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CH Specialized Arsenal

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CH Specialized Arsenal v0.94

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This script is mostly designed for mission makers who have basic understanding of scripts and want to fine tune their mission. It allows you to create specializations for Arsenal, configure available items and number of slots for every class.


1. Copy "CHSA" folder to your mission folder.

2. Add following code to "description.ext" file in your mission folder:

#include "CHSA\dialog.hpp"
class CfgFunctions
#include "CHSA\CfgFunctions.hpp"

3. (Optional) If you want Russian localization place "stringtable.xml" in root directory of your mission

4. Adjust config file(s) in "CHSA" folder (for more information see Сonfiguration section below).

5. Put any object in editor and add following code into Init line:

null = [this] execVM "CHSA\yourConfigFileName.sqf";


You can configure your classes, loadouts and slots through editing "config.sqf" in "CHSA" folder. Feel free to copy, rename and edit to your liking but be sure to keep main variables as well as the last line in the file.

Main variables:


- Arsenal will be available only for the given object

- Arsenal will be available for any member of the given group

- Arsenal will be available for any member of the given side (use
to make Arsenal available for everyone in the mission)

_restrictionDistance: Scalar - distance from Arsenal object where access to inventory will be limited (can't pick up items, dropped items instantly removed)

_specNames: Array of Strings - names of predefined specializations that will be available in game

_specSlots: Array of Scalar - number of slots available for corresponding specializations (Tip: to make slot unlimited set it to 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000; to make slot accessible only by automatically assigned units set it to -1)

_specTypes: Array of Arrays of Strings - class names of units that will be assigned automatically to corresponding specialization, if no matching class names found or all slots in corresponding class occupied, first specialization will be assigned. (Tip: to make slot accessible ONLY by automatically assigned units set it to -1)

_specItems: Array of Arrays of Strings - class names of items available in Arsenal for corresponding specialization. Items that listed in different specializations will be removed upon selecting class that doesn't include such items. Items that not listed in any specialization will not be removed. (Tip: to restrict some specific items, you can create "dummy class" with -1 slots and list all restricted items in it's loadout)

For advanced users:

You can access some variables attached to players and Arsenal objects for further use in your mission.

player getVariable "CHSA_objArray" - public variable, returns Array of Arrays in format [Arsenal object, Target who this Arsenal ment for, Index of specialization slot selected]. This variable can be used for limiting classes that can access certain vehicles. For example:

this addEventHandler ["GetIn", {
   _array = (_this select 2) getVariable ["CHSA_objArray", []];
   if !([box, sideUnknown, 7] in _array) then {
       hint "Only pilot can access this vehicle"; 
       moveOut (_this select 2);

This code will move out from the vehicle any player that hasn't selected class with index 7 from arsenal object called "box" which is available for everyone in the mission (sideUnknown).

(ARSENAL OBJECT) getVariable "CHSA_currentSlots" - public variable, returns Array of Arrays in format [Target, Array with numbers of free slots for every specialization].




- added: ability to have several Specialized Arsenals attached to the same object (as long as they have different "target")

- added: ability to reload/load another Specialized Arsenal during the mission (can be useful if "target" is a group)

- added: icons for action menu


- added: any gear that picked up through rearm action removed from inventory instantly

- changed: access to any containers in restricted zone is completely forbidden now

- changed: reworked dialogs


- changed: method how inventory restriction handled (hopefully it's more reliable)


- added: Russian localization

- changed: color of current specialization name for greater visibility

- fixed: method how occupied slots are handled (position could be occupied by auto-assigned units only if it has free slots or set to -1)


- beta release


Edited by Champ-1

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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CH Specialized Arsenal v0.91





- added: Russian localization

- changed: color of current specialization name for greater visibility

- fixed: method how occupied slots are handled (position could be occupied by auto-assigned units only if it has free slots or set to -1)

Edited by Champ-1

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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CH Specialized Arsenal v0.93




- added: any gear that picked up through rearm action removed from inventory instantly

- changed: access to any containers in restricted zone is completely forbidden now

- changed: reworked dialogs


- changed: method how inventory restriction handled (hopefully it's more reliable)

Edited by Champ-1

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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CH Specialized Arsenal v0.93



- added: any gear that picked up through rearm action removed from inventory instantly

- changed: access to any containers in restricted zone is completely forbidden now

- changed: reworked dialogs


- changed: method how inventory restriction handled (hopefully it's more reliable)

Thanks for posting a video Champ-1, it was nice to actually see what it does. Downloaded! ;)

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actually this is amazing !!

it's highly customizable

Keep it up!

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CH Specialized Arsenal v0.94



This is kinda important update, I rewrote good part of the script. Some variables have changed, for instance you can't use "missionNamespace" as "target" anymore. Be sure to update you configs, check readme for more information.



