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Larius Lacus - 40x40 km terrain

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Hi all, I would like to show you the project I'm working on...Larius Lacus!

Larius Lacus is a 40km x 40 km terrain based on a real region of North Italy, Lake Como (Larius Lacus is the latin name).

Here is a picture of the area of the terrain...


Here you can find some screenshots in game...



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looks nice!

not a fan of the orange trees, how about using just all pines from a2?

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+1 to fox. PLEASE dont use the orange trees. They look horrible and ruin FPS.

The pines for A2 would be fine, or if your planning on it being for OA and A2, you can use the amazing pines from OA!! That would be the best solution.

Some orange trees would be fine, but from the screens it looks like overkill.

Nice project though. Very large! :)

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Well, this is the autumn version...When I will return from holidays I will try to change something. My goal is to create a version for each season....when this version will be complete, I will sobstitute trees with "Sommervegetation" and winter trees (if it's possible, Thirsk Island has Winter trees but I don't know if it is possible to use them...I have to ask).

I would like also to create new objects/buildings (italian/swiss), cold war era and WWII era...I think this terrain will be perfect for WWII addons.

I really hope to finish all these things, I've another idea to finalize....:D

P.S: Sorry for my english :)

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