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remoteExect not working with commandChat
vladsz posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello, I'm trying to print something in the command chat (I'm quite new to Arma 3 scripting). This works 100% for the player character, but not so much for the playable characters. I have a squad of 4: one player and three remaining playables. 1. In Eden -> Attributes -> General -> Init: [] spawn UTIL_fnc_handleMissionStart; 2. I've setup a function library in Description.ext: // some CfgSounds // ... // Function library class CfgFunctions { class UTIL { class Print { file = "fnc"; class issueRadioCommand {}; class handleMissionStart {}; }; }; }; 3. fnc/fn_handleMissionStart.sqf: private _taskAssignmentDelay = 3; private _radioCommand = missionNamespace getVariable "missionStartRadioCommand"; private _groupName = groupId group player; private _message = _radioCommand select 0; private _duration = _radioCommand select 1; private _radioCommandDelay = 0; private _displayIntroText = { private _introTextDelay = 3; sleep _introTextDelay; [ ["Somewhere on Altis", 1, 1], [format ["Year %1", date select 0], 1, 1], [format ["Grid %1", mapGridPosition player], 1, 5, 3] ] spawn BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_SITREP; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THESE 2 WORK FINE: // [west, "HQ"] commandChat "hello world!"; // [[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], "Hello world!"] remoteExec ["commandChat"]; _message = format [_message, _groupName]; [] spawn _displayIntroText; sleep _radioCommandDelay; [_message, _duration] call UTIL_fnc_issueRadioCommand; sleep _taskAssignmentDelay; ["retrieveIntelTask", "ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; 4. fnc/fn_issueRadioCommand.sqf: params ["_message", ["_duration", 0]]; private _radioBeepDelay = missionNamespace getVariable ["radioBeepDelay", 0.5]; ["radio_beep"] remoteExec ["playSound"]; sleep _radioBeepDelay; [[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], _message] remoteExec ["commandChat"]; if (_duration > 0) then { sleep _duration; }; I haven't included the snippet for the missionNamespace variables, they are set in the init.sqf file. When I play as the player, everything works as expected: at some point I get a message in the command chat ([[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], _message] remoteExec ["commandChat"];). When I select a playable however, this doesn't work anymore. I do hear the ["radio_beep"] remoteExec ["playSound"]; but the command message never shows up. If I place the remoteExec directly into the fn_handleMissionStart.sqf file, it works for playables too, I can see the message. I didn't really understand how this remote execution works. Could someone please help me understand why is this working like this?- 1 reply
- scripting
- remoteexec
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