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Setup of Windows, Arma on HDD/SSD

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Hi there,

before setting up a new system and/or install Arma, there is already this

basic question that can influence Arma's general performance. It may not increase your fps dramatically but i think it should not be underestimated.

What is the best setup of Windows and ArmA on your drives ?

Let's say you got two drives:

1) HDD

2) SSD


Config 1:

SSD: Windows + Arma

HDD: pagefile

Config 2:

SSD: Windows + pagefile + Arma

HDD: data only

Config 3:

HDD : 2 partitions

- 1st: Windows

- 2nd: pagefile

SSD: Arma

There are a lot of configs possible, what do you think is the best ? and why ?

I think nobody likes to install Windows and Arma more often as needed.

So maybe we can have a proper sticky in the end ?


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hey mate, whats the rest of your specs?

i installed windows,pagefile and arma on the same ssd and then everything else goes on the HD, except for a few select programs. it works perfectly, tho i do have a powerful pc so i did not bother to try and see if there is any difference with the pagefile on a different drive.

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It was certainly the case at one point that something that made frequent writes to the SSD (like a pagefile) would speed up the demise of the SSD at an alarming rate. Now, I've been out of the loop with SSDs for a bit, and I know a good deal of improvements have been made, but I'm still not sure if it's safe to put the pagefile on an SSD.

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@Azer1234: I got a C2D on an Asrock AGP/DDR1 board, 2GB Ram, HD3850 AGP, OCZ Vertex SSD 60GB. But this is a general question only regading your drives!

@ch 123: All i know is that this issue is solved for most SSDs with a new firmware including the feature "Garbage Collection". But i guess it's still not recommended to put the pagefile on it if you got another HDD for it.

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Want to know this as well. Im getting a new system and i think ill get a big HD plus SSD and crap loads of RAM where i use RAMDRIVE for ARMA2 when playing. OS on the SSD, and then the rest on the HD (pagefile and junk). Cause the "junk" HD will not be in motion when i play A2 so my thaughts is that the pagefile will be working alone from it, and SSD working the system files while RAM's working the game files. So all work with "one" task each while playing.

But is it the best way? Im not really sure.

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Anybody heard something about SSD´s not working correctly if your HD is running in ADHCI- mode?

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Config 2:

SSD: Windows + pagefile + Arma

HDD: data only

That's me, and it works well.

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i would definately go with config 3.

If you give arma it's own hardrive you can't go wrong. Even better is using a RAM Disk... can be a bit of a pain to use setup though.

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What do you guys think? Under 100$ for SSD. Would it be helpful for arma?

not really, if you read further down:

If we compare it with OCZ's Vertex range we find a 30GB MLC vertex costs about $130 from an e-tailer and delivers up to 250MB/sec read and 180MB/sec write speed

the performance on the Onyx is a up to a mere read speed of 125MB/sec and write speed of 70MB/sec.

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The OCZ Vertex is only $30 more according to that site.... just go with that?

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@Alex72: Afaik, it's proven that a Ramdrive is reducing stuttering etc.. I think about that too, but it's sure not the cheapest solution. You pay for the extram RAM and a good ramdrive software.

@evilfury: I use a OCZ Vertex (2nd SSD generation) with an indilinx controller, very good performance and support. It doesn't have to be OCZ, but it should be based on this controller. Let's get to the topic now...

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Your link didn't work, i got this one:


If the overall performance increased is hard to say, depens on your rig. It increases your loading times and should influence the data streaming of the game. I think it doesn't increase your fps.

You shouldn't expect too much. If you got a new powerful PC (e.g. strong CPU + GPU) then i would recommend to buy a SSD to make it "complete". Otherwise you better first

spend your money for CPU /GPU.

Edited by gambla

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Well i have Q6600 3.4 OC and 5850 gpu. Is it worth to get or should i wait for bigger and cheaper SSD in future?

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@gambla: this is yours?


Does performance increase for you in Arma? And what about multiplayer, which is known as a problem due to massive amount of players/AI. Ty for answers.

Short answer, SSD's decrease loading times for games and offer little else performance wise (with respect to games) compared to a current, fast HDD.

Edited by BangTail

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