- added: ability to have several Specialized Arsenals attached to the same object (as long as they have different "target")

- added: ability to reload/load another Specialized Arsenal during the mission (can be useful if "target" is a group)

- added: icons for action menu


Edited by Champ-1

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Hey Champ,

as all off your scripts I adore this script. Since my group is specialized in training newbies how to play the game tactical the arsenal doesn't really help. Everybody grabs a sniper, missile launcher and explosives. This script helps me to keep their gear organized.

Anyway I have a question. Is there a possibilty to mae a whole group of items accessable? I'm speaing of every Insignia. Since we use Euroforce and other mods that bring some insignias with them its hard to put EVERY class name in the script.

We encounter a problem, that prevents us from loading saved gear since the insignias don't work. (we use Euroforce, which gives every member an insignia randomly!)

Many Greetings


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Hey Champ,

as all off your scripts I adore this script. Since my group is specialized in training newbies how to play the game tactical the arsenal doesn't really help. Everybody grabs a sniper, missile launcher and explosives. This script helps me to keep their gear organized.

Anyway I have a question. Is there a possibilty to mae a whole group of items accessable? I'm speaing of every Insignia. Since we use Euroforce and other mods that bring some insignias with them its hard to put EVERY class name in the script.

We encounter a problem, that prevents us from loading saved gear since the insignias don't work. (we use Euroforce, which gives every member an insignia randomly!)

Many Greetings


No, there is no way to load certain categories as of right now.

But I will release updated version which would work with XLA Fixed Arsenal. It allows to load classes even when certain items are missing.

For now you can check out this untested version. If it works it works, otherwise you will have to wait until I stop being so lazy.

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Ah, a bit lazyness is good. ^^

I'll test that tomorrow. Thank you for your help in advance!

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Ohh sorry I totally forgot to report back.

I tested it now. Seems to work quite well. Didn't encounter many problems!

The only "problem" I encountered is that TFR Radios will not be loaded (but that has something to do with TFR hands out personal radios so every radio is "unique")

So far its working great! Thank you!

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Ohh sorry I totally forgot to report back.

I tested it now. Seems to work quite well. Didn't encounter many problems!

The only "problem" I encountered is that TFR Radios will not be loaded (but that has something to do with TFR hands out personal radios so every radio is "unique")

So far its working great! Thank you!

It doesn't work for me now :D

I've been using older version of XLA and it was fine. And now it doesn't work for me.

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I'm not fully understand how to bring in my own Loadouts,especially from scripts. Could you please explain as for idiots? ;-)

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I'm not fully understand how to bring in my own Loadouts,especially from scripts. Could you please explain as for idiots? ;-)
You just need to copy classnames of allowed items. And they will be available in CHSA.

Check out "config.sqf" in the example mission and read description in the first post.

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It doesn't work for me now :D

I've been using older version of XLA and it was fine. And now it doesn't work for me.

Not for me, even with the new version of XLA it works just fine... ^^"

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So I did misunderstand the purpose of this script? I thought I'm selecting a class (configurable) and getting the specified stuff without the possibility to pick up not allowed stuff?

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I thought I'm selecting a class (configurable) and getting the specified stuff without the possibility to pick up not allowed stuff?
Yeah, that's right. You can't take items from arsenal that are not belong to your selected class.

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Hey Champ,

after long time I have to report a problem we have with that script (which is by the way...just wonderful)

The problem is (something I tackled on before) that we can't get our insignias.

We use insignias from the mod "Euroforce" by Indeedpete.

So we create our loadouts in the normal Virtual Arsenal by Bohemia (Learn -> Virtual Arsenal).

We only select items that are allowed for that specific class.

We also selcet an insignia. (These insignias are also on the white list for every class in the "specialized Arsenal"-Script)

When we then load the insignias in a mission, we get everything but the insignia.

Can you help me with that?

(These Insignias are kinda important for us, since we are an international group and showing our country we are from helps us identify eachother! ^^)

Many Greetings


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In MP 2 players seemingly random had their vests (but not backpack and weapon) disappear. What is causing that? It was far away from the arsenal.

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It appears the game runs the init for every unit placed in the editor again when a new player joins in progress. Is there a way to fix this?

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Hey Champ,

after long time I have to report a problem we have with that script (which is by the way...just wonderful)

The problem is (something I tackled on before) that we can't get our insignias.

We use insignias from the mod "Euroforce" by Indeedpete.

So we create our loadouts in the normal Virtual Arsenal by Bohemia (Learn -> Virtual Arsenal).

We only select items that are allowed for that specific class.

We also selcet an insignia. (These insignias are also on the white list for every class in the "specialized Arsenal"-Script)

When we then load the insignias in a mission, we get everything but the insignia.

Can you help me with that?

(These Insignias are kinda important for us, since we are an international group and showing our country we are from helps us identify eachother! ^^)

Many Greetings


Hey Champ, 

there hasn't been much going on here the last months. Is the project dropped (would be really sad since I love this)

I'm still waiting for an answer for my question from like 4 month ago. Hope you can help me with that.

(Please don't feel forced or hurried in any way! ^^")

Many Greetings


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