 2011 How to make it run several mains, for example, one large and the principal, plus a few smaller ones, with the secondary main target and radiotower is at large?Sorry for Google transate again. Not really advisable unless you have a HUGE power server. Even when you have a Domination with some of the fat trimmed off and some of the bugs squashed, servers sometimes struggle a little with one main mission, I dread to think what two main missions would do. In any case, the whole code is written around there only being one main mission at a time. If you really wanted to, you could massively increase the size of the side missions, making them much more of a challenge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ringosis 10 Posted June 15, 2011 Not really advisable unless you have a HUGE power server. ^This...Domination already runs pretty close to the limit of what most servers will handle before they implode. It would be extremely complicated to add multiple new targets at the same time and you'd probably find it would have unplayable amounts of desync. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fasterthanlight 10 Posted June 17, 2011 Where are the side missions arrayed? Is it the same as finding the coords for the cities and renaming them? Thank you for helping me on this. Do I only have to edit the "m" folder, or do I also have to edit "mev" and "moa" for the single side mission to work? Also, are they randomized during the game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites